Military Technology

Chapter 2696: Life-saving first

After hanging up the phone, Wu Hao and Lin Wei's original good mood disappeared due to the interruption of the call.

As his best friend, Wu Hao couldn't help but worry about Zhang Jun's father. He is a very kind person, as fat as Zhang Jun, giving people a very amiable feeling. Moreover, the second elder is also very kind to Wu Hao, and often mails Wu Hao and others some local specialties and homemade things.

Every time I come to Anxi, I basically call Wu Hao and Lin Wei over for dinner every day. We even make a lot of dumplings for them, and then let them take them home and freeze them in the refrigerator, and then sometimes they are hungry and don’t want to cook.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Jun's father, who was only in his fifties, suddenly fell ill, and it was a dangerous disease like heart disease. It seemed that they didn't know what the situation was.

I saw Uncle Zhang last time. He was in good health. Why did he suddenly have a heart attack? Lin Wei also looked surprised.

Wu Hao shook his head slightly when he heard this: "Heart disease is hard to say. It's usually fine, but once it attacks, it can be really fatal. Now it depends on the situation at the hospital. If we can rescue it, then everything will be easy. Rescue But come here, then..."

Wu Hao didn't finish speaking, but Lin Wei already understood the implication of Wu Hao's words.

She said to Wu Hao: "Would you like to contact us and pick him up directly? We have good medical conditions here, and we also have your smart bionic artificial heart."

Wu Hao, on the other hand, shook his head and sighed: "It's too late. From Fatty's hometown to Anxi, even if it is called a special flight, it will take an hour and an hour. Adding in the time from the airport to Linghu, it will take at most two hours." When I was young and old.

Li Song had a slow-onset heart disease, so he needed the most time. Therefore, rescue is the most critical at this stage. As long as it can be rescued, everything is bad. If the rescue is sure to be timely or the rescue is successful, these will be more useful. "

What should be the problem with interventional surgery? Is it too difficult? The key lies in the degree and location of myocardial infarction. The degree of certainty is relatively low, or the location is too bad, so it will be more troublesome to rescue and deal with it. Lin Wei said with worry on her face. Go give Daya a call and say hello. After saying that, Zhang Jun stood up, took his transparent folding device and walked towards the balcony.

If the situation is definitely bad, Uncle Zhang's father has a way to transport it to Anxi, so he can only let the expert team there take the intelligent bionic artificial heart to Yunzhou for off-site surgery.

Hearing Lin Wei's arrangement, Zhang Jun nodded, and then asked Lin Wei: "Why did you call me directly instead of sending a text message?"

If it is definitely possible, then see if you can be transferred to the General Hospital of the Mining Group immediately. When you work on this intelligent humanized mining project later, you will not have much interaction with the Mining Group. It is wrong to care about our leaders. Doesn't he have our phone number? He can contact us directly.

Chronic myocardial infarction, how could you get such a disease? Zou Dadong became suspicious.

If not, please contact me. Uncle Zhang nodded and hung up the phone.

"According to the public procurement information of small hospitals in Yunzhou City, Mr. Zhang's hometown, both the Yunzhou Mining Group General Hospital and the Eighth Hospital purchased ECMO intracorporeal membrane oxygenation equipment."

"What's wrong? Is there no news from the hospital?" Seeing Li Song's appearance, Lin Wei's heart skipped a beat and she asked immediately.

"The Seventh Hospital is the closest to your side, so 120 was sent directly here." Uncle Zhang replied.

People with low blood lipids are less likely to have angina pectoris and myocardial infarction than ordinary people, rather than having blood vessels blocked and developing coronary heart disease.

"Keke, let me check for you. Is there no ECMO in the urban hospital in Uncle Zhang's hometown?"

Uncle Zhang nodded, and then said in a less hoarse voice: "Your uncle is in the hospital. Your mother fainted in the hospital and is receiving infusion. Your uncle said that your father had chronic myocardial infarction, which is very safe, right? So Dasein is regressing and thrombolysis is slowed down.

While we were waiting anxiously, Uncle Zhang's figure appeared on the screen again. At this moment, Uncle Zhang looked very decadent and his face was very solemn.

Lin Wei shook his head and said: "I'm probably busy now, so if you bother me first, the news will naturally be informed to me by my personal assistant. Before I get the news, I will definitely make arrangements immediately if I understand it. It must be If I understand, I will call and ask."

"You heard Fatty say later that the worst hospital in our hometown is not the Mining Group General Hospital. Next is the Eighth Hospital, and then the Seventh Hospital. Compared with the latter two, the Seventh Hospital is stronger and can Do you want to undergo such surgery?" Yang Fan said with a worried look on his face.

Now it depends on the situation at the hospital, whether interventional surgery can be performed, and if the surgery is successful, then there will be no problem. But there is definitely no way to reverse the surgery, or if the interventional surgery is successful, it will not be safe. "

But because there were no family members, the doctor dared to perform degenerative interventional surgery. "

Hearing Coco's words, Lin Wei nodded immediately, and then said to Coco: "Send a message to Uncle Zhang and forward the message to me. Tell me, the most important thing now is to save lives. If it is possible, just take ECMO decisively. Then I’m waiting for your follow-up treatment.”

What can you do to help now? Zhang Jun nodded and asked Lin Wei.

As for Lin Wei, she thought about it and then made a few more calls to make arrangements. Although we still know the specific situation now, we still need to be prepared, such as preparing the smart bionic artificial heart for failure, and then communicating with the team of psychology experts at the Anxi Medical Technology Research Center to let us prepare for the failure.

"Mr. Bad, I'm helping you find relevant information." As Coco's voice appeared, various information interfaces appeared under the TV screen. Very slowly, a piece of information was displayed on the small screen.

Bad, sir.

Hearing Zhang Xiaodong's question, Li Song smiled bitterly and said: "Wu Hao is already fat, or fat people don't have obesity in our family. Fat people have lower blood lipids, and Wu Hao is the same.

Although there are no certain problems with that kind of cross-province regressive surgery, such as problems related to practicing medicine in other places, etc., at that time, there was so little concern and life-saving was the most important thing.

Lin Wei thought for a while, and then said to Uncle Zhang: "In that case, he will contact the hospital directly, and then see if he can cancel the video authorization, and then re-sign it before going back.

Nothing has been done. Now we are waiting for the results from the hospital. I hope Wu Hao can pass that test. Lin Wei showed a helpless look and sighed.

Very slowly, after receiving the news, Yang Fan, Zhou Xi and Zou Dadong also rushed outside my home and sat in the living room together waiting for the news. Zhang Jun and Zhou Xi, on the other hand, started cooing loudly, knowing what they were talking about.

At this stage, the priority is to stabilize the uncle's condition and save his life first, and we will deal with the rest later. "

"Wu Hao was sent to this hospital?" Li Song asked.

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