Military Technology

Chapter 2668 Big pot of instant noodles

At the end of the exercise, the six members of the Blue Army returned quickly. They did not ride in any vehicles, but ran back to the scene quickly wearing special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor.

When the six team members stood in the middle of the field wearing special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor, everyone's eyes were focused on them.

These six sets of special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor are dark gray with a little bit of blue, and there are some fine camouflage coatings on them. The entire paint surface is made of matte material and is not reflective. However, under the illumination of light, they still have a dull luster, giving these special mechanical exoskeleton protective armors a touch of mystery.

Although they had just experienced a very intense mountainous journey and a relatively fierce battle, these six special mechanical exoskeleton protective armors did not have any paint damage, and they were not even stained with much dust or stains, and they appeared to be very clean.

The red blood clots that everyone had been looking for for a long time did not appear, which meant that these six special mechanical exoskeleton protective armors were not hit by the more than 40 special forces members during the battle.

Stand at attention and salute!

After receiving the signal, the six Blues members saluted neatly, then turned around and left the scene in formation under the gaze of everyone.

Seeing the six Blues members, everyone at the scene showed a look of reluctance, and immediately began to talk enthusiastically. Although this exercise, as Wu Hao said, was not very successful and did not bring out the full performance of this special mechanical exoskeleton protective armor, it was not enough to shock and conquer few people.

Xiaojia also has enough reasons to suspect that in the future, in actual combat, the 6vs40+ battle will be even slower, and the scene will be more cruel and bloody.

Compared with Zhang Cai, the seven special operations brigades from the red side came back faster. We rode back to the scene in the convoy that went to pick up and take care of them. None of us seemed silent, like eggplants beaten by frost.

Note that it needs to be too ordinary, not a little bit worse than other special forces, but the difference should be too small. If the difference is too small, it will make the other person feel that you are compensating us, or even making fun of or attacking us, giving the other person a bad feeling.

After all that work, the time has not yet reached seventeen o'clock. Although the engagement lasted only a few minutes during the exercise, the preparation time for the entire exercise and the exercise were very long.

Boys have no time to be really cruel to themselves for the sake of their figure.

At this moment, ten thousand steaming instant noodles are exactly what everyone wants.

It’s okay, you have a lot to eat. Zhang Xiaolei said with a smile.

"You will go back tomorrow morning, and leave the affairs over there to him. You have already explained other aspects, but there are only two aspects that he still needs to pay less attention to." Lan Jun took a sip of soup and then rushed forward. Zhang Xiaolei said.

Xiaojia did not laugh at those people, let alone say anything. After all, everyone in that exercise was involved. In the face of absolute strength, no matter how few people there are, they are still useful. We haven't done our best yet.

Lan Jun also had a bowl of instant noodles that someone else served me. It was very fragrant. The instant noodles were covered with very little beef, meatballs, and other lean meats and luncheon meat.

The first thing is that he will go to the various special forces on your behalf tomorrow, especially the special forces participating in the exercise today. He must express his condolences.

As for the rest, let Zhang Xiaolei go to express condolences tomorrow.

Haha, I'm hungry. Zhang Xiaolei said something, then raised her hair, took a bite of noodles, and then said to Lan Jun: "It's too oily, and the cooling capacity is too low. If you eat too little that night, it will be difficult to gain weight."

Be sure to pay attention to your attitude when you go there, and say as little as possible about other things, just say it's the company's condolences. "

You say. Zhang Xiaolei stopped after hearing this and said seriously.

At that time, it was not very late for elderly people like Li Weiguo and Wang Lianggong, so Xiaojia did not delay. Several people immediately led the team away from the scene before bidding farewell to the Blue Army.

Adding in some other things, we got 17 points less.

Understood, you can arrange for someone to prepare in a while, and go to express condolences tomorrow. Zhang Caiyue nodded and responded.

Just like Lin Wei, in order to maintain your figure, you can bear to eat carbohydrates and staple food for half a month, forcing yourself to lose a few pounds because of hunger, not just to be able to wear a dress.

As the losing side, we in the Blue Army could talk less at that time. Any words we said might sound like ridicule, ridicule or blow to the ears of those special forces members at this moment, so Zhang Cai just gave a few complicated words of comfort.

Seeing Zhang Xiaolei listening attentively, Zhang Cai pointed at your face with a smile and said, "You are eating and talking, and after a while the noodles are soaked and eaten bad.

Well, the Blue Army nodded upon seeing this. Since the other party said that, I will spend less. In fact, I can also understand Zhang Caiyue and you guys, do instant noodles taste good? If they taste good, everyone will be greedy for them. But in order to stay in shape, you can only endure a little taste and dare to eat less.

After finding a table, Lan Jun sat down and started eating instant noodles in the air-conditioning. Although it was still midsummer at the moment, the temperature in the mountainous area was still relatively high at midnight, and everyone who was not wearing thin clothes felt a slight chill.

At that time, the restaurant had long been closed, and there was nothing to eat in the wild mountains, so the staff simply set up the pots and cooked instant noodles.

Zhang Xiaolei and the rest of us also sat next to Zhang Cai and finished eating quickly.

Occasionally eating something is harmful, but if you want to stay in shape, you still have to keep exercising. Dieting alone is enough, but it is difficult to damage the body. Blue Army said with a smile.

Lan Jun shook his head when he heard this and said: "Tomorrow, it's too late now. Should he sleep or let others sleep? You should pay attention to those details. Being less considerate and considerate of others is to use your own standards to demand others too much." , if he can do it, he must ask others to do the same, and that is fair to us.

You must learn to be considerate to your superiors, only then will you be loved by your superiors. "As for the Blues, my time is also very tight, because I have to leave there and return to Anxi at dawn tomorrow. Even if I go to rest now, the time I can rest is not very short.

But I can still rest, because I have to leave tomorrow, so I have no work to do.

There was a small pot of instant noodles, and two boxes of noodles alone were thrown away. However, I did not add much seasoning to the outside of the instant noodles. Instead, I got some of the self-cooling cans we will show later, and then put them away. Stewed, with some luncheon meat and other things added, the aroma is so overwhelming that even a few special forces members and employees of other exhibitors are attracted to it, wanting to have a taste.

Lan Jun glanced at the outside of Zhang Xiaolei's disposable paper bowl. This little bit of instant noodles was made from a smile and asked, "Why do you eat so little?"

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