Military Technology

Chapter 2384 Haoyu Agriculture

Chapter 2385 Haoyu Agriculture


"Then we select the best from the best and select several excellent varieties to cultivate. This pomegranate is one of them."

Hearing Yang Fang's words, Wu Hao looked at these crystal clear pomegranate seeds again and then asked with a smile: "I think this variety is already very good. When can it be introduced to the market for large-scale planting?"

Hearing Wu Hao's question, Yang Fang glanced at Shen Ning, and then said with a smile: "Currently, people are still very worried about this kind of pomegranate variety cultivated by gene editing, so this aspect needs to change slowly. adapt.

In addition, this variety is so good that we plan to establish a pomegranate orchard in the northwest first. On the one hand, large-scale population exploration, especially in terms of pests and diseases, and forest area management, requires long-term exploration.

On the other hand, we also hope to use it as a demonstration project to demonstrate to the public and some fruit farmers to dispel their doubts.

Finally, we also hope to build a high-quality agricultural product brand, and then bring out some high-quality agricultural products to enter the market. On the one hand, we will increase the influence of our Haoyu Agriculture, and on the other hand, we will also actively explore the combination of scientific research and business to expand income. "

Wu Hao naturally noticed Yang Fang's gaze and knew that there should be Shen Ning's meaning in it. But he is not in a hurry to point it out now. He will wait and see what they say first. As long as they can achieve results, he will definitely support them.

"Such a good pomegranate should be put on the market as soon as possible so that people can have the opportunity to taste it." Wu Hao said with a smile and nodded.

After hearing what he said, Shen Ning smiled and said: "I'm afraid the price of such a good pomegranate will not be that low. Just such a pomegranate cannot be sold for seventy or eighty yuan. According to the consumption level of ordinary people , I’m afraid I’m a little reluctant to buy and eat it.

Of course, if you put it in fresh food supermarkets and fruit shops in big cities, it will definitely be very popular as a high-end fruit and sell well. "

When Wu Hao heard this, he shook his head slightly: "We still have to lower the price so that ordinary people can afford it. Of course we need to develop high-end agriculture, and we also need high-end fruit products. But, we have to stick to one The ideal is to allow ordinary people to eat more delicious and cheaper fruits."

After Yang Fang heard Wu Hao's words, she also nodded and said: "This is also our goal, but in fact, the price Secretary Shen just said is not expensive. The fruits on the market now are already very expensive. A little better It costs dozens or even hundreds anyway. This price can only be said to be mid-range, not really high.

I think what we are resisting and opposing should be those behaviors that deliberately speculate on fruits and drive up prices. We cannot learn from Baga or Xiba, frying fruits into luxury goods and holding auctions, which will discourage ordinary people. "

Regarding Yang Fang's words, Wu Hao nodded slightly: "What you said is very good. It seems that you have already thought deeply about this aspect."

Speaking of this, Wu Hao glanced at Shen Ning and then said with a smile: "Tell me, what the hell is your plan? I asked you why I came to your place for no reason today. It turns out that someone mentioned it by chance yesterday."

Shen Ning's face turned red when she heard Wu Hao's joke. She mentioned it accidentally yesterday, but she didn't expect Wu Hao to come today. Then she nodded sheepishly towards Wu Hao and said, "We have a little idea.

In the past, our smart agriculture projects were all done in cooperation with other companies and e-commerce platforms. Although the cooperation was good, it was just cooperation, and we were very dependent on their brands and sales channels, so the initiative was gradually lost. Even now, these agricultural and sideline products of ours are no longer under our control and have become a tool for making money for these companies and platforms. However, our profits are very limited, and there is even a further downward trend.

I think smart agriculture and green agriculture have very broad development prospects in the future, and we should not just let it go and give the opportunity to others. Moreover, the agricultural projects we have invested in before include our intelligent unmanned farms, pastures, and forest farms near the base in Western Xinjiang, as well as several agricultural projects participated in by the Plant Science Research Center here. The entire The industry is already very large, but it has not been well managed.

Therefore, I suggest that we should form a department or branch to manage all these business projects in a unified manner, and carry out further development on this basis, create our own brand of agriculture and agricultural products, and actively seize the mid-to-high-end agricultural product market.

We have done a survey and found that currently our country's mid- to high-end agricultural products mainly rely on imports, such as cherries, durians, avocados, etc. Our country itself is a major fruit producer, and now it has gradually become the largest fruit importer in the world.

It can be said that as the living standards of our domestic people continue to improve, the demand for high-quality fruits and high-quality agricultural products is becoming increasingly strong. Therefore, I think it is very necessary to actively enter this field and develop smart agriculture. "

After hearing Shen Ning's words, Wu Hao nodded slightly, but he did not comment immediately. Instead, he turned to look at Yang Fang and said, "What do you think?"

"I think what Secretary Shen said is right. The field of smart agriculture does have great development prospects. Not only fruits, but also other agricultural products, as well as livestock and poultry, are all in short supply in our country.

After all, this is a large market with a population of 1.4 billion, and the demand for food and agricultural products is huge. As long as this market exists, this industry will not decline. "

Speaking of this, Yang Fang paused for a moment, and then continued: "In addition, our biotechnology research center also has a large number of technological achievements waiting to be transformed. Rather than giving others free advantage, it is better for us to digest it ourselves.

I am optimistic that if we can successfully transform these results into production, the output value will be no less than some of the company's large projects.

Therefore, I more support Secretary Shen’s idea of ​​blaming. "

After speaking, Yang Fang and Shen Ning both looked at Wu Hao, waiting for his reaction.

Facing the gazes of the two men, Wu Hao couldn't help but smile bitterly: "It seems that they are waiting for me here. You are right, this field does have great development prospects, but whether to enter this field in a big way, or whether Decisions need to be made after careful study and judgment.

And a big project like this still has to go through the board of directors. This is the process. I need you to give me a complete and feasible report to convince everyone. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao thought for a moment, and then said to the two of them: "Here, I will give you one month to prepare. After one month, you two will go to the board of directors. As long as you convince everyone to support you, I will agree."

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