Military Technology

Chapter 2572 Everything is ready

Three, two, one, watermelon!

Amid the joy of the crowd, Wu Hao and Lin Wei took a photo with the family members of the employees off the field.

Then amidst applause, Wu Hao left the scene with Lin Wei.

The next step here will be left to Yang Xiaoyun and the others. As for Wu Hao and the others, they will not stay any longer, otherwise it may cause some confusion and unnecessary trouble.

Besides, Wu Hao is busy with his work, so it's not convenient for him to stay here for a long time.

Wu Hao and Lin Wei did not return directly to the Nanhai launch site. Instead, they came to the city and had lunch together at a restaurant with local characteristics. The main reason was that it was already noon. Even if they went back, it was everyone's lunch time. Wu Hao and Lin Wei didn't want to go to the restaurant to eat, so they planned to eat something in the city.

After lunch, the two immediately took a bus back to the Nanhai launch site. After returning to the guest house to rest for a while, Wu Hao immediately headed to the Nanhai Launch Site Command and Control Center. As for Lin Wei, there are still more than 200 employees' families waiting for her to deal with.

Arriving at the command and control center hall, it was already full of people. There are less than ten hours before the launch, so at this moment, in the entire command and control center, whether it is the launch system, rocket and payload system staff, they are all focused on their work.

Mr. Wu! Seeing his arrival, Yu Chengwu, who was chatting with several people in charge of the launch system, quickly came over with a few people.

Deputy Director Gao, long time no see! Wu Hao nodded at Yu Chengwu, then walked towards Gao Jinguang and shook hands warmly to say hello.

Mr. Wu, long time no see, you still look like you. Gao Jinguang also said with a smile.

Hahaha, you are not like that too. Wu Hao replied with a smile, and then said: "I have to trouble you again for this mission."

From what you said, isn't this also our mission? Gao Jinguang replied, then smiled at Wu Hao and said: "Actually, we quite like taking on commercial launch missions like yours. Everyone is very motivated."

What Gao Jinguang said in the end was the truth, and it was also what all the launch system workers here felt. Compared with major launch missions of aerospace systems with rigorous work and heavy tasks, commercial launch missions like Haoyu Space are most welcomed by the staff of these launch systems.

On the one hand, of course, it is because commercial launch missions do not have much political pressure, so the work is relatively easy. On the other hand, of course, the subsidies or bonuses for commercial launch missions are very generous, so the staff present and the launch system are naturally very happy.

Hahaha, don’t worry, there will be many opportunities for us to cooperate in the future. Wu Hao said with a smile.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Gao Jinguang and several other personnel responsible for the launch system in charge of this launch mission all smiled on their faces.

After a few more lively greetings, Wu Hao then turned his attention to the big screen at the front of the hall, and then asked with a smile: "How is the progress now?"

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Hearing Wu Hao's words, Gao Jinguang said with a smile: "Everything is ready on the launch system. We conducted several joint trainings in the morning, and the progress was very smooth. All the subsequent preparations are being carried out in an orderly manner. Now just be quiet. Wait until the launch time comes in the evening.”

After Gao Jinguang finished speaking, Yu Chengwu next to him also reported to Wu Haohui: "Our rocket fuel filling has been completed and the condition is stable. Currently, Xiang Ming is leading the team to conduct a final comprehensive and detailed physical examination of the rocket to ensure that it will not be missed. No details will cause problems for the launch of the rocket.

At present, everything on the recovery system is ready. In addition to the roadbed landing site we set up not far from here, our offshore landing platform has also sailed to the designated sea area as required and is undergoing final preparation and debugging work.

In addition, the three helicopters responsible for the aerial recovery and hoisting of the fairing are also ready and have conducted multiple rehearsals to ensure that the fairing recovery work can proceed smoothly at night.

The fairing on Jianmu-9 this time should be our largest fairing at present. It is more than 20 meters long and more than 10 meters thick. It is large in size and heavy in weight. This has brought a lot to our aerial recovery work. challenges.

Therefore, our aerial recovery team conducted many drills in advance for this situation, especially the recovery and hoisting work at night, and conducted targeted training.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of our night recovery mission, this time we also used aerial drones to monitor the entire process. Through the infrared and low-light night vision systems, we can detect the entire airspace in real time, and the fairing landing and gliding real-time The dynamics can be seen in great detail.

These images will not only be transmitted to the aerial recovery team in real time, but will also be transmitted to us in real time to facilitate our understanding of the situation. "

Speaking of this, Yu Chengwu pointed to the large screen hanging in the command and control hall and the small screens erected on the side and said: "In order to facilitate our inspection of the lunar transportation system inside the rocket and fairing, For the entire inspection, we specially set up our intelligent monitoring system in the command and control hall.

Including the real-time status of the entire rocket and lunar transportation system, as well as the two boosters and the core first-stage rocket during recovery, the landing and recovery process of the two halves of the fairing can also be reflected in real time here.

At the same time, this system will also achieve data synchronization with the Xinyuehu Space Command and Control Center at our Linghu headquarters and the Space Command and Control Center at the Northwest Research Center to facilitate our subsequent mission handover and a series of other related tasks. The development and execution of work. "

Having said this, Yu Chengwu paused for a moment, and then said to Wu Hao: "Considering the special nature of this mission, in order to ensure the success of this mission, the relevant national departments have coordinated multiple departments and agencies in the aerospace system to assist and guide us Complete this launch mission.

The Anxi Measurement and Control Center and the Beijing Aerospace Command and Control Center will conduct full measurement and control of this mission and provide relevant guidance at any time. In addition, the aerospace system located in China and more than a dozen aerospace measurement and control stations overseas will also assist us in the measurement, control and data transmission of this mission.

Finally, relay satellites in space orbit and relay satellites on the moon will be able to provide us with relevant services at any time. "

Wu Hao nodded after hearing Yu Chengwu's introduction, and then said to Yu Chengwu: "Express my gratitude to the relevant departments and the aerospace system for me, and thank them for their assistance and guidance. Without them, we would not be able to achieve this." Dreams cannot accomplish such a task.

It can be said that the development of Haoyu Aerospace to what it is today is inseparable from their help and support, which we will always keep in mind. "

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