Military Technology

Chapter 2329 The next round of lunar exploration plan


"It can be seen that you care about and attach great importance to the development of the medical technology field. So why did you want to enter this field in the first place, and for what reason?" Jiang Nan asked.

"Actually, this also comes from a little story I experienced." Wu Hao said with a smile: "When our company was just established, we organized all employees to go to the hospital for physical examination. However, after our first inspection, we found that those in the hospital were not doing it for us. The equipment inspected are basically foreign products and very few are domestic.

We found an expert from a hospital and learned that the current advanced medical equipment and medicines in the medical industry are basically monopolized by major foreign medical giants. However, domestic related equipment and technology are still far behind compared with foreign advanced products. difference.

And this gave me a great sense of crisis. If one day we are unable to obtain these advanced medical equipment and pharmaceutical products from abroad, what should we people do? Will we not get sick, or will we get sick and wait to die?

So I secretly made up my mind at that time that I would change this situation in the future. So after our company was on the right track and had some spare energy, I decided to enter the field of medical technology. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao glanced at Jiang Nan, then smiled and said: "Actually, there is another reason why we decided to enter this industry, and that is that we saw the huge market potential in the pharmaceutical industry.

With the development of society and the continuous improvement of people's material living standards, everyone is paying more and more attention to their own health. Therefore, the demand for high-quality medical resources and advanced medical technology has become increasingly urgent.

In the past, this market was firmly controlled by foreign pharmaceutical giants, and the market we controlled was very limited. So if we can make a breakthrough in this area, we can not only break the monopoly of foreign pharmaceutical giants, but also gain access to huge domestic and even international markets. It can be said that we can achieve multiple things with one stone. "

"Looking from now on, you have done it. I heard that Anxi has gathered many patients from all over the country and the world who come to see a doctor." Jiang Nan said with a smile.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "No, we have not done enough. We have actually formulated a very long-term development strategy for this, and all the fans in our company and I are working hard to move forward towards this goal."

"Yeah, I believe you will succeed." Jiang Nan praised, then changed the subject: "What about the aerospace industry, in just a few years, you have made so many brilliant achievements.

In particular, the "Wangshu-2" intelligent lunar exploration rover launched this year successfully landed on the moon and has achieved many impressive results. Can you tell us all about the latest scientific research success of this "Wangshu-2" intelligent lunar exploration rover? I believe this is what everyone is most interested in right now. "

Wu Hao laughed when he heard Jiang Nan's question. Sure enough, he was waiting for him here. When he was reading the interview outline before, he had thought that Jiang Nan might ask questions in this regard, and sure enough, it turned out to be true.

"Currently, our 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar exploration rover has completed a multi-point exploration mission in the area near the Zhilifei Mountains on the moon, and has obtained a large amount of first-hand precious information. Especially the detection data of the composition of the deep lunar soil. Data, this is something that many detectors in the past have been unable to achieve.

Judging from our current detection results, the lunar soil is rich in mineral elements, and we have found more than 40 mineral elements in the detection area. Among them are the well-known ferromanganese, titanium, gold, silver, copper, aluminum, rare earths, etc., quartz, etc., and some are elements that we have not yet been able to identify. "

"Is it an unknown extraterrestrial element?" Jiang Nan's eyes lit up when he heard this and asked immediately.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "At present, it is possible. However, the performance of the laboratory equipment on our 'Wangshu-2' intelligent lunar exploration vehicle is very limited, and there is no way to analyze these in depth and accurately. Unknown element.

So we can only wait for our next exploration mission to send these lunar exploration soil samples back to the earth for inspection and analysis. "

"Oh, so your next round of lunar exploration plan has been finalized. Can you introduce it to all of us?" Jiang Nan grabbed the key point of Wu Hao's words and asked.

Wu Hao was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then nodded with a wry smile: "Yes, we have completed all the demonstration work for the next round of lunar exploration projects, and the relevant detection equipment is already in the development process.

We probably expect that from the end of summer to autumn next year, we will launch a return probe to the moon to demonstrate our Earth-moon spacecraft transfer technology and the landing and return technology of the probe to the moon.

By then, the soil samples collected by our "Wangshu" intelligent lunar exploration vehicle from various places on the moon, as well as the deep lunar soil samples explored by the "Wangshu-2" intelligent lunar exploration vehicle this time, will return with the probe. The capsule returns to Earth together.

If successful, we will be able to obtain soil samples from more than 500 areas on the moon, which will be of great scientific significance for our in-depth study of the lunar environment and the history of the birth, evolution and development of the moon. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused for a moment, and then continued: "After these soil samples are shipped back, we will separate some of them and hand them over to the state and relevant scientific research institutes for joint research.

As for the other part, we will also launch commercial cooperation and strive for more research institutions and social resources to join in, so as to accumulate strength for further promoting lunar scientific research and exploration.

In addition, during this exploration we will also transport a series of experimental equipment to the moon to prepare for the construction of our next lunar scientific research station.

For example, we will transport a lunar soil solid water extraction equipment in the next mission to experimentally separate the solid water in the lunar soil, laying the foundation for the next step of human lunar survival.

If we could master this technology, we wouldn't have to go further to get solid ice on the ground. Sufficient water sources can not only provide astronauts with ample oxygen, but also synthesize the fuel required for launch, providing fuel supplies for probes and spacecraft entering and exiting the moon, as well as probes heading to deep space.

In addition, this water can also be used for soilless cultivation and construction of lunar ecological farms, thereby providing an abundant source of food for astronauts and scientists living on the moon, allowing them to gradually get rid of their dependence on supplies from the earth. , and gradually achieve self-sufficiency.

If we can master the technology in this area and realize the recycling of lunar resources and become self-sufficient, then the era of lunar immigration for us humans will truly come. "

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