"Why are there robots here?"

After everyone discussed this robot dog for a while, Wang Lianggong turned his attention to a humanoid bionic robot next to him that was about the same height as a real person, about 1.78 meters.

After hearing Wang Lianggong's words, everyone immediately turned their attention to this humanoid bionic robot.

Li Weiguo looked at this robot and then smiled at Wu Hao and said, "Why do I feel like this is a bit like your Xingtian humanoid combat robot?"

After hearing Li Weiguo's question, everyone nodded. Indeed, this humanoid robot is very similar to the Xingtian humanoid robot that Haoyu Technology has developed a long time ago and has been equipped with a small number of troops.

However, if you look closely, there is a big difference. In terms of appearance, it looks more like a real person. The overall structure is more coordinated, much like a person.

In this humanoid bionic robot, there is also a humanoid bionic robot exactly like it on display. It's just that this robot is wearing a camouflage uniform, a pair of combat boots on its feet, and a camouflage hood on its head. If it weren't for the leaking black mechanical hands and the distinctive robot face, everyone would have thought it was a real person.

Really, after putting on clothes, this humanoid bionic robot seems to be indistinguishable from a real person, just like a real model.

Hearing Li Weiguo's question, Wu Hao smiled and replied: "This is a new generation of special humanoid bionic robot we developed based on the Xingtian humanoid robot. It has a very powerful code name, called 'Loyal Warrior.' "

"Loyal warrior?"

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone couldn't help but be surprised and confused, secretly thinking about the meaning of this code name. But Luo Kai, who was standing nearby, was the first to react. He smiled at Wu Hao and said, "You are not the army version of a loyal wingman, are you?"

When Luo Kai said this, the crowd immediately exploded. Loyal wingman, everyone knows what this thing is. Therefore, various militaries are also conducting related research on this technology, hoping that robots can be used in actual combat and can be like the "loyal wingman" of the Air Force, cooperating with soldiers in combat.

However, due to technology, none of the 'loyal wingmen' in each army has landed. The Army, in particular, has developed an armored version of the so-called 'Loyal Wingman', no, it should be called a 'Loyal Chariot'. But, I really don’t know how this kind of war will perform on the battlefield.

But now, in front of everyone, this robot is about the same size as a human being. It is really possible to put on a camouflage uniform and look like a real person from a distance.

Wu Hao smiled, nodded and said with a smile: "It can be regarded as including this function, but this loyal warrior has more powerful combat capabilities and can support a variety of combat modes. It can not only cooperate with infantry units to fight, but also act as infantry. The loyal warriors of the unit can also fight independently and even conduct autonomous combat missions.

Let Xiaolei introduce the specific situation to you. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone nodded and then looked at Zhang Xiaolei, waiting for her detailed introduction. ….

After Zhang Xiaolei heard Wu Hao's words, she immediately walked to this humanoid bionic robot and introduced it to everyone with a smile.

Okay, in front of you is our newly developed new generation of humanoid bionic robot, codenamed "Loyal Warrior". Strictly speaking, this is the first truly humanoid bionic combat robot we have developed. The previous Xingtian humanoid robot was just an improvement on the Xingtian combat mecha, and was not a true humanoid bionic robot.

Therefore, from the beginning of the project, we defined it as a humanoid bionic combat robot that is about the same size as a human being, with basically the same shape and body proportions.

In other words, this is a simulation robot developed by us with reference to the physiological structure of the human body.

Just like us, it has a head, limbs, and torso. It can simulate various actions of our humans, and can even do some actions that we humans cannot complete.

Of course, this

It is a combat robot. We will not put too much effort into making it look exactly like a real person. This obviously won’t be of much use. Therefore, our focus is still on its performance. As for the appearance and structure, it should be basically consistent with people.

After hearing Zhang Xiaolei's words, everyone nodded. Indeed, there is no need for military robots to be so similar. It doesn’t make much sense to always pursue the same. What’s important is its performance.

And in the eyes of everyone, the humanoid bionic robot in front of them looks very much like it. Putting on camouflage clothes and a hood, if you also wear a gas mask and gloves, you can't tell which one is the real person. , which one is a robot.

After giving everyone a little time to accept and digest, Zhang Xiaolei then continued with a smile: "Actually, we have started research on this kind of bionic humanoid robot technology very early on.

And we also have strong technology accumulation in this area. For example, the related technology used above is actually the related technology product we developed earlier.

For example, the limbs of this humanoid bionic robot adopt the related technologies of our intelligent bionic electronic prosthetics, and the overall support system of this robot adopts the related technologies of our intelligent mechanical exoskeleton and Xingtian mecha. And its eyes use our compound eye lens as a visual detection system and so on.

There is also the biggest obstacle restricting the development of this kind of humanoid robot, and that is the power system. So we can see that many of these humanoid robots have made their torsos very large and fat, just to be able to fit more batteries inside, so that they can last longer.

Or a backpack can be installed on the back of these robots. This backpack is usually equipped with its battery to support it to run for a longer time.

Furthermore, many of these robots will have many umbilical cables connected to their backs. In addition to controlling the robot, these umbilical cables also provide power to the robot.

Our humanoid bionic robot relies on our latest generation of super solid-state batteries, which can be placed into the robot's body without affecting the entire shape and structure, and the cruising time will be greatly improved.

We have installed two batteries on the left and right inside the body of this humanoid bionic robot, which can support its operation for about six hours. If it is equipped with a battery backpack, or if it carries an additional secondary battery, it can support its operation. The longer time depends on the capacity and number of batteries carried. ".

Zhi Tian Ge

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