Military Technology

Chapter 2620 New Multi-Purpose 2-Habitat Attack UAV

Zhang Xiaolei led everyone to a new booth, where a missile with a unique shape was placed. It is said to be a missile, but some are like drones, but they are very different from other drones, such as hybrids of missiles, drones, and even torpedoes.

Facing this weapon and equipment, everyone showed interest.

As an expert in air force weapons and equipment, Li Weiguo had a strong interest in this unique-looking drone. He turned to Wu Hao and asked with a smile: "Xiao Wu, why is this drone so weird? Why does it look like a missile and a drone at the same time, and it also has a propeller on it."

After hearing Li Weiguo's words, everyone present also looked at Wu Hao, with the same doubts in their eyes as Li Weiguo's. What is this weird-looking thing?

Wu Hao heard the words and answered with a smile in front of the eyes of everyone present: "This is a new multi-purpose amphibious attack drone recently developed by our Aviation Technology and UAV Research Institute under Haoyu Industry. It can be adapted to air and underwater Attack mission, that is to say it can attack both air and land, and can also attack targets in the water."

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone present became very interested in this unique-looking drone.

Although there have been similar products before for this water-to-air amphibious drone, it is not new. But everyone is still looking forward to the differences of Haoyu Technology’s new multi-purpose amphibious attack drone.

After all, Haoyu Technology can be regarded as an industry leader in drone technology and has made outstanding achievements in the field of drone technology. Many drone equipment products have achieved remarkable results in various fields.

So everyone also wants to know how this specially designed drone performs? It is worthy for Wu Hao and others to put it on an independent platform and highly recommend it. And judging by Wu Hao's words, he also praised this new multi-purpose amphibious attack drone.

Anyone who has dealt with Wu Hao knows very well about Wu Hao's character. There are not many things that he can really see, and there are very few things that can be praised. But now they are highly praised for this drone, which makes everyone present even more curious.

Zhang Xiaolei on the side saw the very curious expressions on everyone's faces, and then took Wu Hao's words and introduced them enthusiastically to everyone.

"This drone is a new generation of amphibious suicide attack drone developed by us.

It can not only carry out precise interception and strikes against air targets, but also carry out strike missions against targets on the sea and land, and can also strike against some underwater targets. For example, underwater frogmen, underwater small submarines, including underwater torpedoes, and even enemy submarines, etc.

It takes into account air, land, sea and submarine combat at the same time, which is unmatched by other so-called universal weapons and equipment so far. This should be said to be the world's first amphibious combat weapon. "

After introducing this, Zhang Xiaolei took two steps to the edge of the exhibition hall, and then continued to introduce to everyone: "The length of this drone is not long, only less than two meters, but its range is relatively long. The range can reach 300 kilometers. If a rocket thruster is installed at the tail, the range can be increased to about 800 to 1,000 kilometers. If it is in the underwater stealth state, its range can reach about 70 to 100 nautical miles. This range It is already comparable to the range of many heavy torpedoes.

It has two types of propellers. One is a large-sized air propeller located in front of the four-axis wing. This propeller can compress the air to the greatest extent and increase power, allowing it to maintain a high speed while also having a long range. It can fly farther and stay in the air longer.

There is also a small underwater propeller located behind the quadcopter, that is, behind the large propeller blades.

This kind of propeller used in aerial flight is definitely not suitable for underwater propulsion, because its resistance is greater, the rotation speed is low, and the speed is naturally very slow. Therefore, designers designed a small underwater propeller at the rear end of each of the four propellers. This small propeller can maintain a high output in society and can achieve high-speed underwater cruising.

Both propellers are mounted on both ends of the quadcopter and share a single electric motor.

The moment it enters the water, the big propeller will stop and the small propeller will start. At the moment of coming out of the water, the big propeller starts and the small propeller stops. You can switch freely between water and air, seamlessly.

In addition, this amphibious attack drone also has autonomous combat capabilities.

It can perform various strike missions according to relevant orders from the rear headquarters, and can also find suitable targets to launch attacks independently according to preset instructions, thereby achieving true "launch and forget."

"What does this preset command mean?" Luo Kaiwen on the side also asked Zhang Xiaolei.

"In fact, it is also an autonomous attack technology based on artificial intelligence systems." Zhang Xiaolei explained to Luo Kai and everyone who cast curious glances at her.

"To put it simply, before we launch this drone, we input it with the enemy target data information on the battlefield or the area being attacked. For example, the characteristics of these enemy targets, such as some of the enemy's symbols, flags, and clothing, Equipment painting. There are also the appearance of important strategic targets of the enemy, basic appearance information of the enemy's weapons and equipment, etc.

It can even be an image outline on a satellite map, or a radio wave, which can be used as the basis for this drone to launch an autonomous attack. "

Furthermore, it can prioritize attacks based on the value of these targets. In this way, after the drone arrives at the strike area or the battlefield, it will prioritize attacking some high-value targets based on the priority of the target.

For example, if an enemy tank and a small group of enemy personnel appear at the same time, this drone will evaluate the value of the two or prioritize the attack order based on calculations. If it chooses to prioritize killing the enemy's effective forces, it will attack the small group of personnel. , if the priority is to attack the enemy's heavy firepower equipment, then attack the tanks first.

In addition, our drone is also equipped with an advanced optical detection system and has powerful image recognition capabilities. With its powerful image recognition capabilities, it can scan human faces and human skeleton features thousands of meters away, thereby accurately attacking important enemy figures and achieving precise beheadings.

In other words, our drone has face recognition and human skeleton identification functions, which can identify some important enemy targets and then carry out beheading operations.

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