Military Technology

Chapter 2442 Be yourself and never let them down

Chapter 2443 Be yourself and never let them down

"We are currently actively exploring the application of this technology. We hope that more outstanding talents and friends who are interested in this area and have ideas can join us. Let us work together to promote this technology and this field. development and progress.”

After answering this question, Wu Hao picked up the water glass and started drinking. After saying so much, his mouth was a little dry. At the same time, the reporters below began to actively raise their hands to ask questions, and Shen Ning gave this opportunity to a foreign reporter.

"Mr. Wu, hello, John, reporter from Yingguo Times. In the press conference, you mentioned that you have encountered many problems and challenges abroad, especially in Europe and the United States. Does this mean that your company has begun to adjust its strategy in foreign markets, especially in Europe and the United States? business strategy, and gradually abandon the European and American markets and instead develop developing countries and regions. In addition, how do you respond to the recent accusations made by some national and regional security departments and media against you?"

Yes, this is someone looking for trouble. Wu Hao laughed bitterly in his heart, but on the surface he still smiled and nodded and replied: "First of all, let me answer your first question.

Indeed, we have encountered great challenges and encountered great difficulties in some overseas areas. So we are currently looking for solutions and ways to address these challenges and difficulties encountered, and work hard to solve these problems.

But this does not mean that we have to give up some regional markets, which is obviously impossible. No matter what, we will not give up lightly, let alone those loyal users who have always supported us.

We hope that these problems and difficulties can be gradually solved, so that more people can experience our advanced technology and more people can benefit from our advanced technology products.

For example, these advanced medical devices and medical technologies are limited by these problems and have been unable to enter these areas for a long time. As a result, many patients in these areas have a chance to be cured, but they can only wait for death in vain, or are trapped in the torture of the disease. This is extremely unfair to these patients.

Here, I solemnly appeal, hoping that these regions can take off their colored glasses and treat us as equals and friendly people. We don't need the so-called data, and we are not interested in the so-called security. Apart from the market and voices, we are not interested in the so-called accusations and slanderous content.

As for the market in developing regions you mentioned, we have always attached great importance to it. We believe that this is a market with great potential and is worth exploring and developing.

In addition, we believe that no matter who they are in developed or underdeveloped areas, they are all equal and they should enjoy advanced technological products.

We are committed to improving the living standards of people in these areas and providing them with better products and technical services in various fields. "

Since this foreign machine was trying to dig a hole for him, he naturally wouldn't be polite and would directly ridicule him in his answer. Right and wrong are free for the public to judge.

Shen Ning decisively handed over the next opportunity to ask questions to domestic reporters. This was also an old face, and he had seen it in previous meetings.

I saw this tall and thin reporter took the microphone and stood up and said: "Hello, Mr. Wu, I am Wang Song, a reporter from IT technology. The youth version series of smart AR and VR glasses released by your company this time yesterday It has been launched in the evening, and many consumers have already obtained these products through physical stores this morning. Judging from consumers' hands-on experience, the performance experience of these products is very good and has been highly praised by everyone.

But at the same time, we have also noticed that there are now voices criticizing your launch of the Youth Edition series of smart AR and VR glasses for the purpose of expanding the market share of your company's products and combating related products of other competitors, so as to gain absolute control of the market. The right to speak forms a de facto market monopoly. How do you respond to this. "

Wu Hao frowned when he heard such a question. Sure enough, this was specifically looking for trouble. This question is very sensitive. If you accidentally answer it incorrectly, it may cause great controversy and criticism and have a great impact.

It is precisely because of this that as soon as this question was asked, the reporters at the scene became a little commotion, eager to see how Wu Hao responded to such a sharp question.

So after carefully considering the question asked by Wang Song, Wu Hao organized his words, and then answered with a smile: "First of all, we thank our consumers for their support and trust. It is precisely because of this support and trust that we Continuously improve product quality and performance experience, so as to live up to everyone and let everyone get better products.

Here is good news to announce to you. As of the latest data we have just received before the press conference, the sales volume of our youth version series of smart AR and VR glasses has reached two million units, and this number is still growing rapidly. , we have begun to coordinate and organize various smart manufacturing factories to increase production capacity to ensure that all consumers who order can get the products in the shortest possible time. "


Upon hearing the news, the reporters at the scene couldn't help but get excited, and the cameras behind him also started taking pictures of Wu Hao. The first sales exceeded two million units. Such sales are really terrifying. It has only been a short time. It seems that major manufacturers and professional institutions have increased their sales expectations for Haoyu Technology's youth version series of smart AR and VR glasses. .

As for Wu Hao, he had a clear view of the reactions of the reporters in the audience, and then continued with a smile: "As for the second question you mentioned, we noticed it and expected that someone would say that.

This is normal. As the saying goes, a thousand people have a thousand words and a thousand opinions. We cannot ask everyone to comment positively. Therefore, we accept these criticisms with an open mind, correct them if they are present, and encourage them if they are not.

As for the question you raised, what I want to say is that this does not exist.

If we have such thoughts or intentions, why wait for so long? Why not learn from other digital electronics manufacturers. Shortly after the release of our smart AR and VR glasses, we launched the youth version series to seize the mid-to-low-end market. What about the market?

If that's the case, what's wrong with these friends and businessmen now?

What I want to say is that excellent product quality, performance, and experience are the key to determining whether your product is popular with consumers and whether it is a hot seller. Rather than trying your best to discredit and attack your peers because they are too strong, this is Attacking and suppressing is even more unfair competition.

Be yourself, make your own products, be kind to yourself, and even more so, be kind to the consumers who trust you and pay for you. Their money does not come from the wind, and they are willing to spend money to buy your products. This is the greatest support for you. You must not let them down or let down this group of the cutest and kindest people. "

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