Military Technology

Chapter 2439 Let the public judge whether it is reliable or not.

Chapter 2440 Let the public judge whether it is reliable or not

“Because of this, the development prospects of the entire medical device industry are very broad, so we decided to focus on the medical device technology industry.

Of course, medical device technology is not the only direction that Haoyu Technology will follow in the future. As a high-tech enterprise, we will develop in a balanced manner and will not stick to one field or one industry.

For example, the field of aerospace technology will also become the focus of our development in the future. In addition, there are also the well-known energy field, intelligent manufacturing industry, digital electronic product industry, precision instrument manufacturing industry, etc.

It's just that compared to these other industries, the field of medical device technology has a closer direct relationship with the general public, and it is also what everyone needs and desires most. After all, the birth of a new drug or new medical device will save countless patients suffering from conservative diseases.

In this regard, we focused the press conference on medical device technology. "

After answering the question, Wu Hao nodded to Su Qian, then took a sip from the water glass next to him, waiting for the reporters' questions.

The second question was taken by a reporter in the front row. Wu Hao took a closer look. This reporter was a bit unfamiliar. It seemed like he was a new face.

"Mr. Wu, hello, I am Zhou Zhiqiang, a reporter from Xinghua News Agency. We noticed that at this press conference, you released the smart hospital system you developed and proposed to popularize the smart hospital system to the grassroots. Allowing the general public to enjoy advanced and equal medical resources, thus greatly improving the environment and even solving the current social problems of unequal distribution of medical resources. So this technology and your idea immediately attracted the attention of all walks of life. . While everyone is marveling at the advancement of the smart hospital system technology you released, they are also worried about whether this technological achievement is as advanced, effective, and safe as you said. And you proposed to use this smart hospital system Promoting it to the grassroots has also caused great controversy. How do you respond to this?"

Sure enough, he was a reporter from a state-owned media. This statement captured an issue that is of greatest concern to the general public. And because he is a reporter from a national media, he is limited in the scope and angle of questions he can ask. He can only ask positive questions that are of concern to the general public and are positive.

After hearing the reporter's words, Wu Hao smiled and nodded, organized his words slightly, and then confidently replied: "First of all, I think it is understandable that everyone has such worries. After all, facing such a matter is related to everyone's health. There is nothing wrong with everyone choosing to treat new things that are life-safety with caution.

No matter how I assure you or how I convince you, I cannot dispel your doubts. Instead of doing this, it is better to speak directly with facts.

At present, our first smart hospital system has been completed at the Linghu Medical Technology Research Center of Anxi Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Medical College and is open to the public. If you are interested, you can go and experience it.

Not only you at the scene, but also other people, including some experts and professors in the medical field who want to find out their problems, can come and give guidance.

We welcome everyone to come and experience it, and we also welcome everyone to put forward their own opinions and suggestions on this technology and system equipment. We will also listen carefully and actively improve it.

Only such complete openness and transparency, allowing the public to personally test its performance and reliability, can all doubts be dispelled.

Next, we will also cooperate with some other hospital institutions to build several smart hospital systems in different regions and cities, so that more people and patients can experience it.

As the saying goes, true gold is not afraid of fire. I believe that this smart hospital system will soon gain widespread recognition and support from the public. I have confidence in our technology and products. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused and then continued: "As for what you mentioned, my idea of ​​popularizing the smart hospital system to cover grassroots areas has attracted a lot of controversy. I think this is normal. We We must also allow different voices to speak, and we must listen to voices from all sides.

At present, none of us know whether this smart hospital system is practical or not, because we have not tried it, so we cannot make a final judgment. The so-called practice is the only criterion for testing truth. How can we make judgments without practice. Is it necessary to judge whether a technology is good or bad just by relying on experience? This is not scientific at all.

Regarding the current issue of uneven distribution of medical resources across regions, I have already talked about it at the press conference and will not go into details here. I just want to say that this is the objective fact before us.

We cannot allow a remote area to have the same medical resources and medical technology as a first-tier city. This is obviously unrealistic. Although our current triage and telemedicine technologies can solve some problems, they can only solve some problems and are far from being able to alleviate and solve additional problems.

Our smart hospital system can rely on its own advantages to allow people in these remote areas to enjoy the most advanced medical resources and medical treatment levels.

Let me ask you a question: How many years does it take to train an excellent primary care doctor? "

Wu Hao asked the reporters present. After hearing Wu Hao's words, the reporters couldn't help but think. Although everyone had their own answers, they did not say them out loud, but looked at Wu Hao.

Wu Hao glanced at the reporters, and then stretched out his hand to calculate the results for everyone: "Based on the current number of years to train a qualified doctor, an outstanding young doctor needs five years of undergraduate education and three years of master's degree. , three years for a doctorate. After you wait in the hospital, you still have to train for three years. Of course, this can be included in the master's and doctoral education system, so that you can become a resident doctor, or just a resident doctor. So you still have to In the hospital, you gain seniority and experience. Only after you become the attending doctor can you have the capital to practice medicine independently. Only when such doctors are placed in the local area can they benefit a place and relieve the suffering of the people there.

Even if these grassroots doctors can lower their standards, then they must at least have a five-year undergraduate degree. It is not necessary to say whether a three-year master's degree is needed, but three-year regular training is necessary, so that only the doctors who come out can be used. It is only for one use and can only deal with some routine diseases, but it is barely enough for grassroots areas.

But the problem now is that with so many young doctors we train every year, how many of them are willing to go to these remote places with poor conditions?

Even if they are willing to go to the local area, how many people can be retained by the poor medical conditions? "

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