Military Technology

Chapter 2331 Mars can never replace the Earth

Chapter 2332 Mars can never replace the Earth

Are you not optimistic about the Mars immigration plan promoted by Musk? After Jiang Nan heard what he said, he suddenly asked this question.


Hearing this question, Wu Hao's head was full of black lines. This was obviously causing trouble. If you don't answer this well, it can easily cause trouble. And this is exactly what Jiang Nan and other media people like to see. They are not afraid that nothing will happen, but that it is too small.

So Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "It's not that I'm not optimistic, but I think it's too early to mention Mars immigration.

Whether it is Mars immigration or lunar immigration, four points must be considered, which are what we often call food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Let’s talk about it one by one. First, let’s talk about the issue of housing. This problem must be solved before immigration conditions can be met.

There is no oxygen on Mars and the moon. It is impossible for people to build a shack and live in it like the earth. This is unrealistic. Therefore, we must build enough housing and settlements to be able to bring in immigrants.

If these large-scale housing complexes are built, corresponding living facilities will be included. It is necessary to establish a relatively complete industrial system on Mars and the moon. This is a very huge project.

The moon is close to the earth and can still be transported from the earth. But as for Mars, do all the required materials and equipment have to be transported from the earth? The cost is too high.

The second is demand. Do we need this kind of large-scale immigration from other planets now? It’s not like the current earth’s environment is not suitable for human habitation, so why go through so much trouble to build such an immigrant city on such a distant planet to prepare for the end of the world?

At present, this demand is still too small to support such a huge project, which is the key.

The next thing is, the distance from the earth to the moon is 240 million kilometers, and it takes more than half a year to reach it, and it still cycles every two years. With our current aerospace level, we can only send probes to Mars. Even the newly built interstellar spacecraft can only be used for scientific research and detection, and it is impossible to achieve large-scale immigration.

It's too far, it's a flaw. Until we have more advanced transportation, mass immigration is basically empty talk. You know, humans have to live in space for more than six months. A few or a dozen people are fine. If there are more than one person, how to live and how to obtain supplies is also a big problem.

Then there is food, which is essential for human survival. Mars is so far away from the moon, so relying on the earth for supplies is definitely not feasible. The best way is to adapt to local conditions and establish ecological farms on Mars, just like in the movie scenes, growing potatoes and other food crops on Mars. Only when things are self-sufficient can human survival be satisfied, and then we can talk about immigration.

Of course, compared to the moon, Mars also has its advantages. First of all, it has an atmosphere. Even if it is relatively thin, it still has an atmosphere. Secondly, its air is filled with carbon dioxide, which is also a precious resource. It can turn waste into treasure and become an important resource for human survival.

For another example, there is flowing liquid water on Mars, which is really important. If water resources can be easily collected, it will be very beneficial to human settlement and survival. This includes establishing a Mars ecological farm to grow crops and raise livestock and poultry, which also requires water.

Next is clothing, which we can group together with other necessities of life. This kind of thing is difficult to obtain on the moon, and supplies can only be transported from the earth. Not to mention other things, let’s just say that the plastics, wood, and cloth we use every day are not available on Mars, let alone produced. They all need to be transported from the earth. Fortunately, the demand for these things is still relatively small, and it can still be solved by transporting supplies. "

At this point, Wu Hao smiled and spread his hands and concluded: "Actually, to put it bluntly, there is only one problem, technology. As long as the technical problem is solved, everything else will be easy to talk about."

"Many people, including many scientists, now describe Mars as the second Earth. What do you think of this?" Jiang Nan nodded slightly and then asked him a new question.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "This is actually our beautiful vision. Mars and the earth are still very different. Mars can never compare with the earth. Instead of looking forward to the illusory Mars version of Noah's Ark, it is better to start from Start now, starting from ourselves, to protect the earth's environment and take care of our own home.

Because until now, we humans have not found a new home comparable to the earth.

If we continue to destroy it unscrupulously, the earth is likely to become the second Mars, and then where will we humans go? "

Are you pessimistic about this? Jiang Nan asked when he saw this.

Wu Hao shook his head: "I'm not pessimistic, but worried. We humans are always like this. We don't know how to cherish many things when we have them, and we won't regret it until we lose them.

Think about the extinct animals and plants, many of which are caused by our unscrupulous humans. Now is there any use for us to regret and regret? They just disappeared and are gone. "

Indeed, protecting the environment starts with ourselves. I hope more people can participate in protecting our homeland and caring for the earth. Jiang Nan concluded, then smiled at Wu Hao and asked: "Now everyone is very interested in your lunar scientific research base construction project. Can you give us a brief introduction to the current progress of this project? What’s the situation?”

Wu Hao nodded slightly when he heard this, sorted out his thoughts briefly, and then said: "As everyone knows, our Wangshu-2 lunar rover is currently conducting site selection and exploration work for our lunar scientific research base. At present, we have already Detailed exploration has been carried out in the area near the Zhihailife Mountains. Judging from the current detection results, this area still initially meets the construction requirements of our first lunar scientific research station.

Next, we will conduct a comprehensive and systematic exploration of the area to obtain more and more comprehensive data information and make relevant preliminary preparations for the formal construction of the lunar scientific research station in the next step.

Next, next year’s Wangshu-3 probe will be launched. We will verify the moon’s earth-to-moon flight and moon-to-earth return technology, laying the foundation for the subsequent manned lunar landing and the transfer of related materials.

Next, we will gradually transport some experimental equipment and materials to the moon and start building a lunar scientific research station. "

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