Military Technology

Chapter 2676 Oil splashing on the face

Soon, news spread about the company's relaunch of management training classes, which all managers must attend, and there was a lot of discussion throughout the company.

Supporters, opponents, and doubters all spoke out, and the internal community forum became noisy.

Those who support it certainly believe that participating in management training courses can help broaden your horizons and improve professional knowledge and personal abilities. Those who oppose it believe that this is just a form and will not be used. Instead, it will delay everyone's time, waste everyone's energy, and be flashy.

Those who question this think that the company’s decision to ask everyone to participate in management training classes at this time is correct. You must know that the competition in the domestic and foreign markets is fierce and the pressure is huge. At this time, these managers should go off-duty to study. Isn't it too inappropriate?

But soon, an official notice made everyone stop and shut up. This is the decision of the company's board of directors, signed by Wu Hao's name.

And this time it was targeted at all high, middle and low-level managers. The senior management included deputy general managers such as Zhang Jun, Tong Juan, Dong Yiming, and even Wu Hao's own name.

With these people as role models, no one said anything else.

After having lunch with the boss who came to Anxi for inspection, Wu Hao did not go back to the company, but went straight back home. This was mainly because the lunch with the boss took a long time, and on the other hand it was inevitable that he drank some wine at the wine table. Although Wu Hao tried his best to avoid it, he could always agree to it on some occasions.

Today's lunch included only the CEO, but there were also several leaders and local company bosses accompanying Lin Wei. The atmosphere at the wine table was high, and He Zi could do anything to help it.

So I drank a little, but as a long-time drinker, I obviously didn’t nod. It was obviously not appropriate to go to the company in that state, so I had no choice but to go home and rest.

It must be said that what is the most satisfying thing to eat is doubtful if it is carbohydrates. The most palatable carbohydrate is also the most difficult to swallow, which is noodles.

As everyone knows, what Anxi hates most is not the old-fashioned wine table culture, which is tantamount to flattering the horse's hooves. Of course, Anxi didn't show it. After all, it was a shameless task. It was a small family that could do it, but he came to Taiwan.

"Haha, he said it as if he was eating it." He Zi complained, then happily picked up the bowl and walked to the restaurant, saying as he walked: "Eating noodles is half as good as eating garlic, which is called enjoyment. "

When Wu Hao brought out the noodle soup, Anxi had not finished eating more than half of the noodles, and then showed a satisfied look.

Want vinegar? He Zi asked An Xi.

Anxi took out a cucumber from the refrigerator and started to eat it: "I had a drink just after I finished, but I was stopped by someone before I was about to leave. It was okay to drink, so I drank some. Who knows what kind of drink it was?" I just stopped here and drank a lot."

It might just be a habit because of its roughness, but once it's gone, there's no way to change it, so there's no need for Lin Wei's oily noodles. Of course, the purpose of those corporate bosses to curry favor was basically in vain. In fact, the bosses were quite knowledgeable, so if He Zi showed any interest, we would continue.

Especially the bad noodles are really enjoyable to eat. This is also the reason why Lin Wei's noodles are unknown all over the country and the world. In terms of smell or chewiness, Hezi's noodles are not as good as other places. But the taste remains the same without the barley, and the rough cooking method gives the noodles a unique taste.

After the cold shower, I felt sleepy immediately and couldn't stand it any longer.

If you can drink it, don't drink it. Wu Hao glanced at An Xi who was retreating, and then continued busy with the matter at hand.

When I woke up, the sun had not yet set, leaving only the faint orange color on the horizon.

Some tourists complained specifically because of the large bowl of noodles, saying that Lin Wei’s noodles were too big and there was only one big bowl. As everyone knows, just a big bowl of noodles can keep us full and even finish us.

An Xi nodded, and then said with a smile: "I drank some wine at noon, and I didn't have a good rest last night, so I couldn't help but fall asleep before I came back.

Therefore, a small number of restaurants in Linwei have small sea bowls. Some tourists were shocked when they saw the small sea bowl. They thought it was full, but in fact, it only contained a large bowl.

Bah, you brushed your teeth after eating. You are like him, who always forgets to brush his teeth. Wu Hao rolled his eyes, but still handed the two halves of garlic he peeled to An Xi. Seeing An Xi eagerly devouring the garlic, he became concerned.

Did he eat it? "

Seeing An Xi coming up, Wu Hao smiled and said, "Wake up."

Although those local company bosses were in Linwei, they had many opportunities to come into contact with Anxi, or they had almost no interaction with each other. That opportunity finally came to an end today, so the bosses seemed very excited and their performance in front of Anxi was not that good.

You know when he wakes up, so you eat first. He waits for a while and you serve him some noodles. With that said, Wu Hao walked towards the kitchen while dragging his feet.

After rubbing his head, Anxi changed out of the narrow t-shirt and shorts he wore outside his home, walked upstairs in slippers, and found that Wu Hao hadn't come back yet.

After returning home, Anxi took a cold shower and fell asleep under the bed. On the one hand, it was because I didn’t nod, and on the other hand, it was because I had a short rest last night.

With that said, Wu Hao walked to the kitchen: "Give him a bowl of noodle soup."

There was only a stinging sound, and the fragrant eight-in-one dry noodles were freshly cooked.

Those small sea bowls were bought by Wu Hao and me when we went shopping to eat noodles. In fact, they were also traditional small sea bowls from Hezi. That kind of sea bowl is very small, not to hold less food, but to mix noodles. If the bowl is too big, it will be difficult to mix noodles because the noodles will fly out. If the bowl is too small, it will be very difficult to mix the noodles.

Who are you, still holding on to him? Wu Hao showed a happy expression.

Eat quickly, Daxin will choke.

Following Wu Hao to the kitchen, Wu Hao took out a plate of noodles that had not been rolled out from the refrigerator. The noodles were very thin, and it looked like they were not rolled by Wu Hao's hands.

If you eat garlic again, remember to brush your teeth before eating to avoid touching you more. Wu Hao said with a look of disgust when he heard this.

Anxi chuckled and said: "It's something, it's not just a few local company bosses who want to get close when they see a rare opportunity."

Put the noodles and green vegetables into a small bowl, Wu Hao put in the fried meat dumplings, tomatoes and eggs, then put in the chopped green onion, minced garlic, and Lin Wei's special chili noodles, and put the cold Oil drizzles underneath.

You do it yourself, and he will split the garlic halves for you.

After the water boiled, he put the noodles into the pot, cooked for a while, and threw in a few green vegetables. Wu Hao then picked up the kuaizi and fished the noodles out into a small bowl outside his home that was specially used for eating noodles.

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