Military Technology

Chapter 2694 9 turns of the large intestine

By the time Lin Wei put on her home clothes and came downstairs, Wu Hao had already brought the food to the table. Looking at the sumptuous dishes on the table, Lin Wei couldn't help but swallowed and said with a look of surprise.

"It's so rich. What day is it today?"

Wu Hao brought the soup from the kitchen to the dining room with a smile, put it on the table, and then said with a smile: "It's not a day, I just make you something delicious to replenish your body. You haven't eaten much these days. , I have lost weight visibly to the naked eye.”

"It's not bad to lose weight. It's just a good time to lose weight." After hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei felt warm in her heart, but she still said stubbornly.

"I will feel bad if you lose weight." Wu Hao handed the rice to Lin Wei and joked with a smile: "Besides, today I don't see you losing weight in any place where you should be. You are all in places where you shouldn't be. , affecting the feel.”

"Bah, you gangster." Lin Wei's face turned red, she sighed softly, then she puffed up her chest and said, "You've lost weight!"

"Of course you can't see it now. I'll check it for you after dinner."

"Get lost!" Lin Wei couldn't help but rolled her eyes when she heard this, then picked up Kuai Zi with the rice in hand, suddenly looked at Wu Hao and said, "There are so many dishes, let's drink some."

Wu Hao was about to serve the fish soup and said to Lin Wei: "Take good care of your body first. Mix the fish soup with it to nourish qi and blood."

Seeing what Wu Hao said, Lin Wei reluctantly took the fish soup.

Lin Wei nodded, then picked up the sweet and sour outer ridge and started eating it. Biting the bone hard, the meat was pulled out, and the bone was spat out. Aunt Zhang then put the meat under the kuai into her mouth and agreed. Then the corners of her eyes and mouth were raised, and her whole body was exposed. Happy look.

"Have a try. It's all what you like." Wu Hao smiled and gave Lin Wei a piece of sweet and sour pork belly.

"It's bad, let him try it slowly!" Zhang Jun said to Zhang Jun while eating.

It’s just that, because Shandong cuisine has exquisite production techniques and relatively low requirements for technology and ingredients, the cost and price are naturally relatively low, which also leads to its increasing popularity in today’s slow-paced society filled with slow-selling products. Vietnam's cuisine declined, and the market was gradually taken over by Sichuan and Hunan cuisine, which were more unique and more exciting in taste.

However, regardless of whether it is bang bang pork or gourd head steamed buns, the overall method is relatively rough. Compared with those, the four-turn small intestine of braised vegetables is less elegant and noble, and cannot be said to be a combination of color, flavor and shape.

Uh-huh. Hearing Lin Wei's answer, Aunt Zhang nodded and continued eating. That's why there are so few loyal small-intestine lovers. You can't say that you can't give up on that thing.

The cooked four-turn small intestine has no odor at all, and it also maintains the unique aroma and texture of the small intestine, making people fall in love with the food after eating it.

Hearing Aunt Zhang's words, Lin Wei nodded slightly and said without any emotion: "When those few days are over, we will go back and try to go back after school starts."

Speaking of that, Aunt Zhang paused for a moment, as if she thought of something, and then said to Lin Wei: "When are we going back? Do you miss the food Wu Hao cooked?"

However, in the field of low-end food, Shandong cuisine has always been at the top. Even Huaiyang cuisine, which is known for its roughness, has to be bowed down in front of it. It is worthy of being called the first of all cuisines. .

In fact, there are two local small intestine foods in Anxi that are very unknown, and they are not bang bang pork and gourd head steamed buns. Bangbang meat is actually not smoked small intestine. In fact, bangbang meat is not pig viscera or pork, but the most famous outside is not smoked small intestine. So when talking about bangbang meat, I think of smoked small intestine.

That made Lin Wei nod. Today's plate of sweet and sour pork ribs was a great success.

The spicy and sour belly slices are made by Wu Hao, and they are delicious. Aunt Zhang picked up a piece of spicy and sour tripe slices and ate it, then took a few mouthfuls of rice out of her mouth, then she showed a satisfied expression and praised Lin Wei: "Wrong or not, Wu Hao I learned my specialty.”

Of course, although Lin Wei's dish was praised by Aunt Zhang, my cooking was not bad. It should be said that compared to other real Shandong cuisine chefs, my skills are far behind.

Very few people comment on a dish that tastes bad. They call it melt-in-the-mouth. In fact, that is correct. Only a few specific dishes will taste bad in the mouth. If other dishes are all melt-in-the-mouth, then this is not true. That dish was so bad.

Because of the ingredients, gourd-head steamed buns are not accepted or disliked by local tourists, but they are deeply loved by locals. Few local people go to eat a bowl of gourd-head steamed buns every now and then. Of course, there are not many tourists who love that bite and come to Anxi to taste the authentic taste.

As for the small intestine section of the fourth turn of the small intestine, the reason why it tastes bad is, of course, because of the fat and chewy texture of the small intestine, and on the other hand, it is inseparable from the sweet and sour juice.

There is little difference between gourd head steamed buns and wagyu and mutton steamed buns. The difference is that the beef and mutton are replaced by pig small intestines. The reason why it is called gourd head steamed buns is mainly because the section where the small intestine and large intestine connect, one side is smaller and the other is larger. Before blanching, It looks like a gourd, so it is called Gourd Head.

Beef is wrong, he should eat less. Lin Wei said to Aunt Zhang, I also picked up a piece of potato and started eating it. The potatoes are very soft and glutinous. When you put it in your mouth and take a sip, the potatoes melt in your mouth. Those are high-quality yellow potatoes from the northwest. They have a relatively low starch content and are best suited for quick stew with beef. Of course, that kind of potato has no disadvantages. It is not suitable for fried shredded potatoes. On the one hand, it is because its color is yellowish, and the color of fried shredded potatoes is bad. On the other hand, it is because of the yellow color. The starch content of potatoes is relatively low, so fried shredded potatoes are crispy and as delicious as white potatoes.

Well, Zhang Jun picked up a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs and put it into his mouth. A sweet and sour taste mixed with the aroma of meat filled his entire mouth. After removing the bones, the whole pork rib meat is soft and chewy while maintaining a chewy texture. The outside of the meat is filled with sweet and sour juice, which wakes up all the taste enzymes in the mouth.

After being determined for a moment, you picked up a small intestine and put it in your mouth before agreeing.

Come on, I personally am not too fond of that kind of sweet and sour taste. Girls are like boys, they are so indifferent to sweet and sour tastes. With that said, Lin Wei picked up another piece of beef and put it into her mouth. The beef brisket was very elastic, but also very soft. The meat was like wood, and the outside of the meat was full of juice, which brought out all the flavors of the spices. .

It’s just that it’s a home-cooked meal outside the home, so there’s no need to pay too much attention to it, as long as you can eat it well.

Aunt Zhang also picked up a few pieces of beef and potatoes and ate them. Compared to beef, you looked more like potatoes. On the plate, there were four short round small intestines with red color arranged randomly.

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