Military Technology

Chapter 2469 Forget the pain and embrace a new life

It was really tiring to carry out these ten hammers. Fortunately, the woman saw that the two of them were working hard, so she gave each of them an extra piece of glutinous rice cake, which gave him some small comfort.

After all, I am also a service provider with a net worth of hundreds of millions, and I can still earn tens of thousands of dollars per second. Now I have to work hard to swing ten hammers, but I only get these two pieces of baked glutinous rice cake, but it is not worth it.


Lin Wei took a gentle bite, and then her eyes filled with stars.

Seeing this, Wu Hao also picked up the glutinous rice cake and took a bite. It's a little hot, but the outside is fried golden and a little crispy. The inside is relatively soft and waxy, with some fine graininess and the texture of glutinous rice flour, which really tastes good.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: If you like to eat, I will buy you some more.

Lin Wei shook her head and pointed to the piece of baked glutinous rice cake in her hand and said with a smile: "This piece on my hand is the most delicious, because it was earned by your own hard work."

Of course, because it is the most expensive. Wu Hao said with a smile.

Hehe, I don’t know if it’s expensive or not, but for me, it is the most precious. Lin Wei said with a smile.

Haha, it sounds comfortable to say this, but I don’t forget to work hard. When Wu Hao heard this, he started to joke.

Cluck cluck

Smiling, Lin Wei suddenly looked at the blue sky and white clouds in the distance and couldn't help but sigh: You said it would be great if it could always be like this. We don't have to be so busy and can just enjoy life.

Hearing Lin Wei's emotion, Wu Hao couldn't help but smile and said: You just feel fresh now. If you stay here for ten days and a half, you should be anxious.

That's true.

After hearing his words, Lin Wei nodded and glanced at Wu Hao and said: It is definitely not possible to leave the city and work. I hope we can be less busy this year and spend more time enjoying life.

Wu Hao couldn't help but feel touched when he heard this. Indeed, they have been too busy in the past few years and have too little time to truly rest and play. Thinking of this, Wu Hao couldn't help but feel that he owed Lin Wei and his family a little. After all, he left too little time for them.

Yes, I hope I can be less busy this year.

Although he said so, Wu Hao still sighed in his heart and shook his head involuntarily. This year is even busier. A series of projects will be launched one after another. As the person in charge, he may not be able to take any time off.

However, when he thought of the beauties around him and his family, Wu Hao secretly made up his mind to spend more time with them this year.

After shopping around again, Wu Hao and the others met with their parents. Both parties purchased a lot of things, including various local specialties from the village and some handicrafts. Anyway, there were a lot of things. Fortunately, I have a car, so I won’t have no place to install it.

After looking at the time and seeing that it was almost time, Wu Hao and the others immediately called to find Wu Tong and Lin Lei who had gone to who knows where, and then started to return.

It was extremely quiet on the way back, maybe because everyone was tired. Especially my parents, father-in-law and mother-in-law, after all, they are old and not energetic enough. I was really tired after the day, so I took a nap on the way back.

The same goes for Wu Hao and Lin Wei. Lin Wei was dozing off on Wu Hao's shoulder along the way. What's a little disgusting is that the girl may be too tired, so she drooled and wet his shoulder. As for Wu Hao himself, he also took a few naps, woke up several times, and was drowsy all the way.

Everyone who returned to the city was not in a hurry to go home, but came to a restaurant to eat. It’s already been a tiring day and I’m too lazy to get something to eat when I get home, so I might as well eat something outside.

Considering the reasons for both parents, Lin Wei found a Cantonese restaurant. The taste was relatively light and the soup was good. Everyone felt very comfortable eating this meal, maybe because they were really tired today, so everyone felt quite full. Even parents who are old and have poor appetites are the same.

After finishing the meal, Wu Hao's family said goodbye to his father-in-law, mother-in-law, and they left. As for Wu Hao and his family, they also drove back home.

Maybe it's because I'm tired

Because, not long after returning home, my father and stepmother went back to the room to sleep. As for Wu Tong, this girl also returned to the room early, saying that she was going to export the photos taken during the day.

Only Wu Hao and Lin Wei were left on the huge first floor, which looked a little deserted.

Wu Hao looked at Lin Wei and said with a smile: "How about we take a bath and rest early."

Lin Wei shook her head: "I've eaten a lot, but I can't sleep now. Please watch TV with me for a while."

Wu Hao nodded when he heard this, went to pour a glass of water for the two of them, and then came to sit next to Lin Wei. Lin Wei also fell into his arms.

There are still some idol dramas on TV, in which young actors play the leading roles, and their acting skills are so-so, not as good as the veteran actors who play supporting roles.

But the story is okay, quite cheerful and funny. It was nice to just watch it like this without having to think about it, which made him and Lin Wei laugh from time to time.

My parents are very happy today. Lin Wei suddenly said while lying in Wu Hao's arms.

Hearing Lin Wei's words, Wu Hao also thought of something, and then asked with a smile: Is it because of Lin Lei?

Well, Lin Wei nodded, played with Wu Hao's hand and said: This brat has been feeling a little inferior since the accident. Even after he recovered, he still didn't want to go out. He stayed at home and refused to let him go out to play. out.

And because of this incident, this kid is now afraid of driving, or even riding in a car. We tried persuading him for a long time but it didn't work, and we hired many psychological experts but with little success.

Today this brat not only went out to play with us, but also seemed relatively calm while sitting in the car, so my parents were particularly excited today. Didn't you notice that they had two drinks in the evening?

noticed. Wu Hao nodded and said: This is a symptom of post-traumatic stress reaction, that is, post-traumatic sequelae. There is no special treatment, only gradual improvement.

The key now is Lin Lei. He must accept this and actively cooperate with the treatment. Only in this way can he come out. Today is a good start, and we still need to keep up our efforts.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei also nodded: I'll go back and talk to my parents, I can't let this brat stay like this. I think so, let him do something, only in this way can he slowly forget the pain and embrace a new life again.

Let’s take a look at his personal wishes first. Interest is the biggest motivation. See what he wants to do, and we try to support it. Wu Hao nodded in response.

Lin Wei, on the other hand, shook his head: You can't just follow his temper, that's what I think. First find a place for him in his home company or my company to exercise.

I'm also available here. If you need anything, you can always tell me. Wu Hao said with a smile.

Um. Lin Wei responded, then held Wu Hao's hand tightly and leaned her head into his arms.

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