Military Technology

Chapter 2538 The voice of doubt

Haoyu Technology Headquarters, emergency response command center.

Wu Hao came here as soon as he got to work. This emergency response command center was set up for such emergencies. It is usually on standby. Once an emergency occurs, this emergency response command center will be activated immediately.

All emergency response experts and personnel selected previously will receive the information as soon as possible and arrive at their posts as soon as possible. Of course, all selected personnel and technical experts will usually receive an extra reward, and there will also be special rewards for participating in such emergency response events.

Seeing Wu Hao coming, Yang Fan, who was conducting the command here, immediately came up to greet him.

Seeing the tiredness on the other person's face and the red bloodshot eyes, he couldn't help but express concern: "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's a small thing." Yang Fan waved his hand, and then yawned involuntarily.

"How is the situation now?" Wu Hao then turned to look at the big screen and asked.

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Yang Fan immediately introduced: "The current situation is relatively stable and has not continued to deteriorate.

Emergency repairs have begun on the cables at the accident site and are expected to be completed tonight. The difficulty now is some equipment damage caused by short circuit.

The underground cable routing construction at this location is very irregular, and political power cables and communication cables overlap and are mixed together. In addition, there are also things like current affairs and water supply.

After the accident, all these cable ducts were dug out. When the wires and cables were short-circuited by water, they burned many node switches and other network equipment along these communication cables.

The most important task now is to check whether the switches and other network equipment at each node in these cities are normal and carry out maintenance and replacement.

Of course, this is mainly the work of the communications company. Our current work is mainly to repair the intelligent unmanned logistics system, urban intelligent sanitation system, and self-driving urban rapid island network affected by the first accident.

Affected by this failure, in addition to these systems being more or less affected, a series of minor accidents were also triggered by this accident. For example, unmanned vehicles responsible for logistics transportation are out of service, drones make emergency landings, smart sanitation systems collapse, etc. "

After listening to Yang Fan's introduction, Wu Hao nodded and asked: "When can the emergency repairs be completed and return to normal."

"The emergency repairs will be completed this afternoon. After a night of debugging, normal operation will probably resume tomorrow morning." Yang Fan said to Wu Hao.

Too slow, Wu Hao shook his head, and then said to Yang Fan and everyone: "Now all walks of life are looking at us. At this moment, we must stay calm, show our confidence and strength, and show the society All walks of life prove our strong strength.

At present, due to the collapse of intelligent unmanned logistics systems in some areas, there is a serious backlog of logistics goods in these areas. In addition to some express packages, there are also many daily necessities, including many products that are difficult to preserve and easily deteriorate.

So we must seize the time and return to normal as soon as possible.

In addition, there is an intelligent sanitation system. The garbage in many areas cannot be cleaned, and there has been a problem of garbage accumulation. So I ask you to speed up the time. What I want to see tomorrow morning is a completely orderly Anxi. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Yang Fan and everyone present couldn't help but feel the pressure. However, at this time, Yang Fan did not choose to back down or look for excuses. Instead, he nodded and said, "No problem. Before tomorrow morning, make sure that all systems are back to normal operation."

good. Wu Hao showed a satisfied smile, and then watched the construction monitoring pictures of various areas on the big screen for a while, then said goodbye to Yang Fan and left here, no longer disturbing their work.

Wu Hao left here and went directly to Zhang Jun's office. When he entered, Zhang Jun was still talking to a few people. After seeing him coming, he immediately said a few words to those people and then sent them away. He walked to his refrigerator for the first time, took out two cans of energy drink, threw one of the cans to Wu Hao, opened one himself and took a sip, then walked to sit down next to Wu Hao.

"At present, the impact of the accident is still within the controllable range and is not as bad as we previously expected. We have contacted many media and used online channels to issue press releases. It should calm down soon. .

Of course, we also found some voices from other aspects, the most common of which were doubts.

The most common doubt on the Internet at present is that such a small accident can cause these systems to collapse on a large scale. So if there is a big disaster or war, will these systems still work? It's too fragile. "

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao nodded: "Indeed, this accident has reminded us that we must strengthen this aspect, especially the safe construction of support projects that are closely related to people's lives. In this way, this After this incident, we immediately communicated and coordinated with local leaders in Anxi to strengthen the security and stability of these systems, especially the construction of emergency backup systems.

In this way, even if a problem occurs in a certain area in the future, it will only affect this small area, rather than having such a large impact this time. "

"But in this case, we need to make additional investment in these systems, which is not a small amount of money. Accidents like last night are relatively rare. Is it worthwhile to spend so much trouble on it?" Zhang Jun couldn't help but frown after hearing this. He said with a frown.

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, we don't have to pay this time, let Anxi local government pay. After all, these systems, whether they are intelligent unmanned logistics systems or intelligent sanitation systems, The system, or the autonomous driving expressway system, will have a great role in promoting the local development of Anxi.

The losses caused by this accident are not only for us, but also for the Anxi region and the affected people. I believe that soon, they will come to us without us looking for them. "

But in this case, our right to speak in this regard will be greatly reduced. Zhang Jun nodded, but still expressed his worries.

Wu Hao waved his hand when he heard this: "This will happen sooner or later. Such an important system is related to the lives of many people. How can the local government allow us to lead these projects?

Therefore, from the time these projects are launched, we should know that local governments will definitely participate, but it will only happen sooner or later. This accident was just the reason why they couldn't not seize this opportunity. "

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