Military Technology

Chapter 2353 Can be used for both civilian and military purposes

No problem, I've never been afraid of competition. Don't forget how we developed step by step.

In this market, no one will give it to you for free. We need to fight for it, grab it, and find ways to obtain it. Don't worry, leave this to me and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer.

Zhang Jun straightened his chest and promised vigorously. When Wu Hao heard what this guy said, he raised his tea cup and saluted him: "Not for me, but for us." Yes, give us a satisfactory answer sheet.

Zhang Jun changed his words and said with a smile. Wu Hao had a drink with him, and then continued to add tea while saying to Zhang Jun: "In fact, whether it is this smart hospital system or our portable medical rescue system, in addition to civilian use, they can also be used in the military, so the military field is also The focus of our development. But this area is quite special, so just leave it alone and let me take charge of it myself." After hearing his words, Zhang Jun nodded and said: "Indeed, these two medical treatment systems are very suitable for use in For battlefield rescue tasks, especially for the treatment of some critically injured people, these two products have very high edible value. There is no problem with the domestic version. What I am worried about is whether these two systems and related technologies will be included in the list. In the export control catalog, if this happens, I'm afraid we will lose the entire international market." Probably not, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "These two systems are only used for the treatment of wounded and sick patients, and there is no sensitivity. Therefore, it is unlikely to be controlled. Moreover, there is a big difference between the military type and the civilian model, and the two do not have much impact." In this way, the military type is more powerful.

Zhang Jun's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but asked curiously. Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "The use environment and pertinence of military models and civilian models are very different, so there must be some differences. Moreover, there will be great differences between military models and civilian models in terms of patient treatment. The difference is that the civilian model may focus more on safety, while the military model may focus more on stability and practicality. In addition, the military model will also carry out some optimized design and development specifically for the battlefield environment and develop some new treatment functions. For example For the treatment of various traumas, etc., this is not available or rare in civilian models." After listening to Wu Hao's introduction, Zhang Jun nodded and understood a little.

However, Wu Hao didn't say anything about the more in-depth developments, and Zhang Jun didn't ask. Because Wu Haolai has always been responsible for this aspect, Zhang Jun rarely interferes because of its special nature.

So why didn't you take the opportunity to promote these two systems to military leaders during this internal weapons and equipment technology promotion meeting within the military industry system? What a great opportunity, what a pity.

Zhang Jun couldn't help but said with pity. Haha, don't worry, I can't remember this kind of thing, I still have to pay attention to the method.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "We have to take out the good things little by little. If we take them out all at once, wouldn't it be a waste? Besides, if I demonstrate it at the internal weapons and equipment technology promotion meeting of the military industry system, Okay, so what else will we announce at our New Year’s Eve new product launch? We have to leave some surprises for everyone.”

"That's right." Zhang Jun said with a smile. Seeing this guy nodding, Wu Hao smiled and said: "You can look at the arrangements for the other technologies. Anyway, pay attention to controlling the pace of the venue. The entire conference should not be too long. It is more appropriate to keep it at about two hours. As for what you want As for inviting our fans and old customers, I think you should start making arrangements now. Although we have suffered successive setbacks in overseas markets in the past two years and have had a very difficult time, we cannot give up or underestimate overseas markets. Market. Because of this, our loyal fans and old customers overseas are even more precious and important, so this time the invitation quota can be appropriately tilted towards overseas. Don't limit your sights to just a few countries. Yes. Look for more remote places and some areas that are easily ignored. We can send them air tickets to help them come to the country to attend the press conference. In addition, we must also start making arrangements for the partners invited this time. , it’s not long before the press conference, so people need to arrange their schedule in advance.” Yes, we started making arrangements when we got back.

Zhang Jun put away his smile and responded seriously. Uh-huh, Wu Hao smiled and nodded, and then continued: "Before New Year's Day, our company has an important project to carry out. In the near future, my attention may be focused on this project, so the company's affairs You have to pay more attention." After hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Yes, I also said that I can feel more relaxed now that you are back. What project, shouldn't you be talking about Haoyuhang? Let's do the two-stage rocket recovery experiment over there." Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Yes, that's the project. This experiment is very important. We will conduct a final test flight recovery experiment for the two-stage return rocket. If If it succeeds, it means that the world's first retractable two-stage rocket we have developed will soon be put into commercial use. If it fails, it means that our previous work for a long time will be in vain. All projects have to be postponed." It's so serious.

Zhang Jun couldn't help but show a puzzled look, then looked at Wu Hao and said: "The retractable two-stage rocket project has been in progress for several years, and it has failed several times before, but it is not as serious as you said." It's different. Wu Hao shook his head: "The previous several experiments were technical and functional experiments, but this time it is a comprehensive experiment. It is the last experiment before we move to commercial trials, so it is very important. Can you accept the Level 2 experiment?" Rocket technology is more difficult than retractable first-stage rocket technology, involving dozens of key aspects such as high-altitude takeoff, high-altitude high-speed landing, entry and exit of the atmosphere, terminal deceleration, continuous attitude adjustment, and measurement and control tracking during the return phase. Technology is no less difficult than developing a manned spacecraft. In addition, we must also consider its economics. If this technology takes up a large amount of transportation load and the cost rises, then this technology will be lost value. Therefore, our project team made a great balance between performance and cost, so that both reached an expected ideal standard. Just on this retractable two-stage rocket, we used Hundreds of new technologies. So this experiment is very important to us, and there is no room for sloppiness." After hearing what he said, Zhang Jun also became serious, and he assured Wu Hao seriously: "The company's affairs are Leave it to me. You can concentrate on this project. I don’t have any problems here. I’m just a little tired.” Haha, it’s not that exaggerated. I will also pay attention to the company’s affairs, but this project will take up a lot of my time. It’s just part of experience and time.

Wu Hao smiled and comforted. Well, Zhang Jun couldn't help but said angrily to him when he heard this: "You told me earlier, it made me so nervous." Military Technology

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