Military Technology

Chapter 2505 A hot order of US$200 million

Military Technology Chapter 2505: A hot order worth US$200 million

Wu Hao nodded when he heard this and said: "You are right, 200 million U.S. dollars of oil and gas are indeed easy to sell. We don't even need to do it directly. Several oil and gas companies are very happy to help us.

But there are risks in this order, and you also know the current attitude of the West. Once the other party knows about our transaction with a certain country, it is likely that the other party will be more targeted.

In fact, knowing is certain. Once our weapons and equipment appear on the battlefield, the other party and even the entire world will know that these weapons and equipment belong to us. At that time, I'm afraid we will be under pressure from all parties. This is what I am more worried about. "

Wu Hao glanced at Zhang Jun and then said: "In addition, there is another point. A certain country has made a request, hoping that we can send professional and technical personnel to arrive in the country together with this batch of weapons and equipment to provide training for the other party's relevant personnel. To work and train them how to use these weapons and equipment proficiently, this also means that we may be indirectly involved in the war."

Hearing what he said, Zhang Jun also put away his smile and nodded seriously. After thinking for a while, he raised his head and asked Wu Hao: "Ignore everything else now, I want to know how the country views this deal now. Give us permission to finish him."

Do you think Chang Shengjun and others came to talk to us on their own initiative? Wu Hao asked Zhang Jun, and then said: "This must be authorized or tacitly approved. Since it is a secret order, it cannot be stated openly.

What I'm worried about is that there is no problem now, but once this order is exposed in the future, there will be relevant legal risks. "

That's not the case. Since it is authorized or tacitly agreed, it is impossible for anyone to investigate this matter. Director Chang and others will definitely not allow others to investigate this matter. We can rest assured in this regard. Zhang Jun analyzed.

"Now are the two questions you mentioned. One is whether we can withstand the pressure from all parties, especially overseas, and the related blows that will follow after this deal is exposed in the future. The second is, we, we have to Don’t send people to the country to train them. The rest I don’t think is a big problem.”

Wu Hao nodded when he heard this, then looked at Zhang Jun and said, "What do you think about this?"

Hearing Wu Hao throw the question back to him, Zhang Jun couldn't help but smile bitterly, then thought about it, and said to Wu Hao: "I think it's okay, as long as the weapons and equipment we sell this time are the same as before. If it appears at air shows and has been sold to external parties, then there is no problem.

Even if we are discovered by then, we will have every reason to defend ourselves. After all, we have sold so many weapons and equipment. Whether these weapons and equipment were finally resold by customers and where they went is beyond our control.

So in the end, it became a matter of arguing with each other, and over time, it naturally became calm.

Secondly, as I said earlier, the 200 million oil and gas order is easy to sell. It is only a little troublesome for us, but it is nothing. It is completely acceptable.

As for whether to send personnel to the country for personnel training in the end, this can be fought for. For example, we can get these personnel to be trained in our country and put them all at the Northwest Research Base, and no one will find out.

Even if our personnel are dispatched, it is impossible to go to the front line. They are all teaching in the rear, so there is not much risk. "

After hearing Zhang Jun's analysis, Wu Hao nodded, weighed it for a while, and then said: "Okay, first contact the other party according to your ideas. However, the contact location cannot be in the company, and it cannot be too excessive. Publicity must be kept strictly confidential.

Moreover, neither of us can show up for this order. We have to take pictures of the people below. This way, if there is a problem, we have room for buffering. "

Zhang Jun nodded when he heard this and said: "I agree, be careful and you won't make a big mistake. Do you have a suitable candidate for the photo?"

Wu Hao thought for a while and then said: "Let Zhou Yonghui go. He is the head of the Institute of Aviation Technology and UAV. It is more appropriate for him to go."

Okay, then should I select some business professionals to assist him? Zhang Jun nodded and asked Wu Hao.

Wu Hao thought for a moment and then said: "Okay, but the candidate needs to be carefully considered. It doesn't need to be too outstanding, but it must be a stable and reliable candidate.

In addition, I am also thinking that as the scale of our business in the military industry continues to expand, should we also set up a professional team to be responsible for this aspect of operations? We cannot do everything in person. This is not good. "

"Yes, it is possible. In this way, we can save a lot of trouble." Zhang Jun nodded in appreciation, and then said: "It's just that we have to think carefully about the person in charge. This person must be able to understand To do business and deal with foreigners, you must be reliable enough and able to take on this task. Find Shuyuan www.ス ”

Hearing what Zhang Jun said, Wu Hao became more sad. Indeed, such people are hard to find. They have a lot of capable people, but there are not many people who are trustworthy enough to take on such a big task. So who should be chosen to take on this task? This gave him a headache.

Zhang Jun thought for a moment, then smiled at Wu Hao and said, "I do have a suitable candidate, would you like to hear it?"

"Zhang Xiaolei, your former secretary." Zhang Jun looked at him and smiled.

She, what do you think, why did you choose her? Wu Hao frowned and said.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun felt confident. He knew that Wu Hao also recognized Zhang Xiaolei in his heart, but he lacked a reason to convince him.

So Zhang Jun said with a smile: "First of all, I think Zhang Xiaolei's ability is not bad. She did a good job at Shanghai Branch before. Although something happened, it does not completely negate her achievements there. Results. After returning to work in the company, she has been responsible for the overseas market, and she has been able to do it with ease. Especially when following Tong Juan to deal with matters in Europe, she performed very well, which was affirmed by Tong Juan.

Secondly, Zhang Xiaolei is reliable enough. This is the person you brought out with your own hands. You don’t know what kind of person she is yet. You know her thoroughly and can easily control her.

You must also hope to put a reliable candidate in such an important position. Zhang Xiaolei meets this requirement very well.

Secondly, Zhang Xiaolei is still a responsible person. Except for such a mess in Shanghai, she did not shirk responsibility or leave the blame. Instead, she accepted criticism and punishment very humbly, and she also did an excellent job in the subsequent work. Nothing went wrong again.

Anyway, think about it. "

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