Military Technology

Chapter 2567 Lin Wei’s Mission

So now Chen Keer has been promoted to a person, and he is still a person with an "ID card number". Of course, this ID number is specially approved. In fact, there are many "people" and "gods" who have specially approved ID cards like this, so Chen Keer is not special.

Of course, it is also special because its ID number is special and because it is a special person. Due to confidentiality, Chen Keer's identity cannot be announced to the public. In addition, if Chen Keer does anything illegal, Wu Hao and others will be held accountable for the relevant legal responsibilities.

So from this aspect, Chen Keer is not an individual because he does not have full capacity for civil conduct. Of course, this is defined legally. But in fact, Chen Keer is an artificial intelligence robot that is just like a real person. It has its own logical thinking and response capabilities. It is an independent individual, so from this aspect, it is another person.

This is also the reason why this kind of humanoid robot has not appeared in society because it is too difficult to define.

The convoy drove directly into the Nanhai Launch Site and stopped at the entrance of the guest house building. Wu Hao and Lin Wei stayed here for the next two days. This is mainly because it is right inside the Nanhai launch site, so it is close and convenient for work. It would be too far to live outside, and the entire launch site is closed during the launch period, making it difficult for outside vehicles to enter, so it is better to live inside the launch site.

After taking a short rest in the guest house room, Wu Hao changed into more formal casual clothes, putting on trousers, leather shoes, and a gray shirt. Putting on the work permit prepared for him by the Nanhai Launch Site, he immediately said goodbye to Lin Wei, and took Chen Kerr and several entourage to the Nanhai Launch Site Command and Control Center.

As for Lin Wei, she also changed her clothes, packed them up specially, and then went out with a few staff members. She also had a mission this time. As Wu Hao's spouse, although it is only in name now, she is still a spouse, so her main task here is to meet the family members of Haoyu Aerospace who have been invited to watch the launch mission.

This time, a total of more than 2,000 employees' family members came to visit Nanhai. Of course, it is impossible for all the more than two thousand people to be admitted to the Nanhai Launch Site. About two hundred of them, as representatives, will enter the Nanhai Launch Site for a close visit and watch the launch mission.

As for the remaining more than a thousand family members, they have also decided on their location. They will organize to watch the entire launch process on the exclusive beach of a certain hotel. So Zou Xiaodong has already gone there to meet these family members, and Lin Wei's task is to meet the representatives of the family members of the employees who enter the park. Of course, she will also go to the hotel later to meet with the families of the employees.

Mr. Lin! When a female employee saw her coming, she immediately stepped forward to greet her and said, "I am Chen Tingting, who is in charge of the families of these employees."

Hello, thank you for your hard work. Have you arranged everything? Lin Wei shook hands with Chen Tingting and then asked.

Chen Tingting nodded and responded: "Everything has been arranged. Now these family members are dining in the restaurant. I will take you there directly."

good. Lin Wei nodded and responded.

The restaurant is very lively at this time. The family members of these employees are enjoying a very rich and unique aerospace employee meal in the restaurant. As we all know, in order to take care of these hard-working aerospace researchers, the food in the aerospace system's restaurants is very rich and the standards are very high. In line with the work policy of having a full meal without thinking about home and working hard, dining in the restaurant can be said to be an important ideological and political task.

Therefore, the restaurant's chef team also tried their best to improve the food quality and made many innovations and creations based on the flavor characteristics of Nanhai, so it is very unique.

In addition to receiving launch system employees at the launch site, these employee restaurants will also receive expert technical teams from rocket systems, satellite systems, or other payload systems. Of course, under normal circumstances, they are divided into different restaurants, such as rocket system restaurants, launch system restaurants, etc. However, this classification is not strict. Scientific researchers from each system will often go to various restaurants to eat. The regulations are not that strict.

In addition to receiving these scientific researchers, these restaurants are also open to some tourists and visitors. Of course, these are the first flights. As the scientific researchers of the rocket team and payload team for this launch mission, including Wu Hao and Lin Wei, they are not charged for meals. But the family members of these employees are tourists, so they are also flying for the first time. Each person has a meal of 58, and they are innocent.

Everyone, be quiet, be quiet. Ms. Lin Wei, the girlfriend of Mr. Wu Hao and Wu of our company and the president of Micro Media, heard that you are here, so she came to visit you specially and let us applaud you. A male lead employee with a very sweet mouth announced loudly to the family members of the employees in the restaurant.

Okay, bang bang bang bang...

The family members of the employees who heard the speech stood up and applauded one by one. Amidst everyone's applause, Lin Wei walked into the restaurant surrounded by many staff.

With a smile on her face, she clapped her hands and greeted everyone. When she walked to the middle of the crowd, she immediately pressed her hands to everyone to sit down, then took the microphone handed by the staff and said with a smile to everyone.

Dear uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, younger brothers and sisters, hello everyone!

good! When the family members of these employees heard her greeting, they applauded.

Haha, I'm glad to see you all here. Today, I was entrusted by Mr. Wu Haowu to visit you on behalf of him and Haoyu Technology Co., Ltd. How have you been playing in the South China Sea these days? Are you still enjoying yourself?

After hearing her question, the family members of these employees responded one after another.

Lin Wei listened for a while with a smile, then nodded and said: "You are the family members, relatives, and the pillars behind all our scientific researchers. Without your support, their achievements today would not be possible."

So at such an important moment, we hope to invite all of you here and let us witness the arrival of such an exciting moment.

In addition, we also hope that by inviting everyone to come and watch the launch mission, we can cheer for our scientific research staff who are still working hard and sticking to their respective positions.

Let them know that we stand with them at such a critical moment. We will always stand behind them to support and encourage them and be their strongest backing.

Finally, I also wish everyone an unforgettable trip to the South China Sea. If you have any questions during this period, you can come to our team leaders, or you can come to me directly. I have been here these days.


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