Military Technology

Chapter 2663 Complex terrain, like walking on flat ground

The woodland used for the exercise is a standard small-scale exercise woodland in the special operations comprehensive training center. The entire area is about 20 square kilometers.

In addition to mountains, the entire woodland also has plains and streams. The terrain is relatively diverse. The vegetation in the exercise site is lush and basically covered by trees and vegetation.

The entire exercise ground is also a digital exercise ground that has been improved and upgraded several times. Numerous surveillance cameras are deployed inside, which can provide real-time monitoring of all areas within the entire exercise ground.

At the beginning of the exercise, these five special forces will serve as the red army and go to the forest to eliminate the blue army composed of six testers.

Of course, for the announcement period, the Blue Army troops will not enter the venue in advance, but will enter the two sections of the exercise ground together after the exercise officially begins.

Both sides have only one mission goal, which is to find and eliminate each other.

At the same time, these six testers have another task, which is to protect themselves as much as possible from being eliminated by the red team's special forces.

In order to better watch this confrontation exercise, Zhang Xiaolei had a large screen set up and connected to the monitoring and command system of the exercise ground, so that real-time dynamic information in various areas of the exercise ground could be seen.

Dear leaders and comrades, on the big screen is a satellite map of the entire exercise ground. The flashing red dots on the map are the locations of each special operations team member, and the flashing blue dots on the map are the six testers. The position of wearing special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor.

“Everyone, please see, through our many surveillance cameras throughout the exercise site, we can see real-time dynamic images of the drill personnel from both the red and blue sides.

In addition, we can also obtain their first-person view through the sensors on Blue's special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor.

At the same time, each of our special operators also has a camera installed on the slide rail of the helmet. Through these cameras, we can obtain their first-person view.

On the two large screens on the left and right are the first-person views of the red and blue sides. These pictures will be switched according to the content, thereby switching the exciting content to the big screen for playback. You can watch it carefully.

Of course, the biggest function of this system is to monitor the battle situation between the red and blue sides to prevent anyone from abusing the rules, cheating, or violating the exercise regulations. "

The person who introduced the exercise was not Zhang Xiaolei, but a female major. She was obviously very professional, and it took only a short time to introduce the exercise and the basic situation of both parties to everyone.

After a brief introduction, the female major then continued the introduction: "We can see that after the six participants of the Blue Army entered the exercise venue, they immediately looked apart. The distance between the two sides was far apart, and then they moved forward together. , the speed is very fast, and it is as smooth as walking in this forest.

As for the five special operations teams on the red side, they were divided into five teams, each separated by a few hundred meters, and they were also moving forward together. But relatively, their moving speed is relatively slow, and it seems that they are very cautious about this. "

Below the venue, Wu Hao, Li Weiguo, Wang Lianggong and the others were sitting together, accompanied by several leaders of the special forces and exhibitor representatives.

"Your people are moving very fast. This speed is almost like running. Isn't it a bit too showy?" Li Weiguo looked at the first-person view of the six special forces members and the six people captured by the surveillance cameras at the exercise ground. He couldn't help but turn his head and said to Wu Hao.

After hearing Li Weiguo's words, Luo Kai and Wang Lianggong also nodded. Indeed, in their opinion, these six people underestimated the enemy. After all, the opponents were more than forty people. No matter how well-equipped the six of them were, they couldn't be so showy.

Running quickly in the forest was too disrespectful to take these forty people seriously. Therefore, it can be seen that the faces of the leaders of these special forces also turned dark. It was obvious that they were angry at the flamboyant performance of these six people.

In this regard, Wu Hao explained with a smile: "Actually, this speed is not very fast. If they really run, their speed can be doubled.

With the powerful main system of this special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor, their limbs can burst out with powerful force, which can give them faster speeds.

And because of their strong body strength, they can have more powerful jumping abilities. In this way, when encountering such complex terrain, you can still walk on flat ground. Like some obstacles, they can easily overcome them without having to go around them.

In addition, a powerful visual sensor is installed on the head of this special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor, which can plan an optimal route for the wearer during rapid travel. "

At this point, Wu Hao said: "Bring up the first-person view interface of the special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor of the six members of the blue team."

After Wu Hao finished speaking, the first-person perspective interface of these six people was immediately displayed on the big screen. The entire interface is similar to the first perspective screen, except that a lot of data and interfaces are added around it. In addition, side and rear view screens are also added on both sides of the perspective. In other words, these six people can follow them at any time. Their side and rear movements, thereby achieving a 360-degree full field of view without blind spots.

The most eye-catching thing is that in the fast-moving picture, there is a flashing green line that extends forward from the follower's moving picture. This is what Wu Hao calls the planned route.

"In fact, the principle is very simple. The intelligent image recognition system will analyze and identify based on the image data captured by the visual sensor, so as to know where there are obstacles on the route ahead and where it is relatively easy to pass, so it will plan them in real time like this A route of travel.”

After hearing Wu Hao's explanation, everyone couldn't help but nodded. It turns out that this is equivalent to giving these six people a route navigation system and radar detection system, which can allow these six people to know what's going on ahead and travel quickly.

Seeing that everyone had digested it, Wu Hao continued: "In addition to planning the route, this system can also detect the environment ahead and analyze and identify dynamic information ahead.

Especially in the night environment, its image recognition ability is much more powerful than the human eye. Especially the thermal imaging capability, which can identify the heat distribution in the front environment in real time and capture any abnormal heat information. And based on these heat division data, we can identify which ones are humans and which ones are animals.

In addition to thermal imaging, it also has infrared night vision, low-light, and low-visibility exposure functions. "

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