Military Technology

Chapter 2342 Weird food that is hard to swallow

Chapter 2343 Weird food that is hard to swallow

The special plane landed smoothly in Anxi. Wu Hao said goodbye to Shen Ning and his entourage and drove directly home.

Originally, he actually planned to go to the company to handle some things and then go home. However, after hearing that his sister Wu Tong was in love, he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

To be honest, this shouldn't be the case. As the person in charge of a large enterprise with tens of thousands of employees, he should be able to remain unchanged even if the mountain collapses. This was nothing at all, but he always felt awkward in his heart, so instead of thinking about it all the time, he might as well figure it out.

"I've already gotten off the plane. I'll be home in about half an hour." Wu Hao said immediately after receiving Lin Wei's call.

In the video, Lin Wei smiled when he heard this, and then said to him: "I have already told Xiaotong that she will come later."

"It doesn't matter, just come." Wu Hao stretched out his hand to rub his forehead and said immediately.

"What's wrong? Are you tired?" Seeing Wu Hao's expression, Lin Wei couldn't help but asked with concern.

Wu Hao nodded slightly: "Yes, I didn't get a good rest last night."

Lin Wei burst out laughing when she heard his words: "I say, Wu Hao, it's just a little thing, so what's the matter with you? This is still your sister. If your daughter falls in love in the future, you can still pay her back."

"I might just break that kid's legs." Wu Hao laughed at himself.

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore. I have to be busy here for a while. I'll go home as soon as possible after I'm done." Lin Wei said to him.

Uh-huh, Wu Hao smiled and nodded, then hung up the phone and looked out the window. Wu Hao said to the driver: "Stop at the flower shop in front. I'll buy a bouquet of flowers."

This can be regarded as his old habit. Every time he passes by the flower shop after returning from a business trip, he will buy Lin Wei a bouquet of flowers, which is a little bit of fun between them.

The vehicle stopped next to the flower shop, and there were already security personnel in front of it. This is also to protect his safety, especially now that his influence is growing, so more attention is paid in this regard.

In fact, such a fixed habit is not advisable, because if this habit is discovered by someone who is interested, it is very likely to make an issue against him in this regard.

So under normal circumstances, the places he goes to are basically temporary, and he will not go to certain places or buy certain things. There is no way, why many people dislike him less and less now.

We are considered regular customers with the shop owner, so I asked for a bouquet of roses without any politeness. Although other flowers are also beautiful, roses are always a woman's favorite and the most direct way to express love.

There was no words all the way. When he returned home, he placed the roses on the dining table and Wu Hao went upstairs with his luggage. You still need to take a shower after all the dust on this road.

This is not obsessive-compulsive disorder, but a habit developed by individuals. Especially after getting together with Lin Wei, Lin Wei's mild mysophobia gradually affected him.

After taking a shower and putting on clean home clothes, Wu Hao walked downstairs lazily. After making himself a cup of green tea, he immediately came to the kitchen.

Lin Wei can still get off work, and his sister Wu Tong is coming today, so he must prepare in advance. There is no way, who makes these two his favorite women.

Take out some ingredients from the refrigerator, clean them, and prepare them for today's dinner. Although Anxi is located in the north, pasta is the main food here, but Wu Hao and his family are from the south, and they grew up eating rice. Although they are used to pasta, it is impossible to only serve one meal at a dinner like this. It’s a bowl of noodles, so it’s still rice and stir-fry.

The same goes for Lin Wei. She is a true northerner, but her experience in college and studying abroad has made her accustomed to rice.

In fact, as transportation becomes more and more developed and population mobility accelerates, young people now have no differences in regional habits, and their diet can basically be solved, as long as it is not too weird or too biased.

For example, there are many people who can't accept things like rotten mustard root, stinky mandarin fish, stinky tofu, or southwestern Zheer root, and stuffed beef hot pot.

Another example is this cat poop coffee, the world's famous high-end coffee. This kind of coffee is actually made by a civet cat on the Southeast Asian archipelago that excretes the coffee beans intact after eating the coffee cherries. People extract the coffee beans from its feces and process them. The reason why it tastes delicious is because the coffee beans are fermented in the intestines of civet cats, so this coffee has a special flavor.

Therefore, people who like it will like it very much, but there are still some people who cannot accept that what they drink is feces excreted by animals.

Similarly, there is one of the most famous delicacies in the world, or a chemical weapon, which is the famous canned herring. Although the Nordics regard it as honey and treasure, they not only eat it themselves, but also export it to various places around the world. . But, not many warriors dare to try this kind of thing, or like it.

In addition to these alternative and weird foods, the current mainstream foods have actually been gradually integrated and assimilated through exchanges. Take a plate of braised pork as an example. There are variations of it in various places, including Beijing, Lu Province, Jiangnan, and Hunan and Jiangxi. They are available in various regions, and the taste is basically the same.

After busying in the kitchen for a while, he heard a movement, and he knew without guessing that it was Lin Wei who was back.

When Lin Wei returned home, she saw the roses on the dining table and couldn't help but smile on her face. After putting on her shoes, she hurriedly ran to the kitchen. Looking at Wu Hao who was busy, he immediately stepped forward and hugged him from behind.

What's wrong? We haven't seen each other for a few days. Do you miss me so much? Wu Hao felt the softness of his junior, smelled the fragrance, and couldn't help but said softly.

Well, Lin Wei nodded lightly, then snuggled onto his shoulder, closing her eyes and enjoying this warm moment. But he was quickly interrupted by Wu Hao.

"I'm cooking. Let's go change clothes first. I'll be ready in a moment."

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei lay on his shoulder and acted coquettishly, then reluctantly walked out.

As for Wu Hao, he shook his head with a smile and began to mind his own business. This woman originally didn't have this kind of personality, but since she got together with him, her personality has become more and more feminine, as gentle as water.

Of course, this was just at home, in front of him. Outside, she is still the domineering female president and the cold and charming strong woman. Even because of her vigorous and resolute behavior in her daily work and her direct and sharp words when attending events, many people in the outside world are worried that Wu Hao will be beaten by Lin Wei at home.

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