Military Technology

Chapter 2658 How to win the moon war

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone present nodded. Indeed, whether it is a special version or an underwater version of the mechanical exoskeleton protective armor, they all have independent air supply capabilities and have strong protective performance. So in theory, it can naturally adapt to the vacuum environment of space.

However, the vacuum environment in space is quite special, and it is definitely not possible to directly use these mechanical exoskeleton protective armors. Not only do protection work have to be done, but the life support system is more complicated. In addition, various isolation and radiation protection work must be done well. If you are not careful in these steps, it is likely to cause casualties to the wearer.

Then there is no place for conventional weapons to be used in this? An officer at the scene immediately asked.

Hearing the officer's question, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "Of course it works, why not. In a vacuum environment, our firearms can still be used, and the same goes for missiles.

However, because of this vacuum microgravity environment, the performance and performance of these firearms will change greatly. For example, with firearms, in the past, the effective range of a rifle bullet was about 400 meters, but these bullets can fly up to 2,000 meters away.

But this is not the case on the moon. Because there is no air and it is in a vacuum environment, there is almost no resistance to the bullet's flight. Coupled with its microgravity environment, this also results in a greatly increased range of this bullet. According to the calculation that the moon's gravity is one-sixth of the earth's gravity, the range of rifle bullets on the moon is six times that on the earth. Its effective range can reach 2,400 meters, and its maximum range can reach 12,000 meters.

Of course, this is just a simple calculation of the gravity environment, and has not yet calculated the vacuum environment factors. If this factor is added, the range will be further improved.

This is true for bullets, let alone other conventional weapons. The control data of these missiles are set according to the earth's environment, so they cannot be used directly in the lunar environment and must be modified before they can be used.

But there is also a benefit. In the vacuum environment of microgravity, the range of these missiles will also be greatly increased.

In addition to these, drones that are currently performing well in various battlefields on the earth may have no use on the moon. Because there is no air on the moon and it is in a vacuum environment, these drones will naturally not be able to fly.

However, ground unmanned vehicles and unmanned combat robots are fine. "

After hearing Wu Hao's answer, everyone present nodded. It seems that fighting on this moon is really not just about fighting, there are many things to pay attention to. If you don't understand these and are easily involved in the moon war, you may be beaten by the opponent without any power to resist.

So how do you think we should now deal with lunar conflicts, or even lunar wars, that may break out in the future? The person who asked the question this time was Li Weiguo. He stood in the overall situation and asked Wu Hao such a question that everyone was more concerned about.

Hearing Li Weiguo's question, Wu Hao thought for a moment, then shook his head: "Actually, there is no need to be too nervous. It will take a long time before the conflict breaks out on the moon and the war can be fought.

Someone has to get up there first, and there are still a lot of people. If there are only a few people, a dozen people, or dozens of people, distributed on the vast surface of the moon, then what is the point of this war? There is no way to fight it.

Therefore, conflicts and war command on the moon will break out in the future when the moon is prosperous and developed. According to the current development of aerospace technology and science and technology, it will take at least several decades to reach that point.

So for us, there is still plenty of time to prepare. "

After saying this, Wu Hao glanced at Li Weiguo and Wang Lianggong, and then continued: "From this aspect, of course we must first steadily develop aerospace technology. This is the foundation and the key. Everything is based on this foundation. .

Only if we actually stand on the moon and live on the moon can we consider and solve these possible problems.

It cannot be said that we are not living on the moon yet, but we have already considered those future things. This is obviously not worth the gain.

We are not the emperor of the United States, so we will pose a security threat in everything we do. At present, the peaceful use of the moon is still the mainstream in the world.

Of course, it is also necessary to take precautions and prepare for a rainy day. These are not just words, we still need to increase investment and research in this area.

In particular, the military should increase investment and research in this area and actively explore and develop related technologies and equipment in this area.

However, for now, it is better not to make too much publicity in this regard, and we should not seize this early opportunity. "

Ha ha ha ha……

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone present laughed, and the atmosphere immediately became high. Regarding space wars and lunar wars, everyone has their own imaginations and longings in their minds.

Just imagine, in the exciting "Above the Moon" symphony, driving a lunar orbiter or a lunar orbit bomber to destroy the enemy's satellites, aircraft, bombers, and space stations deployed in the lunar orbit.

Then bomb the enemy's various bases, mines, and landing sites on the moon to destroy the enemy's lunar facilities.

Immediately afterwards, the lunar ground troops attacked, driving lunar armored combat vehicles, wearing lunar exoskeleton protective armor, holding weapons, and began to advance across the endless lunar surface to attack the opponent's effective forces.

Thinking about this scene makes me a little excited.

In the lively atmosphere of everyone, the lunch ended here. In fact, except for the first half when they were eating, the rest of the time they were chatting.

After walking out of the restaurant, Wu Hao followed Luo Kai, Li Weiguo, Wang Lianggong and others and started walking slowly.

By the way, when will your lunar surface scientific research station be completed and put into use? After walking a few movies, Li Weiguo suddenly turned to Wu Hao and asked.

The entire first phase of the project will take about three years. Only after the construction of all relevant facilities is completed can the entire scientific research station be put into operation and be able to accommodate people. Wu Hao answered towards Li Weiguo.

"Does it take so long?" Li Weiguo asked in surprise.

Wu Hao nodded and replied: "The entire project is very large. It cannot be completed in a day or two. In addition, the lunar environment is relatively harsh and the construction is very difficult, so the progress of the project is naturally slow.

In addition, we also need to test other supporting systems, such as space bus transportation systems, reusable round-trip lander, and a series of other related technologies. Three years is relatively tight. "

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