Military Technology

Chapter 2437 Invincible Capital

Chapter 2438 Invincible Capital

Compared with people like Zhou Zhiran who cannot enter the park, those media reporters and invited guests who enter the park are much luckier.

Because in the park, everyone can experience many new products and technologies that appeared at the conference.

For example, everyone is very interested in medical device technology products. In addition to displaying some physical technologies and products, the entire medical device technology exhibition area also played some relevant clinical trial recording short films on some screens.

These short videos were not available at the press conference. The documentaries introduced many patients’ situations before and after their treatment. It can be seen that many people who are unable to walk, are limping, or even sitting in wheelchairs can stand up and walk and run normally with the help of Wu Hao's intelligent bionic electronic prostheses and intelligent medical mechanical exoskeletons. , jumped. Someone even used a smart bionic electronic prosthetic to successfully climb many famous mountains, something he had never thought of before.

There are also those patients who are blind. When they regain their sight and see the world, they can't help but jump up and down with excitement. Their excited expressions move everyone who sees them. There are also those who were already dying and could lose their lives at any time, but they have recovered because of the transplantation of intelligent bionic artificial hearts. Not only do you not need to stay in bed, you can even do some regular exercises, no different from ordinary people.

The entire medical technology exhibition area should be said to be the most popular except for the naked-eye 3D holographic projection technology exhibition area. After all, these technological products here are closely related to our human life and health. Everyone prays that they will not use them, but if they unfortunately encounter them, these things can save lives.

Precisely because it is closely related to everyone's life and health, it has attracted a lot of attention, so many media reporters have also focused on this aspect.

As for the digital products exhibition area, it is also one of the most popular exhibition areas. All visitors cannot help but come here to experience these new digital products in person. Especially these new products that are newly launched on the market have become objects that everyone on the scene wants to experience.

For example, the tactile simulation clothing has become one of the products that everyone wants to experience. Because I heard that this product simulates touch more realistically and delicately, it attracted countless people to come over and try it out.

Every player who experienced it showed an expression of intoxication and refused to take off the tactile simulation suit for a long time. Finally, after repeated dissuasion from the on-site staff, I reluctantly took it off.

In addition, the smart AR and VR glasses Youth Edition specially created for young people and the mid-to-low-end user market have also attracted the attention and experience of many people. Although the overall texture in the hand may not be as good as the flagship version, in terms of performance, after everyone's personal experience and verification, it was found that their performance and usage experience are almost the same as the flagship version. It can be said that this is a very cost-effective product. It seems that this youth version is going to make a storm in the market.

You know, Wu Hao and the others have not launched low-to-mid-range versions of smart VR and AR glasses before, so when their smart VR and AR glasses were released, they also led other peers to enter the industry.

Although the performance and experience of these products launched by these peers may not be as good as their smart VR and AR glasses products, they are worse than cheaper. Therefore, under the careful marketing of these peers, these same companies have occupied a considerable market with their mid- to low-end products in the past few years.

For this reason, many areas in the industry have been talking about Wu Hao and his company’s delay in launching smart VR and mid-to-low-end versions of AR glasses. Some people say that Wu Hao is a high-spirited person who is unwilling to monopolize the entire market and is driving the development of the domestic smart VR and AR industries. Some people said that Wu Hao was an idiot for not grabbing such a huge piece of cake and giving it to others in vain.

In this regard, Wu Hao smiled lightly and did not explain. Naturally, he had a reason for doing this. The market in this field is too big for them to swallow alone. In addition, if there is only one product of theirs in the market, then because there is no comparison, consumers’ awareness will only be on their products, which will naturally generate a lot of doubts and the reputation will be poor.

Let these peers enter the market and let them launch their own related products. In this way, it will be clear at a glance who is better and who is worse. Therefore, in the past few years, Wu Hao's products have been leading the market and are recognized by consumers.

Now that these companies have grown up, it’s time for them to enter the market. Although the price of this Youth Edition product is still a bit high compared to other manufacturers, the gap is very small. Therefore, it can be expected that once these products are launched, they will quickly make a breakthrough in the market and begin to quickly devour the products of these peers. occupied market.

After all, as long as the virtual world and virtual reality world are in his hands, they will have the greatest capital to control this market.

This is why these colleagues are increasingly asking Wu Hao and others to open the virtual world and the virtual reality world, and it is also why Wu Hao and others are so confident.

This is just like social platforms. Before there is absolute technological subversion, once a social software becomes mainstream, it will be very difficult for other similar software to get involved. Unless this manufacturer commits suicide and goes bankrupt, no one will have this chance.

This is also the reason why Xuxun has been able to stand in China for less than a few decades, because it controls real-time social software. There are too many such examples, such as those foreign instant social software, which are the same.

Of course, there are also areas where Xinxun is not good. For example, it has not competed with Weibo in community forums. In the field of short videos, it still has not competed with Xinxun and Xinxun.

Now as the virtual world and virtual reality world controlled by Wu Hao and others develop and take shape, as long as they control this, the development of the intelligent VR and AR industry cannot bypass them. With this alone, they can be invincible.

What's more, the youth version launched this time is also very sincere, so many people in the industry estimate that the domestic and international sales of this youth version may exceed 100 million units.

Of course, this is just speculation. How much it can sell depends on the actual results. After all, Haoyu Technology is currently encountering great crises and challenges overseas, so their products have been unable to enter the markets of mainstream Western countries, which has also created many variables.

Although they are only a few countries and regions, they occupy a major part of the world economy and cannot be ignored. And in these countries and regions, there are several giants competing with them, such as a certain fruit, a certain GG, a certain star, etc.

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