Military Technology

Chapter 2396 Live Demonstration

Chapter 2397 Live Demonstration

These hosts here are the control centers of the entire brain-computer system. Chu Tianyou pointed at the black vertical cabinets that were as tall as one person next to the robot brain-computer control cabin, and introduced them to Wu Hao and the others.

Following Chu Tianyou's gaze, Wu Hao and the others naturally looked over. To be precise, these are three cabinets. Each cabinet is as tall as a person, about 1.8 meters tall, 780 centimeters thick, and about 1.12 meters long. There are neat rows of cables scattered on the front of the cabinet, as well as some flashing green lights.

In addition to these three vertical cabinets, there are also some switches, power supply systems, and other messy equipment.

This is our monitoring station here. Chu Tianyou pointed to the small platform next to the vertical cabinet. There were many large screens surrounded by a circle on it, and several technicians were working on it.

Chu Tianyou led everyone onto the monitoring platform. What caught everyone's eyes were some images and various data information on these large screens.

This is the monitoring station of our 'Gou Chen-class' intelligent combat robot. Through this monitoring station, we can grasp various data information of this robot in real time. The pictures that the operator can see can also be seen here. .

And here, the captured data information and other data information can also be summarized to assist the operators in performing tasks and conducting operations.

After listening to Chu Tianyou's introduction, Wu Hao couldn't help but ask: "Does it take so many people to control this robot?"

"Haha, it is currently in the testing stage, so more people are needed. After optimization later, only three people may be needed, a commander, a controller, and an auxiliary staff. Of course, the commander and auxiliary staff can also be combined Combine the two into one, so only two people are needed. If necessary, it can be controlled by one person, and the artificial intelligence system will be used to assist in combat." Chu Tianyou introduced with a smile.

Can you demonstrate it on site? Wu Hao asked with a smile upon hearing this.

Hearing his words, Chu Tianyou smiled and nodded: "Of course, it's not easy for you to come to us, we can't let you go back empty-handed."

With that said, Chu Tianyou smiled at Meng Hai and said, "Let us demonstrate it to Mr. Wu."

good. Meng Hai smiled and nodded, and then began to make arrangements.

While everyone was waiting for a while, they saw a few technicians walking over, surrounded by a young man in his thirties or twelve years old wearing a down coat.

These people came to Wu Hao. The short-haired man in a down jacket stepped forward and saluted Wu Hao and the others: "Report, Cheng Gang, the equipment testing brigade of Haoyu Technology Automation Machinery Technology Research Institute, reports to you. ,Please advise."

Wu Hao smiled and nodded, then smiled at Cheng Gang and asked, "Been a soldier."

Yes, he originally served in the Air Force Test Pilot Group. Cheng Gang stood at attention, held his head high and said proudly.

Wu Huanwai smiled and nodded: "So he is a test pilot, the proud man of heaven, why did he retire?"

Hearing Wu Hao's inquiry, Cheng Gang's eyes showed a hint of loneliness, resignation and helplessness, and then he held his head high and said to Wu Hao: "Report, during a test flight, the plane hit a bird and lost control, and I was forced to parachute." , it went up the spine and couldn’t fly anymore.”

Hearing what Cheng Gang said, Wu Hao couldn't help but show admiration, then looked at Cheng Gang and asked with a smile: "Even if you can't fly, you can still join the drone force. I remember they are in urgent need of outstanding people." Fighter pilot. You are a test pilot, they must be vying for you."

Yes, people from the UAV unit did come to do the work for me, but for me, it would be more painful to switch to flying a drone since I couldn’t fly a fighter jet myself. I didn’t want to make a living by flying drones at such a young age. I wanted to have a career, so I majored in reporting. Cheng Gang said to him.

Chu Tianyou on the side also smiled and said: "We also worked hard to find him. There were several civil aviation companies vying for him at the beginning. In the end, with our careful persuasion, we finally won him over.

Although our 'Gou Chen-level' intelligent combat robot is controlled by a brain-computer system, it also places high demands on the operator's thinking ability, reaction ability, logical thinking ability, and psychological quality. Therefore, it is not easy to train such an excellent operator. Retired pilots have strong overall qualities and are suitable for controlling robots.

Among the group of control testers we recruited, Cheng Gang was one of the ones who adapted and improved quickly. "

When Wu Hao heard this, he looked at Cheng Gang and nodded in approval: "You are a man. I look forward to your wonderful performance."

Yes, guaranteed to complete the task!

Cheng Gang stood at attention and responded loudly.

OK, let’s get started! Wu Hao waved his hand.

At the beginning of the test, Cheng Gang took off the down jacket he was wearing, revealing a gray bodysuit with a carbon fiber texture and a lot of excuses on it.

Chu Tianyou smiled at him and introduced: "Cheng Gang is wearing the work clothes we first developed. Don't look at it as just a set of tights. In fact, the technology on it is very complicated.

The first is the sensors scattered throughout the clothes. These sensors can receive various signals from the human body and then transmit them to the brain-computer system control center through the cables on the interface.

In addition, this suit can also simulate touch through micro air bags and pulse current, so that it can be connected to the touch system of the robot body and feel the real touch on the robot. "

When Chu Tianyou introduced him, Cheng Gang had already laid down on the single bed with the help of the staff. His whole body sank down very comfortably, and the soft silicone material wrapped him tightly.

The staff began to put on a brain-computer headgear for it, plug in these sensor cables, and wear smart VR glasses. When these are all ready. The staff made an OK gesture towards Meng Hai, and after getting Meng Hai's permission, they immediately pressed the button on the brain-computer control chamber.

The entire bed slowly led Cheng Gang into the brain-computer control chamber, and a green light suddenly lit up in the room.

The brain-computer system is being connected.

As a female AI voice sounded, the entire device began to operate. In particular, the cooling fans on several nearby hosts also began to rotate at full speed to dissipate heat and cool down the host chassis.

At the same time, the data information on the large screens on the monitoring station also began to change. Through the above picture, they can also see the situation of the controller Cheng Gang in the brain-computer control cabin. He has been restrained in the control cabin.

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