Military Technology

Chapter 2545 Yang Dongdong’s Story (7)

Chapter 2547 Yang Dongdong’s Story (7)

Chapter 2546 Yang Dongdong’s Story (7)

When Yang Dongdong and his family came back from completing the procedures, Dr. Xiao Luo and Dr. Xu were already waiting at the door of the examination room. The examination room was actually very large and divided into several areas. The most eye-catching one was the high Precision MRI equipment.

At this moment, this high-precision MRI equipment has been warmed up. Under the guidance of the doctor, Yang Dongdong's daughter walked in and lay down with the help of the female doctor.

The machine started slowly, and as the sound became louder and louder, some scanned images soon began to appear on the big screen outside. As more and more images are scanned, they eventually accumulate into a three-dimensional model.

As the intelligent system continues to process these MRI images, a 3D digital heart model appears on the big screen. By this time, the examination had ended. When Yang Dongdong and his wife saw their daughter, they got off the bed and walked out with the help of the doctor.

Yang Dongdong's wife quickly picked up her daughter and asked her how she felt. As for his daughter, she smiled and shook her head, looking very well-behaved.

However, compared to their daughter, Yang Dongdong and his wife paid more attention to the heart model on the big screen. This was the first time they saw their daughter's heart so realistically.

This heart is the same size as an adult heart, but the shape of the heart is somewhat ugly and deformed, and there are some scars on it, which appear to be leftover from the surgery that year.

Dr. Xiao Luo stared at the heart on the screen for a while, and slid his hand to change the angle to observe carefully for a while, then nodded, and then said to Yang Dongdong and his wife: "Okay, let's go to the conference room next. Director Liang will be there soon." Just the way."

Having said this, Dr. Xiao Luo turned to Dr. Xu and said, "Uncle, let's go there too, my teacher will say right away."

good. Dr. Xu nodded, and then followed Dr. Xiao Luo and Yang Dongdong to the first meeting room.

This conference room is very small. Just like the outside, it has bright lights above and a white floor below, making it look particularly clean. There is a log-colored table in the middle of the conference room, as well as a dozen chairs.

There are several pots of green plants placed in the middle of the table, which are growing particularly vigorously. On one side of the conference table, there were several large screens facing each other. The screen was turned on at the moment, and on the screen was a logo with the Linghu Medical Research Center printed on it.

Please take a seat! Dr. Xiao Luo said to Yang Dongdong's family.

Yang Dongdong and his wife were a little nervous, but they still sat down quietly.

Upon seeing this, Dr. Xiao Luo stood up and poured a cup of hot water for each of them. Then he asked Dr. Xu to sit down and also offered him a glass of water. Then he started holding a tablet and started operating it with his head down.

Soon, some relevant case information of Yang Dongdong's daughter was displayed on the big screen, as well as the 3D digital heart model generated by the scan just now.

Looking at this 3D digital heart model, Yang Dongdong and his wife had countless questions. Just as they were about to ask questions, they heard a noise outside. Soon, the glass door of the conference room was pushed open, and five or six doctors in white coats walked in.

The most eye-catching one was the middle doctor, who was about fifty years old, well-proportioned, with a smile on his face, and was somewhat kind. As for the other doctors, they are basically about the same age as Dr. Ronaldinho, and they are all very young.

Junior sister, it must have been a long time since we last met. Director Liang looked at his young junior sister and said with a smile.

Hello, senior brother, I have caused you trouble. When Dr. Xu saw this, he stood up quickly and said with a smile.

Regardless of the trouble, I have to thank you for providing us with such a special case, which has made great progress in our scientific research work. After Director Liang finished speaking, he smiled at Dr. Xu and said: "I came here to take a look around and feel how it is, senior brother. Do you want to come and help senior brother? I am in short supply of young and promising experts like you. In terms of salary, Don’t worry, what we can provide here is definitely the top level in the industry.

And here, you can also come into contact with the most cutting-edge theories and technologies in our field and master first-hand information. And practice these technologies in your hands to save more patients’ lives. "

Seeing that his senior brother was opening his mouth to dig him out when they met, Dr. Xu couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Senior brother, this is too sudden for you. I brought the patient here today, otherwise, let's get down to business first."

Seeing that Dr. Xu did not answer directly, Director Liang did not ask any more questions. He then smiled and nodded, and then stood up over there, still a little at a loss.

Don't be nervous, I have a general understanding of your child's condition. The main purpose of calling you here today is to meet and make a super-fine scan model of the child. Then we will talk about the condition together, and also tell you about the subsequent treatment process and some precautions.

Sit down, let's sit down and talk. Director Liang said hello, and then took the lead to get to the main seat under the big screen. Others saw this and followed suit.

Director Liang sat down, casually took the tablet from Dr. Xiao Luo, then turned to look at the big screen, while sliding, he said to everyone: "Look, it's still very obvious."

Seeing this, the other doctors nodded.

Only Yang Dongdong's family was at a loss and a little at a loss.

After looking at the heart on the screen carefully for a while, Director Liang turned around and said to Yang Dongdong's family.

"We already know each other. Time is limited, so let's be concise. First of all, I can tell you clearly that your child's disease can be cured here, and we have already had cured cases, and the after-effects are It’s fine, you can completely return to normal, so don’t worry.”

After hearing Director Liang's words, Yang Dongdong and his wife were immediately happy and started to express their gratitude. Even their well-behaved children had smiles on their faces. It can be seen that this child has been paying attention to his condition. Hearing Director Liang's words, he felt relieved.

Director Liang obviously noticed this, and then smiled at Yang Dongdong's daughter and said: "Kid, don't worry. Your illness is not serious. As long as you are obedient and cooperate with our treatment, you will be able to recover and be discharged soon. Play like other kids."

Can I also play volleyball and swim? Yang Dongdong's daughter asked timidly.

Hearing Yang Dongdong's daughter's words, Yang Dongdong's and his wife's eyes couldn't help but turn red. They knew that their daughter was eager to swim and play volleyball like other children. But because of her illness, the physical education teacher always excluded her. This is not a kind of discrimination, but a kind of protection, a kind of helpless protection, although it is somewhat selfish and ruthless, but it is safe.

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