Military Technology

Chapter 2647 New generation of smart medical shelter

Chapter 2648 A new generation of smart medical cabins


"So, it's a bit similar to the foaming hemostatic ointment you introduced before." Luo Kai said immediately after listening to Zhang Xiaolei's introduction.

Luo Kai's words were echoed by others present. Indeed, judging from the effects alone, the two have almost the same effect. So everyone also wants to know what is the difference between the two.

Hearing Luo Kai's question, Zhang Xiaolei responded with a smile: "Actually, these two are hemostatic drugs and consumables, and they have very significant effects in stopping bleeding and healing and bandaging wounds.

However, foaming hemostatic ointment is more suitable for emergency hemostasis. It is suitable for wounds that bleed a lot. It can be used to stop bleeding, heal and bandage wounds to prevent external infection.

However, this is only an emergency hemostatic bandage and cannot provide a radical cure. After the soldiers retreat to the rear, they still have to undergo wound cleaning, gunpowder smoke, suture bandaging and other treatment steps.

This biodegradable tape is used for hemostatic bandaging treatment of some smaller wounds, and can achieve a healing effect. To put it bluntly, this is a degradable band-aid.

In addition, it can also be used to bandage and stop bleeding in wounds of internal organs. And because it is biodegradable, there is no need to take it out later.

The two have different focuses. They can be used alone according to the condition, or they can be used together according to the situation. "

After listening to Zhang Xiaolei's introduction, everyone present couldn't help but nodded, and then looked at and compared the biodegradable tape and the foaming hemostatic ointment. These two hemostatic drugs and consumables are indeed excellent. If they are as excellent as Zhang Xiaolei said, then these are indeed two very good battlefield first aid drugs and consumables.

Of course, on this occasion, Zhang Xiaolei would not dare to make any exaggerated and false introduction, so everyone was very convinced of the efficacy of these two drugs and consumables.

After introducing this biodegradable tape, Zhang Xiaolei immediately took out a device similar to a flashlight, and then introduced it with a smile to everyone: "The one I am holding is one of our miniature tapes. Emergency automatic bullet remover, simply put, this is a device for removing bullets.

Its biggest advantage is that it has a probe and intelligent mechanical tentacles that can penetrate deep into the body along the bullet's wound and detect the bullet that has penetrated the body. The entire process of searching and retrieving bullets can be completed independently by the equipment, or it can be completed manually.

When we routinely remove bullets from the body, surgery is usually required. In order to obtain a larger field of view inside the body, the wound is usually cut open to expose a larger field of view, so as to search for bullets that have penetrated the body. This will cause greater surface trauma to the patient, which is not conducive to the patient's recovery.

As for this miniature emergency automatic reloader, because it uses micro-mechanical tentacles, it does not require additional wound expansion and can be entered directly through its ballistic wound. This will cause less intraoperative trauma to the patient and is more beneficial to the patient. of recovery.

Of course, this is only an emergency method and a treatment method used in emergency situations.

In addition to extracting bullets, this miniature emergency automatic bullet extractor can also perform some minimally invasive surgeries, such as suturing organs and tissues damaged by bullets. Overall, this is a pretty good emergency medical device. "

Hearing Zhang Xiaolei's words, everyone present couldn't help but roll their eyes and complained in their hearts. Good guy, is this just a good medical device that Zhang Xiaolei said?

Although he said this very modestly, it sounded very proud to everyone, because excessive modesty itself is a kind of pride.

Zhang Xiaolei's introduction continued, and this time she came to various intelligent bionic electronic prostheses. The entire booth was filled with these smart electronic bionic prostheses, including various hands and feet, those with bionic skin, some without bionic skin, as well as all-metal and carbon fiber ones.

In addition to these, there are also smart bionic electronic prosthetic eyes, smart bionic artificial hearts, smart bionic artificial lungs, etc.

For those who know the industry, this is a treasure trove of cutting-edge medical equipment, where you can see the most cutting-edge technological products in the entire field of human bionics. But for those who don't understand, what they see here is a very eerie sight, with various hands, feet, and various organs, just like a perverted murderer showing off his trophies.

After listening to Zhang Xiaolei’s brief introduction, Wu Hao followed Zhang Xiaolei’s words and said to everyone: “Although we don’t want to face it, the cruelty brought by war is far beyond our imagination.

Although these things cannot heal the wounds of the wounded, they can allow them to be as close to normal people as possible and live a life like normal people. I think this should be the greatest comfort to them.

In addition, these things also help a good soldier continue his military career. This prevents outstanding soldiers who are disabled and injured due to trauma from being unable to adapt to military combat requirements and eventually leaving the military.

This is a lifelong regret for them and a loss for the army. With these things, they will be given one more choice to retain outstanding talents for the army. "

At this point, Wu Hao paused and then continued: "In fact, we have been conducting technical research on battlefield emergency rescue and treatment. For example, our new generation of smart medical cabins are our focus on modern battlefields. A field intelligent medical system created.

The entire shelter is very small in size, with the smallest one being the size of a small container. It can be transported by vehicle and adapted to various environments and terrains. It can also be delivered to where it is needed by shipping, airdrop, etc.

This new generation of smart medical shelter is very simple to deploy. You only need to unfold it and start the automatic equipment.

Using it, we can continuously treat all kinds of sick and wounded patients. This smart medical cabin has a very complete treatment and diagnosis system, which can use smart AI doctors to conduct preliminary diagnosis and treatment of the sick and wounded. And for some of these diseases, this system can also treat it independently.

Moreover, the entire smart medical cabin adopts sterile standard design, and its cleanliness can reach the eighth-level operating room standard. Therefore, we can use it to build a temporary sterile operating room on the battlefield to rescue all kinds of critically injured patients in a timely manner. .

We can even put this smart medical cabin directly into the trench fortifications on the front line, or use it as a support vehicle to follow forward, so that the wounded can receive more timely treatment and save their lives to the greatest extent. "

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