Military Technology

Chapter 2311 The best live ammunition interception demonstration in the field

Everyone present nodded after hearing his words. This is indeed a problem. No matter how advanced the intelligent automation of this medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle is, and how safe and reliable it is, I am afraid that no one will have the courage to really allow this medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle to turn on full automation for a while. It's combat mode.

In the eyes of many people, it is still not possible to truly fully trust machines and system programs at this stage.

This topic ends here, and it doesn’t make much sense to go deeper. So Wu Hao said no more and signaled the test to begin.

In the distance, four or five suicide attack drones were seen taking off and starting to hover in the sky. From a high-altitude perspective, everyone can clearly see these drones hovering in the sky.

Wu Hao, on the other hand, smiled at everyone present and introduced: "The second test mainly tests the battlefield anti-air defense performance of our medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle.

As you have seen, we have released a total of five suicide attack drones in the sky. These five drones are all our most advanced attack drones. Please see, they have built a cluster control system in the air. In other words, we can regard these five suicide attack drones as a small swarm ground attack system.

Next, we will use these five suicide attack drones to launch an attack on this medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle in the middle of the field.

This test mainly simulates how our medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle responds to tests related to intercepting various air strike weapons.

Among the many air-to-ground strike weapons, this cruising suicide attack drone has become the new favorite on the battlefield of the armies of various countries.

Compared with expensive air-to-ground missiles, this cruise-type suicide attack drone is not only cheaper, but also has the characteristics of long stay in the air, high accuracy, and powerful power. It has become an ideal ground armored vehicle for various countries to attack enemy forces. and target weapon.

Therefore, let’s see whether this medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle can cope with the continuous attacks of five cruising suicide attack drones. "

The attack begins!

On the large screen, the controller controlled the swarm ground attack system of five cruise-type suicide attack drones, selected and locked this medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle, and then confirmed the launch of the attack.

Immediately, the five suicide attack drones began to adjust their directions and began to attack two medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicles.

The first to attack were two suicide attack drones, one on the left and one on the right, one high and one low. They dived downwards and accelerated towards the medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle at a very fast speed.

As for the medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle, it also scanned the incoming target, immediately identified and locked it, and launched an attack.

Compared to intercepting ground targets, this time the turret's heavy machine gun fired more rapidly and rhythmically. It did not directly fire out a series of barrages, but fired out several barrages in a rhythmic manner, compiled in the air. It has become a big net.

boom! A suicide attack drone hit the barrage of bullets and exploded immediately.

After receiving the interception and explosion of the drone, another low-altitude raiding drone quickly made a rotation maneuver in an attempt to avoid the barrage compiled by the heavy machine gun on the medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle.

After detecting that the drone made evasive maneuvers, the medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle quickly adjusted the angle of the turret, and then fired several strings of bullets one after another.

Ta-ta-ta, tap-ta-ta-ta!

This high-speed maneuvering drone still did not escape. The bullets fired directly detonated, displaying a gorgeous firework in the sky.

The three drones that had been hovering at high altitude also launched an attack at this time. They attacked the medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle from three directions, and even a suicide attack drone even tried to attack the medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle. It is necessary to use the elevation blind spot of the turret machine gun of this medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle to carry out attacks.

This medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle turned its turret and launched an attack on the three incoming suicide attack drones.

Ta da da, da da da...

The bullets weaved several barrages in the air. Although there were tracer bullets, everyone still couldn't see clearly. They could only see the flames coming from the muzzle of the machine gun on the medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle, and the tracer bullets dragging the light out. line.

In the active defense system interface of the drone, you can see the bullets simulated by these intelligent systems flying in the air, as well as the three suicide attack drones marked in red. machine target.

Boom, boom!

The sky flashed twice, and then there was a sound. Two incoming suicide attack drones were shot up in the air! As for the most recent drone, it has been performing high-speed maneuvers and rolling movements, and has begun to drop sharply, hoping to use the terrain as cover to get closer to launch an attack.

However, this did not stump the medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle. It immediately started to launch attacks while driving. As more and more barrages were fired, the suicide attack drone finally failed to escape and was hit by a bullet on the wing. Then it lost control and somersaulted down, hitting the ground straight away. There was an explosion and a puff of angry smoke.


Everyone at the scene stood up and applauded. It was obvious that the series of live ammunition interception demonstrations had aroused the emotions of everyone at the scene.

At this time, everyone clapped and cheered, and started talking. It was obvious that everyone was shocked by the live ammunition interception process just now. There were too many words and too many emotions that they wanted to release and vent.

Okay, based on the performance just now, this equipment is very practical. Not to mention other things, if it is used to provide accompanying air defense support for the convoy, this performance is completely sufficient. A leader said excitedly as he took pictures of the case.

The other leaders nodded in agreement after hearing the words. Indeed, let’s not talk about the performance of this medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle. Let’s talk about air defense. The performance it just demonstrated is enough to provide air defense weapons from many processes. stand out and become the best.

Not to mention other things, it is a very good choice to use it to replace some old integrated artillery systems or anti-aircraft rapid-fire anti-aircraft guns.


Suddenly a leader asked Wu Hao: "Xiao Wu, can this active defense system be used separately and be equipped with some of our artillery and artillery integrated systems and air defense rapid-fire anti-aircraft guns to upgrade their new air defense capabilities?" Woolen cloth."

After hearing the leader's words, everyone's eyes lit up, and then they couldn't help but look at Wu Hao, waiting expectantly for his answer.

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