Chapter 2445 "Sanitation" No. 1 and "Rescuer" No. 1

This should be considered the first time that Wu Hao has explained the future aerospace development plan in such a detailed and systematic manner in front of so many reporters. But with the series of plans he listed, the reporters at the scene couldn't help but get excited.

Not only the scene, but also the netizens who were watching the conference through live broadcast were also excited. For a time, the relevant news immediately made the headlines.

After taking in everything in the audience, Wu Hao raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then continued to speak to the audience: "As for next year, it is also an important year for our Haoyu Aerospace. First of all, our number of commercial launches throughout the year next year It will reach a new high, basically reaching a frequency of twice a month. In addition, we will also launch a series of experimental spacecraft. For example, we will launch the first lunar spacecraft next year to verify our related technologies. Is it safe and reliable? In addition, next year we will also start the construction mission of the lunar scientific research station, and the first batch of equipment and materials will be transported to the moon next year. For another example, next year we will launch two experimental satellites, including Sanitation One.

The role of Environmental Satellite 1 is to clean up space floating objects and debris in the Earth's low-Earth orbit, thereby clearing out valuable orbits for reuse. The Rescuer 1 will also be launched next year, and we will use it to try to experiment with space orbit maintenance technology in space. Once the relevant technology matures, we will use the Rescuer series of satellites to repair high-value spacecraft and satellites in space in the future. In this way, even if some high-value spacecraft have problems in orbit in the future, we can repair these spacecraft in this convenient, fast and low-cost way, thereby extending their service life.

In the past, we basically had to rely on space shuttles and astronauts to repair these satellites and spacecraft in orbit. This method was too time-consuming, laborious, and costly. In the future, we only need to launch such a satellite to complete the entire maintenance task.

We can even refuel these spacecraft and satellites online, replace solar panels, and upgrade hardware systems so that they can improve performance and extend their working time in orbit. "

Sure enough, Wu Hao's words still caused quite a stir. On the one hand, of course, the space plans he announced are shocking enough, especially some of the disruptive technologies, which are really amazing.

On the other hand, I admire Wu Hao and his colleagues for their continuous investment in the aerospace field and the many aerospace technology research results they have produced, which is really remarkable.

Of course, these words have different interpretations in the eyes of different people. Some people think that this is a kind act by Wu Hao and others, which will greatly improve the earth's near-Earth space environment, reduce the amount of garbage debris, prevent spacecraft and satellites from being affected by these debris and garbage, and promote the sustainable development of space.

Others believe that whether it is Sanitation No. 1 or Rescuer No. 1, there is a very strong military strategy behind it. Since the Environmental Satellite 1 can clean up orbital floating debris and space debris, does that mean it is also capable of cleaning up spacecraft and satellites in orbit?

This ability may not be so conspicuous in peacetime, but it can play a significant role in wartime. Using this kind of Sanitation-1 satellite, we can clean up all kinds of enemy reconnaissance and communication satellites in orbit on a large scale, and even intercept some high-orbit ballistic missile warheads. Its strategic value is huge.

Even without talking about military factors, being able to clean up space orbital debris and realize the reuse of high-value orbits is of great strategic and economic value. You must know that the earth's space orbital resources are limited. Once they are seized, they will be gone. Among them, the high-value rails are very precious and are the focus of all countries to seize them. A high-value track with great strategic significance. Therefore, it also has huge economic value.

I believe that after the success of the Sanitation-1 launch experiment next year, Haoyu Aerospace’s stock price will increase significantly again.

The military and economic value of the other rescuer No. 1 is also very huge. Let’s talk about the military value first. It can repair high-value spacecraft and satellites in orbit. You must know that many important satellites and spacecraft, especially those for military purposes, are very expensive. More than a billion dollars, billions of dollars, and even tens of billions of dollars. Once damaged, the loss will be huge. Not to mention that the billions of costs are just gone, but the work gap caused by the failure of satellites and spacecrafts can cause very huge losses.

And if there are satellites in orbit at this time to repair these high-value satellites and spacecraft, so as to eliminate faults and restore normal operation, that would be really important. On the one hand, it can reduce the gap caused by satellite and spacecraft failures and make up for losses. On the other hand, these expensive satellites and spacecraft costing billions or tens of billions of dollars can also be saved. For a small amount of money, you can recover a lot of losses and it's worth the money.

It is also possible to improve the performance of these old satellites and spacecraft by refueling, replacing solar panels, and upgrading hardware, extending their working hours, which has huge economic and military value.

In the military context, through the Rescuer-1, satellites and spacecraft that have been damaged by enemy attacks can be quickly rescued, and the strategic value is inestimable.

Similarly, since the Rescuer-1 can rescue and repair its own satellites and spacecraft online, can't it "rescue and repair" other satellites and spacecrafts? For example, wipe the solar panels of other countries' satellites and spacecrafts, or break off the antennas.

In other words, it is feasible to perform a surgical operation on these satellites and install something inside or remove something.

Turn other people's satellites into your own satellites, turn other people's spacecraft into your own spacecraft, and turn other people's warheads into your own. This is also a way to generate income.

This kind of intimacy makes for easy communication, and I believe these satellites and spacecraft will definitely "like" it.

Of course, these are all said by others. Other people's speculations and slanders have nothing to do with Wu Hao and the others. They have never said that. In their view, the Environmental Satellite 1 and the Rescuer 1 serve the vast number of satellites and spacecraft in space. They have never had bad intentions and have never thought about these things.

None of this is true, they promise.

As for whether others believe it or not, what does it have to do with them? It is enough that they themselves believe it and the public believes it.

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