Military Technology

Chapter 2423: Building a Great Wall of Life Safety for the People

Chapter 2424: Building a Great Wall of Life Safety for the People

"It will also automatically perform defibrillation based on the patient's heart status, and assist with drug treatment, such as epinephrine, nitroglycerin, etc., with the combined effect of these first aid measures, the patient's life can be saved to the greatest extent.

In addition, this portable medical rescue system will also transmit and synchronize the patient's physiological indicators to the emergency center in real time, so that the emergency doctors there can grasp the patient's physical condition in a timely manner.

If necessary, emergency doctors can also use the remote monitoring lens on this device to guide on-site personnel to participate in the treatment.

This portable medical rescue system can not only provide good treatment for some sudden cardiac death conditions, but also provide timely rescue for some cerebral hemorrhage and infarction conditions. For example, for patients with acute cerebral hemorrhage, timely injection of antihypertensive drugs can reduce blood pressure, avoid increased bleeding, and prevent the patient's intracranial pressure from rising, causing damage to brain tissue. For patients with acute cerebral infarction, emergency injection of thrombolytic drugs is performed immediately to remove metal thrombolysis in the patient's blocked blood vessels, thereby preventing the increase in intracranial pressure caused by blood vessel blockage and compressing the brain's nerve tissue.

We know that the earlier this type of stroke is treated, the better the outcome will be. Many similar illnesses are life-threatening because they cannot receive timely rescue treatment. Even if you are lucky enough to be rescued, it will take too long and cause brain damage, resulting in serious sequelae.

Our portable medical rescue system can participate in interventional treatment in a very timely manner, buy time for the patient before the emergency personnel arrive, minimize the brain damage caused by the patient's onset, and minimize the risk of such emergencies. Mortality and serious sequelae caused by the disease. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused for a moment, and then continued: "With the arrival of an aging society in our country, the increasing aging population, and the continuous improvement of living standards, such sudden diseases have great harm to people's lives and health. It is also getting bigger and bigger.

Therefore, I believe that putting such a portable medical rescue system into densely populated areas such as communities, supermarkets, parks, schools, etc. will greatly save the lives of these patients. In the future, every community, and even every unit building if conditions permit, should be equipped with such a set of equipment to prepare for emergencies.

In addition, this portable medical rescue system can also be used in some emergency rescue scenes. Through airplanes, we can airdrop it to various disaster accident sites as quickly as possible.

When medical staff do not arrive or there are few medical staff, they can take on the emergency rescue function. This cardiopulmonary resuscitation alone can save a large number of experienced doctors, allowing them to participate in some more serious injuries. In the process of rescuing injuries.

Our portable medical rescue system's rescue treatment is no worse than the doctor's compressions, and it can handle the entire rescue process. "

Bang bang bang...

There was a burst of warm applause from the audience, which came from the bottom of their hearts. Because for everyone, this portable medical rescue system is really practical. Who can guarantee that this thing will not be used in future life.

Everyone hopes that they will never need it, but if they encounter it, if such a set of equipment is around, the patient's chance of survival will be greatly improved. There is no doubt that this will be a life-saving medical device.

So while everyone is happy, they can't help but become curious about the approximate price of such a set of equipment. Is it expensive? If it is too expensive, it may be difficult to popularize it. Just like ECMO and artificial heart-lung machine, everyone deserves this good, advanced and life-saving thing. But how many can really afford it? It costs hundreds of thousands for a week, which is beyond the reach of many ordinary people.

Therefore, if it is too expensive to use, then the significance of developing this portable medical rescue system will be greatly reduced. Even for many people, its development can only increase despair, the despair of the poor.

Wu Hao obviously expected this, and then he smiled and said: "If you want to popularize such a portable medical rescue system, you must meet two conditions. One is that it is simple, convenient and effective to use, that is It is said that everyone can operate it, there are not many thresholds, and it has significant effects, so that it can be popularized on a large scale and accepted by the people.

The other is that its price should be cheap, acceptable to the public, and affordable.

Therefore, during the development process, we also took the cost factor into consideration and tried our best to compress the cost price to a more reasonable range.

Referring to the cost price of a single portable AED (cardiac defibrillator), it is basically around tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands, so our portable medical rescue is basically within this category.

However, this depends on its order sales. If the sales volume is relatively large, the price will be reduced accordingly. If the sales volume is insufficient, the price may be higher.

The factor that determines the cost and price of a piece of medical equipment is not only its manufacturing cost, which only accounts for a small part of the cost of the entire set of medical equipment. In fact, its largest cost is the research and development expenses. Therefore, if sales increase, look for bookstore and the R\u0026D costs will be evenly shared, and the cost price of a single piece of equipment will fall further.

But no matter how expensive the price is, it is within this range. Such a device can meet the needs of a medium-sized community, a shopping mall, and a school. Such a price of hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands can provide very good life safety protection. It can be said to be very worthwhile.

Therefore, we suggest that these community shopping malls and schools should be equipped with one, and organize learning on how to use it, so that they can be used in emergencies. "

At this point, Wu Hao on the stage paused for a moment, and then said to everyone in the audience: "At present, this portable medical rescue system has been successfully developed and has passed the relevant technical and safety assessments of the expert group. It has been The equipment has been put into the emergency rooms and ambulances of several hospitals we work with.

Judging from the several rescues so far, this equipment has indeed achieved very good rescue and treatment effects. Next, we will successively put it into some densely populated public areas to further verify its overall comprehensive performance.

It is expected that this device will be gradually launched in the second half of next year. We also welcome interested companies, individuals, and medical institutions to cooperate with us and participate in this social welfare undertaking that benefits the health and safety of millions of people. Zhonglai builds a great wall of safety for people's lives and health. "

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