Military Technology

Chapter 2616 Magical camouflage fabric

"Unlike the wiring method of general display screens, the color rendering unit modules on this display material are arranged in a six-sided honeycomb arrangement, so even if one line is interrupted, other lines can still be connected normally.

In this way, no matter how severely damaged the camouflage uniform is, other intact areas can still retain the ability to change color. "

At this point, Zhang Xiaolei paused, and then said in a gentle tone: "Of course, it also has some shortcomings. For example, if the sensors on it are damaged, it will cause the camouflage suit to malfunction in detecting the surrounding environment, resulting in The entire color changing system does not function properly.

In addition, this camouflage uniform is controlled by a microcomputer, which also requires power. Although it only consumes a small amount of power each time, it does keep working. Therefore, if you want this color-changing camouflage uniform to last longer, you must equip it with a larger-capacity battery.

Although in comparison, this battery may be that of a normal mobile phone or power bank.

Size and weight, but it's also weight.

If the battery or microcomputer happens to malfunction or is damaged by a hit, the entire color-changing camouflage uniform will also lose its color-changing ability. "

After introducing the first layer, Zhang Xiaolei flipped the piece of camouflage cloth in her hand to the second layer, and then introduced it to everyone: "Please see, the second layer of this camouflage material is actually a grid. Material, this kind of grid material is woven with each other, thus forming a relatively rough woven cloth material.

This material has a strong ability to insulate and shield heat and infrared signals. While ensuring the breathability of the material, it can also greatly reduce and shield the infrared signals from heat sources emitted by the human body, thereby achieving thermal imaging and infrared stealth. Purpose. "

At this point, Zhang Xiaolei gestured to the staff member next to him, and the staff member brought a black iron plate, which looked a bit heavy.

Then Zhang Xiaolei took a thermal imager handed over by the staff, turned on the thermal imager, and the thermal imaging picture was immediately displayed on the large screen next to it.

Zhang Xiaolei swept the thermal imaging camera over the people present, and saw thermal imaging signals also appeared on the big screen. Then he pointed the thermal imager at the moved iron plate, and saw that the iron plate was very hot and had turned a bright orange color or even close to white.

Zhang Xiaolei introduced it to everyone while demonstrating: "We put this iron plate outside to dry in the morning, so the surface is very hot, and the conservative temperature is estimated to be around 60 or 70 degrees.

Its infrared characteristics are very obvious, and the heat source can be captured very clearly whether using a thermal imager or infrared imaging equipment. Now we will cover it with this piece of camouflage cloth and see if it can block the heat signal emitted by the iron plate. "

Zhang Xiaolei then covered the camouflage cloth on the iron plate, and then pointed the thermal imager at the camouflage cloth on the iron plate in anticipation of everyone.

However, I found that the entire camouflage cloth was blue, and the temperature was even lower than that of the booth next to it, so the outline of the entire camouflage cloth could be displayed.

Seeing this, everyone actually didn't have much reaction. Because many fabrics with anti-infrared characteristics seem to be able to do this.

But as time passed by, everyone present gradually became uneasy. Because the iron plate under the camouflage cloth, which they had just seen, was very hot, it would continue to radiate heat outwards. If this camouflage cloth is covered, it will soon be infected by the heat of the iron plate, and the infrared characteristics will become more and more obvious.

But now it is still the same. Its infrared signature signal has not changed much, but the outline between it and the surrounding booths has become more and more blurred.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but be surprised. Surrounded by this piece of camouflage cloth, Wang Lianggong, Luo Kai, and Li Weiguo subconsciously touched it with their hands, and then showed expressions of surprise.


Hearing Luo Kai's surprise, everyone couldn't help but reach out and touch it. They found that the entire camouflage cloth was not hot to the touch, and was about the same temperature as the booth surface.

A few people didn't believe it, so they immediately opened the camouflage cloth, then reached out to touch the iron plate inside, and then immediately retracted it. This iron plate, which had been exposed to the sun all morning, was still very hot to the touch.

How can such a piece of cloth achieve heat insulation? Luo Kai looked at Wu Hao and asked.

Wu Hao smiled and replied: "This is the charm of materials science."

I have a question? Li Weiguo on the side asked Wu Hao: "Since this camouflage cloth can isolate heat signals, does it mean that it will block all the heat emitted by the human body in the camouflage uniform, which will make it airtight."

It's okay in winter, but in summer it's just a sweat suit. "

Li Weiguo's words immediately aroused the unanimous agreement of everyone present. It is indeed the case. If the clothes we wear are not breathable, the heat emitted by the body will not be emitted. This will not only make the wearer feel hot, but also cause a series of health problems because the sweat moisture caused by the heat cannot be eliminated in time.

Faced with Li Weiguo's question, Zhang Xiaolei smiled, then asked someone to bring a hair dryer, then held the camouflage cloth at the mouth of the hair dryer, and then turned on the hair dryer.

To everyone's surprise, the camouflage cloth was not blown up by the wind from the hair dryer. Instead, it seemed to be very breathable. When everyone stretched out their hands, they could still feel the slightest bit of cool breeze.

Immediately, Zhang Xiaolei opened the camouflage cloth, and the hair dryer was blowing hot air.

I tested it with a thermal imaging camera and found that the infrared signals displayed were completely different between those covered with camouflage cloth and those without camouflage cloth.

"Like ordinary fabrics, it also has good breathability. It not only insulates heat, but also takes into account breathability. In addition, because this camouflage uniform is insulated from the outside temperature, it can prevent the wearer from being affected by the outside temperature. affected.

This means that it can not only insulate against high temperatures, but also insulate against severe cold. And how can our body feel hot due to its own temperature? "

At this point in the introduction, model Zhang Xiaolei pulled open the camouflage uniform and pointed at a gray vest underneath to introduce it to everyone.

“Of course, in order to better regulate the body temperature, this camouflage uniform is usually worn with this T-shirt.

Don't think it's just an ordinary T-shirt, but in fact it has very powerful functions. First of all, its biggest function is to regulate body temperature.

Through micro-capillary lines throughout the vest, we can regulate the temperature so that the human core and torso are always within a comfortable temperature range. "

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