Military Technology

Chapter 2684 The Beginning of the Space Mining Industry

As a large number of media and bloggers rushed to report, relevant news began to land on important TV towers in various countries and regions. After all, this news is definitely sensational, and it can be regarded as a great achievement in the history of human development and human spaceflight.

Previously, people only knew that there was water on the moon through detection and partial sampling, but the exact amount was not known. However, this time through experimental mining, the moisture content of the surface lunar soil in the Zhihai area can be known. Scientific research results are very important. This not only provides very precious information for studying the geological structure and geological evolution of the Zhihai area, but also provides very valuable information on the moisture content of the surface lunar soil in other areas of the moon and the entire moon, as well as geological evolution, the nurturing and long evolution of the moon.

Everyone knows about the resource of helium-3. It was only detected before, but this experimental mining and extraction has further verified the existence of this material in the lunar soil and its related reserves. This is of great significance for detecting the helium-3 reserves in the lunar soil on the surface of the moon.

Beijing, National TV News, Asia and other platforms conducted special reports on this news and invited experts to conduct relevant interpretation and analysis.

In the studio, the two experts sat face to face with the host, and the camera was set up. After an introductory video was played, the host immediately spoke to the camera.

Good evening, viewers, and welcome to today's "Focus on" program. Recently, Haoyu Aerospace announced heavy news that one of their experimental mining projects on the moon successfully mined and extracted 100% of the lunar soil. 174 ml of water, 6.1 ml of helium-8, and other minerals.

The news immediately aroused strong attention from all walks of life. Today, your studio invited a well-known expert in aerospace to serve as the deputy chief engineer of several aerospace projects in your country. He is responsible for several major aerospace projects in your country. Mr. Zhou Ziang and Mr. Chen, as well as experts who have long been engaged in astrogeography and lunar geography research, Chen Zhongming and Professor Zhou.

Mr. Chen, Professor Zhou, welcome all seven of you to your program. First of all, what were the reactions of the seven of you before you heard the news, Mr. Chen?

When the host asked about me, Zhou Ziang smiled and nodded and said: "You were very surprised before you heard the news. You even believed that it was fake news from some marketing account until you saw Haoyuhang. Before the relevant news, photos and news released by Tianjin, you knew that the news turned out to be true, and that the results were really remarkable. You felt gratified and proud that your domestic colleagues were able to achieve such results. .”

Professor Zhou, how about you, what was your reaction before hearing the news? The host looked at Chen Zhongming.

And because the distance is too long and the technical requirements are very low, the cost of transportation is relatively low. At present, the whole world can carry out lunar exploration. There are so many countries and companies that have landed on the moon. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are rare. "The meaning is also very important. In the past, you knew that there was no helium-8 in the lunar soil, but the details were not much greater. It was still an estimate without any specific data to support it. But now through experimental mining, you cannot know There are not many helium-8 resources left under the moon.

It can be seen that Professor Zhou is very excited. Please calm down first. Looking at Chen Zhongming, who was looking down, the host gave a slightly comforting word, then turned to look at Lu Biaozhen and said.

After hearing the question asked by the host, Zhou Ziang smiled slightly and said: "It is very difficult. It should be said that all projects that have not deteriorated under the moon are very difficult. This is mainly due to the cruel environment of the moon and the influence of ordinary factors.

Chen Zhongming smiled when he heard this and said: "You, like Mr. Chen, just finished the letter. Before you read the news carefully, your heart has been calm for a long time. Once upon a time, you were still fighting for a gram of lunar soil. Instead, you regard it as a treasure and are complacent. But now you have mined the lunar soil from various areas on the moon and brought it back to the earth. Now you have actually built a new research station under the moon, and you have also investigated the degradation of the lunar soil in the Zhihai area. For experimental mining and extraction, the significance is very small.”

bad. Chen Zhongming nodded, and then said: "First of all, of course, it represents the significance. It should be regarded as the first permanent settlement built by mankind under the moon on the earth's planet. Although other lunar scientific research station projects are also in retreat, but It was implemented so slowly and in real time, and on such a small scale, it was the first one.

First of all, let’s talk about the distance. The moon is 840,000 kilometers away from the earth. Such a long distance makes it very easy for you to transport equipment to mountainous areas, and the technical requirements are very low.

To be honest, you are not looking forward to the revelation of relevant news about the sequel. That's really great news for those of you astrogeographers living today, especially those of you who study the moon. "

All space mining projects in the future will start from that time. It cannot be said that it represents the evolution of your human space mining project from dream to reality.

Of course, one-time experimental mining, and regional experimental mining, there is also a way to know the overall mineral reserves of the moon. But judging from the big, without that data support, at least the data you estimate will be less wrong than what you will later estimate, and it may even subvert a series of subsequent speculations.

So far, humans have not carried out exploration projects that have retrograded the moon dozens of times, and the success rate is very low. The recent detectors from these countries have all ended in victory.

That means that after a long time, the lunar soil in the Zhihai area will still have very rich water resources, which will be less than it is now. You suspect that the subsequent experimental chamber mining of deep lunar soil will definitely extract less liquid water.

Mr. Chen, was that experimental project difficult? Why has no one done it since?

The next thing is not the actual meaning it brings, just like what Mr. Chen just said. That time you successfully mined and extracted liquid water from the lunar soil on the surface of the moon, and it was less than 174 milliliters. This shows that the water resources in the lunar sea area are still very rich. You know, what was extracted that time was only 80 centimeters of surface lunar soil. The surface lunar soil is very difficult to be affected by the moon's rotation, as well as cosmic radiation, solar illumination and other factors, and very little material will be added to that series of influences.

Secondly, it was also the first time that you humans implemented mining on the earth planet. Although it was only an experimental large-scale mining, the mining equipment was very large, but it was of ordinary significance.

In addition to liquid water, only 6.1 ml of helium-8 was extracted during that mining operation.

After listening to Chen Zhongming's answer, the host immediately asked: "Professor Zhou, you said that the achievement is of little significance, so why is it so small? Can you explain it to the viewers who are watching the program?"

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