Military Technology

Chapter 2597 Thirty percent of weapons and equipment make their debut

After hearing Zhang Xiaolei's introduction, Wu Hao nodded. If it's not included in the list, don't list it. They don't care about it, as long as they can treat everyone equally in the final purchase.

In fact, there is no need to worry, this time there will also be representatives of special forces from various military services and theaters participating in the exhibition. Whether the weapons and equipment are good or not will be known once they are used by these people. Even if they are not included in the rankings, as long as these people know who is good at it, they don't have to worry about their little tricks, they can still take orders.

Soon, under the guidance of Zhang Xiaolei, Wu Hao and the others arrived at a tent area. Zhang Xiaolei pointed to the military tents and containers in front of her and said to Wu Hao: "This is the exhibition area for all our equipment. The exhibition has been completed and we are waiting for the opening of the exhibition in the afternoon."

Just when they arrived at the exhibition area, they saw two people walking out of the tent. After seeing Wu Hao, they walked over with a smile.

Let me just say, this guy will definitely come. Li Weiguo, who was also wearing forest camouflage, with a gold star shining on his collar and an Air Force flag hanging on his armband, smiled when an old man next to him pointed at Wu Haochang.

The old man next to him, who was also wearing the same woodland camouflage but without military rank, was also an old acquaintance of Wu Hao, Deputy Director Wang Lianggong of the Bureau of Science and Industry.

Following behind these two people was Wu Hao's old acquaintance, Luo Kai, still wearing forest camouflage, but with an army flag hanging on his shoulders.

Seeing this, Wu Hao hurriedly stepped forward and greeted with a smile: "Suo Li, Director Wang, long time no see. When did you say goodbye?"

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Li Weiguo, Wang Lianggong and Luo Kai all laughed. Li Weiguo pointed to Wang Lianggong next to him and said with a smile: "We just arrived this morning, Director Wang and others came early."

Speaking of this, Li Weiguo smiled at Wu Hao and said: "Xiao Wu, Director Wang is the leader of the organizer this time. You can ask him for help with anything during the exhibition. You are welcome."

Ha ha ha ha……

Hearing Li Weiguo's words, everyone laughed. Wang Lianggong smiled and scolded Li Weiguo: "You have never changed your habit of protecting the calf. You were waiting for me here. I asked you why you were acting weird when you spoke today. "

After teasing Li Weiguo, Wang Lianggong turned to Wu Hao and said, "Don't worry, I won't let you be wronged."

Although Wang Lianggong only said this sentence, everyone understood the meaning of his words.

In response, Wu Hao responded with a natural smile: "I have never been worried. With you two leaders here, how can I suffer any grievances?"

Hahaha, you kid, don’t push yourself too hard here. Li Weiguo laughed and scolded Wu Hao, and then continued: "Other exhibitors have their own reasons for making such requests. After all, you are in the same league as them. If we all compete with you on the same stage, wouldn't you be asking for trouble?

In this case, why should they come here to make themselves miserable? They might as well not participate. "

After Li Weiguo finished speaking, Wang Lianggong also nodded and said: "Although we agreed to their relevant conditions, all your achievements will be recorded separately in the eucalyptus, which will be used as an important reference for subsequent units to make purchases. In this regard, everyone is treated equally. We cannot take sides.

And there is no favoritism. Delegations from various units are here. These people can tell at a glance what is good. "

After listening to what they said, Wu Hao realized that he had been deceived. It turned out that these two people were singing a double yellow in front of him, and their feelings were to comfort him, which made him feel angry while smiling bitterly.

But in front of so many people, it was certainly impossible for him to vent his anger, and he immediately responded with a smile: "Don't worry, you two, we will obey the overall situation, actively cooperate with the organizer's work, and successfully complete this exhibition."

"Haha, let me just say, there is absolutely no problem with Xiao Wu's consciousness." After hearing his words, Wang Lianggong pointed at Wu Hao and praised Li Weiguo.

Li Weiguo, on the other hand, nodded happily towards Wu Hao, and then said to Wu Hao: "We went in and walked around just now, and found that you got a lot of good things this time. How about it, let's go." Go in and introduce us.”

Hearing Li Weiguo's words, Wu Hao immediately responded with a smile, then pointed to Zhang Xiaolei next to him and introduced with a smile: "Li Suo, Director Wang, this is the general manager of our Haoyu Industry, he is mainly responsible for our Operation management work in the company's military industry.

She was responsible for leading the team at this exhibition, and I was just here to join in the fun. There are many things here that I am not familiar with, so let her introduce them to all of us. "

Oh, after hearing Wu Hao's words, both Li Weiguo and Wang Lianggong showed the same expressions as before, and then looked at Zhang Xiaolei. Wang Lianggong smiled and praised: "Sure enough, women are not inferior to men."

Li Weiguo nodded and smiled: "Being able to let this guy hand over such a large stall to you shows that he trusts you, and it also shows that you are very capable."

Speaking of this, Li Weiguo glanced at Wu Hao, then continued to say to Zhang Xiaolei: "It is not easy for Haoyu Technology to get to where it is today, and the military business has played a big supporting role.

It is not easy for Haoyu Technology to reach this point in the field of military technology. I hope you can continue to work hard and lead the military industry of Haoyu Technology to continue to develop healthily and steadily and strive for better results. "

Thank you Li Suo, thank you Director Wang. I will continue to work hard, live up to my heavy responsibility, lead Haoyu Industry to move forward steadily, and live up to the expectations of Mr. Wu and the two leaders. Upon seeing this, Zhang Xiaolei immediately expressed her gratitude.

Upon seeing this, Li Weiguo and Wang Lianggong looked at each other, smiled and nodded.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaolei immediately made a request to Jin, and then led everyone into the tent and said to everyone: "The weapons and equipment we brought to the exhibition this time are actually not many, they are mainly some applications. Weapons and equipment for special operations.

Seventy percent of these are weapons and equipment that we have introduced at various exhibitions and events in the past, but we have made relevant upgrades and improvements on these weapons and equipment to give them more powerful performance.

In addition, this time we also brought 30% of new weapons and equipment. These weapons and equipment have not been publicly shown in the country. This is the first time to see you.

We have arranged these weapons and equipment in three tents according to different types and uses. They are the individual military equipment exhibition area mainly based on intelligent mechanical exoskeleton protective armor, and the exhibition area based on drones and unmanned combat robots. The main unmanned combat section, as well as the largest comprehensive weapons and equipment exhibition area.


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