Military Technology

Chapter 2318 Do all weapons now know that they need to hit the last hit?

Upon hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone was stunned for a moment, then shook their heads and laughed bitterly. What, do all weapons nowadays know how to hit last?

What Wu Hao means is that this last smart mine is to check the damage of previous attacks. If the important target person is not dead, or if the convoy is still alive, then it will go after the damage and attack those who think it is Someone who got away with it.

This is simply too damaging and cruel. While the enemy was still lucky enough to survive the attack and secretly celebrating in their hearts, little did they know that danger had already befallen them.

Although everyone lamented that such a design was somewhat immoral, when they thought of using it to deal with enemies, everyone couldn't help but smile. Treating enemies does not require any kindness.

The test continued. This time, only a dilapidated vehicle appeared in the distance, and the vehicle began to slowly move towards the smokey minefield. Everyone also stopped communicating and turned to look at the scene, for fear of missing any details.

At this time, Wu Hao's voice rang again.

"Next we will show you our fixed smart mines. Compared with this kind of movable smart mines that actively attack, fixed smart mines, as the name suggests, are immovable. Like traditional landmines, they need Covertly deployed in some traffic arteries or other areas that need to be defended against enemies.

Compared with movable smart landmines, this kind of fixed smart landmines are cheaper to build and therefore more suitable for mass production of equipment and deployment.

It is equipped with the same sensors and intelligent attack systems as the mobile smart mine. The difference is that its attack is relatively passive and requires the vehicle to move within its attack range before it can detonate.

Compared with contact mines, its advantage is that it does not need to be touched, it only needs to be close to explode. This kind of mines can also be connected through the cluster control system to design the scope of the minefield or related attack tactics.

For example, it can form various mine arrays. When the convoy enters the minefield, it will not explode immediately. Only when the convoy enters the middle of the regular minefield will all the fixed smart mines be activated. In this way, the entire enemy convoy will be activated. You can be trapped in the middle of a minefield, and it is basically difficult to escape unless you have wings.

If it is combined with the mixed deployment of our anti-aircraft smart mines and anti-tank smart mines, then they will really be unable to fly. Anti-tank mines can directly attack mine-clearing vehicles or support response vehicles. As for anti-aircraft smart landmines, they can attack low-flying helicopters, drones, etc.

Even if they succeed in rescuing in the end, they will pay a very high price, but we only need to pay a very small cost. "

As Wu Hao finished speaking, this dilapidated and scrapped vehicle slowly drove into the minefield and exploded amidst everyone's expectations.

The explosion was not under the car, but on the side a few meters away from the vehicle. The entire explosion created a large dent in the side of the car. The door was twisted and deformed. There were many dense bullet holes on the door, as if it had been pierced by a hedgehog. The glass in the car was shattered and it looked very miserable.

Not to mention the vehicles, if people pass by without paying attention, they will definitely be blown into pieces by the vehicles.

And everyone also discovered something that is extremely scary when you think about it. During the mine protection and demining training of the armies of various countries, soldiers habitually focus on the ground they are going to walk with in front of them, feeling that they are walking in the ruts crossed by the vehicles and personnel in front. Prints or footprints will be fine.

As everyone knows, this fixed smart landmine does not need to be deployed on the road, does not require any accompanying wires, and can even be set up. If this kind of landmine is used for raids and guerrilla attacks, it will definitely be able to exert powerful combat effectiveness, because this thing is impossible to guard against.

And everyone can also imagine the situation Wu Hao just described. Even if the vehicles and people trapped in the minefield are lucky enough to survive the mine explosion, it is almost impossible to escape.

These enemies who are in urgent need of rescue can't get support and treatment. How desperate they are at this time. What is even more uncomfortable and helpless are the rescuers. They see their comrades dying, but they cannot come forward to rescue them. They can only watch them die. This feeling is absolutely unspeakable.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but glance at Wu Hao. They want to know who is it that would think of designing and developing such cruel and even AI weapons.

Wu Hao was a little embarrassed by everyone's gaze, then he smiled and shrugged and said: "In our view, war is a life-and-death struggle. Only by trying every means to eliminate the enemy can we survive and win.

Therefore, based on this, we also want to develop weapons and equipment that can defeat the enemy. Because funds are limited, we cannot invest as much money as many large companies do. We are unfortunate, our foundation is weak and we cannot withstand consumption. Therefore, every weapon and equipment is carefully designed, developed and polished by us before it is launched on the market. We hope to win the favor of users and sell more weapons and equipment to earn profits. "

Wu Hao's words also made many military leaders and business leaders at the scene nod in agreement. Indeed, compared with enterprises and units within the system, private enterprises are more competitive and understand the hard-won nature of every order. At the same time, they are also more aware of the pressure of input costs, so they are more eager to obtain orders, which also drives them to continuously improve technology and launch new products.

The addition of these private enterprises has also put great pressure on all major enterprises and units in the system. We were used to living a comfortable and stable life before, but now a group of private enterprises have rushed in and killed us, leaving us with no armor and armor, and we were completely defeated. If it weren't for the weak foundation of private enterprises and the special nature of this industry, I am afraid that these large enterprises in the system would have been defeated long ago.

The strong rise of Haoyu Technology, especially the launch of a series of advanced weapons and equipment, has undoubtedly felt strong pressure on these companies. This forced them to change their thinking, give up their previous comfortable environment, and start to focus on R\u0026D and production.

Large companies and units that were proud of Anxi before were also forced by this situation to bow their heads and seek cooperation. Although they still couldn't change the dandy habits they had for a while, they had changed a lot, at least for Wu Hao and the others. Maybe this was because they had grown stronger.

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