Military Technology

Chapter 2605 Underwater Special Operations Mechanical Exoskeleton Protective Armor

After Wu Hao finished speaking, everyone at the scene laughed. Although Wu Hao did not answer this question directly, everyone understood the implication.

That is, this special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor is not suitable for large-scale equipment, which also means that its cost is naturally higher.

But think about it, weapons and equipment with such good overall performance cannot be cheap. They still understand that you get what you pay for.

While everyone was laughing and exchanging, the colonel who just asked the question came over and saluted Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, hello, I am Chen Zifang from the XXth Army Special Operations Brigade in the Eastern Theater Command. "

Hello, Colonel Chen. Upon hearing this, Wu Hao immediately shook hands with the other party.

I have told Mr. Wu his name a long time ago, and I wish I could meet him sooner. Today I finally met him in person. Chen Zifang seemed a little chatty, then he took Wu Hao's hand and smiled: "Actually, we have crossed paths in previous exercises, but we didn't have time to get to know you because of the mission."

Haha, that's really a pity. Wu Hao also responded with a smile. To be honest, he couldn't remember at all when he had an encounter with the colonel. But since the other party said it, he could only go along with it.

Director Wang, Suo Li, Director Luo. Chen Zifang said hello to Wang Lianggong, Li Weiguo and Luo Kai, and then said to Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, isn't this exoskeleton protective armor of yours just for display here? Is there a live demonstration session? It can’t be an eye-opener for all of us.”

Hearing Chen Zifang's words, everyone at the scene, especially a group of military officers who gathered behind the scenes and some leaders and representatives of other exhibitors, also joined in.

Wu Hao saw this and responded with a smile: "Of course there is no problem. These equipments are brought here to show everyone. There is an old saying, it is a mule or a horse, pull it out and it will slide. We are not afraid of leaking, the relevant performance The demonstration session has been included in the relevant plans, so you don’t have to worry.”

After Wu Hao finished speaking, Zhang Xiaolei responded immediately: "We will conduct on-site demonstrations of relevant weapons after the opening of the exhibition. Everyone is welcome to come and give guidance."

After hearing what Wu Hao and Zhang Xiaolei said, everyone at the scene nodded and stopped talking. After all, we can't just go out and show it now, because we still haven't seen the remaining equipment.

After looking at the reactions of everyone at the scene, Wu Hao smiled and made a "please" gesture towards Wang Lianggong and Li Weiguo. Li Weiguo and Wang Liangong agreed and then followed Wu Hao and continued to wander around the tent.

"Why is this one different from the others?" Wang Lianggong asked curiously, pointing to a strange-looking mechanical exoskeleton protective armor.

Indeed, this mechanical exoskeleton protective armor is better than other exoskeleton protective armors displayed, and its surface has a fish scale-like texture, with the overall appearance of charcoal gray and black textures superimposed.

In comparison, its mechanical exoskeleton Zhicheng system is weaker, and the backpack on the back is larger than conventional ones.

Its head armor is also very different. First of all, the eyes of its mask are enlarged, a bit like the acrylic glass mask of a motorcycle helmet, but here it is fully enclosed. This also means that the wearer has a wider field of view and can have a good visual environment without passing through sensors.

However, the enlarged area of ​​the transparent mask may weaken the protective performance of the entire head armor to a certain extent. Therefore, each has its own pros and cons, and even in the eyes of some people, this approach of giving up protective performance in exchange for a huge observation field is somewhat undesirable.

After looking around at everyone and seeing the curious expressions on their faces, Zhang Xiaolei then introduced with a smile: "Yes, this mechanical exoskeleton protective armor is very different from other products, because it is a This is an underwater mechanical exoskeleton protective armor specifically designed to meet the needs of underwater combat missions."

Hearing Zhang Xiaolei's introduction, the officers standing among the officers with navy flags on their arms felt happy and squeezed forward. That look was like telling the brothers and comrades next to him that this was their home court.

Oh, mechanical exoskeleton protective armor specifically designed for underwater combat is rare. Wang Lianggong was also a little surprised.

Yes. Zhang Xiaolei nodded, and then said to everyone: "Underwater combat has its own special characteristics. Although conventional mechanical exoskeletons can also wade, dive, and perform underwater tasks, they can only perform some ordinary tasks. Such as water Underwater attacks, explosions, and underwater battles, etc., are difficult to achieve with conventional mechanical exoskeleton armor.

To give a very simple example, the weapons and equipment used in these conventional mechanical exoskeleton protective armors are basically difficult to carry out underwater. A bullet from a rifle or pistol will sink directly after being shot three to four meters away. How can you hit someone?

Therefore, in response to this situation, we specially developed this underwater special warfare mechanical exoskeleton protective armor, codenamed "Water Ghost".

Considering the particularity of underwater combat, this underwater special operations mechanical exoskeleton protective armor certainly cannot follow the design style and various data standards of conventional mechanical exoskeleton armor.

Therefore, we first need to reduce its weight and control its weight within a lighter and reasonable range. It cannot sink directly to the bottom like other conventional mechanical exoskeletons when it enters the water. It must rely on additional inflatable air bags to suspend it.

So we need to reduce its weight so that our wearers can swim freely in the water. Therefore, these heavy armors are definitely not suitable anymore, so we must replace them with lighter armor materials.

Among them is the new polymer liquid material we mentioned earlier. Using it, we build the entire exoskeleton protective armor to isolate our wearer from water.

And its three-layer protection capability is enough to deal with attacks from most underwater weapons. In order to further improve the protective performance of this exoskeleton protective armor, we have also added a layer of conforming armor at important locations, so that it can greatly withstand attacks from underwater weapons and the impact of underwater blasting. .

The enlarged window mask on the head can help our wearer better observe the underwater situation, and this transparent mask also has a display function that can display various data information to our wearer.

It itself is also made of very strong transparent material, which has strong hardness and can resist attacks by most underwater weapons. Even on land, it can withstand attacks from pistols, submachine guns, and mid-range rifles. "

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