Military Technology

Chapter 2608 Air filtration and oxygen supply circulation system

Observing everyone's reaction, Zhang Xiaolei did not panic and rush to explain, but smiled and said calmly: "Technology is developing at a rapid pace, and many things that we think are impossible and incredible may suddenly be broken through.

There are too many such examples, so I won’t introduce them here. "

At this point, Zhang Xiaolei glanced at everyone, and then continued: "Through long-term scientific research on the human respiratory system and the integration of relevant information, we know that the gas we exhale is basically the same as the gas we inhale, with only slight changes. .

The first is nitrogen, which occupies the largest proportion in the air and in our breath. Although it is not absorbed by the human body, it is also involved in the operation of the entire respiratory system.

Therefore, its content in the inhaled gas and exhaled gas in our human respiratory system is the same, and there is no change in the sound.

And then comes oxygen, which is the only gas useful for the entire respiratory system to be absorbed by the alveoli. The oxygen content of the air we inhale is 21% equivalent to air, while the oxygen content of the air we exhale is only 16%.

This also means that about five percent of the oxygen is absorbed by the alveoli of our human lungs and dissolved into the hemoglobin of our red blood cells.

It is this five percent oxygen supplier that meets our body’s oxygen needs and maintains the normal operation of various organs in the body. As for the remaining 16% of oxygen, these are not used.

From this aspect, the working efficiency of our lungs is still relatively low, only about 25%. "

At this point, Zhang Xiaolei paused and gave everyone a little time to react and digest before continuing: "Under normal circumstances, the volume of gas inhaled and exhaled in our human lungs is equal. How much gas is inhaled will determine It means that how much air is exhaled, whether it is too much or too little, will affect the normal operation of the lungs and even the whole body.

While the hemoglobin in the red blood cells in the alveoli absorbs oxygen, it also filters and discharges waste products produced by various organs of the human body. These wastes are also about 5%, including 4% carbon dioxide and about 1% water vapor.

This is why we often say that the gas we exhale contains carbon dioxide. In fact, its content is not much, about four percent. But this 4% carbon dioxide turns the exhaled gas into waste gas and cannot be used again.

As for the remaining one percent of other gases, the inhaled and exhaled amounts are the same and will not be absorbed by the human body. "

At this point, Zhang Xiaolei glanced at the crowd, and then continued: "Now that we have figured out the breathing operation principle of our human lungs, we are wondering whether we can make a fuss about the inhaled and breathed gases, so that the air can also It can be recycled, so we only need a small amount of gas to maintain people breathing underwater for a long time."

After hearing Zhang Xiaolei's words, everyone present looked puzzled. What she said not only did not alleviate the doubts in everyone's mind, but also deepened everyone's curiosity as to what kind of technology this was.

Seeing that everyone's curiosity was almost aroused, Zhang Xiaolei smiled and said: "It seems a bit whimsical, but this technology has actually been used in many submarines, which is the air filtration system and oxygen production system.

We all know that a submarine can stay underwater for a long time, which depends on it having a complete air circulation system.

This air circulation system will absorb the carbon dioxide exhaled by submarine crews in a confined space, then use a variety of methods to generate oxygen, and then transport the oxygen to various cabins. In this way, the oxygen content in the submarine's internal space can always be maintained and the carbon dioxide concentration in the air removed can be reduced.

So can we apply these technologies to this underwater special warfare mechanical exoskeleton protective armor and install an air circulation system in its back backpack?

Simply put, this is an air filtration and oxygen supply circulation system.

Its basic principle is to eliminate carbon dioxide from the human body's exhaled air, and then add 5% of oxygen to the air, so that the gas can be restored to breathable air for our frogs and divers to breathe. "

Seeing the stunned expressions on everyone's faces, Zhang Xiaolei took the transparent folding tablet handed over by the staff, then slid the tablet to display a picture on a nearby TV screen.

In fact, the principle of this air circulation system is very simple. We can see that it is an artificial lung. Its principle and structure are the same as those of human lungs. It also includes many pipes for transporting air, as well as Alveoli for gas filtration.

The exhaust gas expelled from the human body will be transported to this artificial lung through the gas collection system, and transported to numerous alveoli through these pipes. Through the filtration systems in these alveoli, the carbon dioxide and water vapor in the exhaust gas can be well removed. Filter out.

The filtered carbon dioxide and water vapor will be slowly discharged. Because the capacity is very small, it is like some fish blowing bubbles in the water, breaking into small pieces, and the sound and noise generated is also very small.

The air that has been filtered out of carbon dioxide and water vapor cannot be breathed directly because the oxygen content in it is too low, only 16%. Moreover, the gas capacity is also less than the 5% that is filtered out of carbon dioxide and water, so direct inhalation will cause hypoxia in the human body and insufficient lung relaxation.

Therefore, before inhaling, we need to dissolve oxygen in these gases, release high-concentration liquid oxygen from the oxygen bottle, and then dissolve 5% of the vaporized oxygen based on the oxygen content in the inhaled gas into the air. , allowing the oxygen content in the air to return to 21%, which can meet the body's needs for oxygen and inhaled gas.

Everyone knows that oxygen can be liquefied. The twelve-liter cylinder we use for diving can probably hold twelve liters of liquid oxygen. These twelve liters of liquid oxygen can produce about twelve liters of oxygen. Twelve times With twelve that's one hundred and forty-four liters of oxygen.

The capacity of a breath of air for us normal people is about 500 ml, and for exercise and well-trained special combatants, it is about 600 ml.

In 600 ml of air, the oxygen concentration is 21%, and the content is about 130 ml, while the oxygen content of 4% is about 25 ml.

This also means that with this system, our diggers and special operations team members only need to consume 25 milliliters of oxygen for each breath they take underwater.

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