Military Technology

Chapter 2402 What a misunderstanding

The winter in Hangzhou is extremely humid. There are puffs of smoke floating on the lake, and a few egrets are playing in the reeds beside the lake.

In front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, Xu Xiaoya, wearing a black mid-collar sweater, was standing by the window, elegantly holding a coffee cup and admiring the beautiful scenery outside the window. As the senior vice president of the entire A-Li Group, Xu Xiaoya's life is very comfortable now. It should be said that she is the one with the least pressure among the vice presidents in the group in recent years.

However, her leisurely mood was soon interrupted by a knock on the door.

Xu Xiaoya turned around calmly, the door opened, and a tall, thin, well-dressed young girl walked in. This was her secretary, Yan Fang.

Seeing Yan Fang's panic, Xu Xiaoya said with a smile: "No matter what kind of thing you encounter, even if it is a big thing, you must stay calm. Especially when you are a leader, your behavior and expression will change. If the people below see you and you panic, then there will be chaos below."

Sorry, Mr. Xu. Yan Fang quickly apologized after hearing this.

Xu Xiaoya did not pursue the matter, but asked after taking a sip of coffee: "Tell me, what could make you so panicked?"

Upon hearing this, Yan Fang handed the folder she was holding to Xu Xiaoya with both hands and said, "We have just received a written notice from Haoyu Technology that they will officially terminate the commercial cooperation project in agricultural and sideline products with us after the Lunar New Year. "

When did it happen? Didn't you say why? After Xu Xiaoya heard Yan Fang's words, her face froze, and then she took the folder from Tong Yan's hand, quickly opened it and looked at it, and asked Yan Fang.

Yan Fang immediately replied after hearing this: "The written statement is about the adjustment of Haoyu Technology's business operations. I asked the people at Haoyu Technology and they said they received a notice from above and they didn't know what the situation was."

Hearing Yan Fang's words, Xu Xiaoya couldn't help but frowned, carefully read the contents of the written notice, thought for a while and then said: "You should inquire immediately to see what happened at Haoyu Technology , how to suddenly adjust the business. In addition, inform them that there will be a meeting in the conference room in half an hour. This matter must be clarified, and it must not affect our year-end promotional activities."

yes! Yan Fang nodded when he heard this, and then retreated. Xu Xiaoya, on the other hand, frowned and sat down behind her desk with a thoughtful look on her face. After thinking about it, she immediately took out a makeup mirror from her bag, patched up her outfit a little, and then dialed the number on her computer. Got a number.

Sir, is Ms. Xu Xiaoya’s blue dot in a connected?

Wu Hao, who was immersed in his work, suddenly heard Coco's voice coming from the stereo, and then a smile appeared on his lips, it was finally here. It can be expected that after this written notice is sent out, Xu Xiaoya will definitely be anxious, and it is expected that he will call him. In fact, this morning, Wu Hao was waiting for Xu Xiaoya's call.

He stopped what he was doing, sorted the messy documents into neat places, then smiled and unscrewed the water glass and took a sip of water. Then he nodded and said, "Come in."


As the call intervened, Xu Xiaoya's figure appeared on the big screen. She showed a friendly smile, waved to Wu Hao and said: "Mr. Wu, good morning, long time no see."

Long time no see, Mr. Xu is getting younger and younger. Wu Hao responded with a smile.

Xu Xiaoya said with a smile: "It's been a long time since I last saw you. Mr. Wu, you are becoming more and more talkative. I still remember when we first met, you were still very young at that time."

Haha, this person has to grow up after all, nothing remains the same. Wu Hao responded with a smile.

Yes, this person will eventually change. It's like the cooperation we had agreed upon at the beginning has changed. In the middle of the battle, Xu Xiaoya looked at Wu Hao and said with a half-smile.

Faced with the thorniness in Xu Xiaoya's words, Wu Hao smiled slightly and said: "One moment is another, the times are changing, and we have to change with the times. If we don't make changes in line with the times and keep up with the development of the times, then We will eventually be eliminated by the times.

There are too many such examples, and I believe you will be familiar with many of them, Mr. Xu. "

Seeing what Wu Hao said, Xu Xiaoya narrowed her eyes, and then said to Wu Hao: "Now that I have said it, I will say it directly. Mr. Wu, I don't quite understand. We have been working together well, so why do we just say that we have changed?" It just changed. When we said we were terminating cooperation, we ended cooperation. We didn’t even get a hint of it.

Your change is too sudden. Such a treacherous behavior may affect your image and credibility in the industrial and commercial circles and society. "

In response to Xu Xiaoya's question, Wu Hao did not get angry, but nodded slightly and replied with a smile: "Of course we attach great importance to cooperation projects that are equal, respectful, mutually beneficial and win-win, and we will cherish and maintain them.

But if something goes wrong during cooperation and our interests are damaged, is it still necessary to continue such cooperation? Of course we are tolerant towards our friends and partners. But the other party cannot unscrupulously plot against us and hurt us just because of our tolerance and friendliness.

As for why the news was not disclosed in advance, why should we disclose it? Do we need to consult other people’s opinions on what we do? "

But if this matter concerns others, I think we should have the responsibility and obligation to inform the other party, rather than informing them suddenly. Xu Xiaoya said very pointedly.

Faced with Xu Xiaoya's questioning and targeting, Wu Hao did not get angry. Instead, he smiled and said, "We have already informed you. There are still almost three months from now to the official termination. You have sufficient preparation time." .

As for the issue of image and credibility, I think our company's image and credibility should be slightly better than yours. "


Xu Xiaoya was a little angry by Wu Hao's words, but she calmed down quickly, and then said to Wu Hao in the video: "Impossible, it is impossible for us to agree. We have invested a lot of money and money in these projects. Resources, now that we have finally improved, you are going to get rid of us. Isn't this a bit too shameless?"

Hearing Xu Xiaoya's accusation, Wu Hao responded tit-for-tat: "You have invested a lot of money and resources, but you have also received huge benefits. These benefits are far more than what you invested.

To be shameless, we may still be just students in front of you. Now that you have said that, please explain to me what happened to those things this year.

Without any communication or negotiation with us, they changed the marketing method without authorization, and used price reduction, gift giving, etc. to dump products to attack competitors, causing market fluctuations and causing us great losses. We even use our products to create our own sub-brands for sales through other channels. Isn’t it shameless that these are so heavy? "

"This is just a misunderstanding!" Xu Xiaoya hurriedly retorted after hearing Wu Hao's question.

"Really? What a misunderstanding." Wu Hao burst into laughter upon hearing this.

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