Military Technology

Chapter 2805 The Road Home

Chapter 2806 The Road Home

"Fortress, there are pirates here. The mission failed. The other party has obtained the data hard drive and left. One of our team members is seriously injured, please support us."

"Pirates, the support helicopter is coming. You'd better destroy the wreckage and leave. The reconnaissance satellite shows that there are a large number of heat sources approaching you, one kilometer away from you."


Claire cursed, then called to his team members and said: "Guys, we have to leave quickly, the Y Army is coming, if you don't want to be their prisoners and stay to eat curry, then move quickly.

John, you and William go blow up the damn drone wreckage and don't let them fall into the hands of the Y Army. "


Although John and William also suffered a lot of injuries, their injuries were relatively minor compared to those of the seriously injured. So the task of blowing up the drone wreckage fell into their hands.

The two quickly came to the wreckage of the drone. At this moment, the wreckage of the drone had been dismantled into pieces by the previous red wolf. The two cursed a few words and then started to clean up.

The two dragged the drone wreckage together, took out the C4 from the bag and put it under the drone wreckage. After installing the remote-controlled fuse, the two quickly left the scene.


With a violent explosion, the entire drone wreckage was destroyed. The fragments fell around like a goddess scattering flowers, and then burned when they landed on the ground.

Large UAVs like this generally use aero engines, and there are two main types of aero engines used on UAVs. One is the jet turbofan engine used by such high-end UAVs.

The other type is a turboprop engine or an aviation internal combustion engine. Depending on the fuel, internal combustion engines are also divided into light oil versions and heavy oil versions. Many large drones with long endurance use the heavy oil version, focusing on long endurance.

For cost reasons, many ordinary drones use ordinary clean-oil engines. There are specialized aviation internal combustion engines. Some countries also use motorcycle engines directly to save costs.

In addition, there is an electric-driven drone that uses a motor. However, because of the battery, currently mainstream military engines are driven by aerospace engines. Only some small drones, as well as some suicide attack drones developed by Haoyu Industry, use motors as power.

Of course, all this is based on the fact that Haoyu Industry can use the new battery developed and produced by Haoyu Technology as power, otherwise it will not be possible.

This stealth reconnaissance drone used an aviation turbofan engine, so it carried a lot of fuel. Therefore, the explosion directly ignited the aviation fuel when it came out, burning the wreckage of the drone to ashes.

Seeing that the mission was completed, Claire immediately began to organize his team members to retreat. Because there were seriously injured people and all were injured, their retreat speed was not fast. Coupled with the terrain factors, they moved very slowly.

Not long after they walked out, they found that the Y Army was not far away from them. The explosion just now pointed out the direction to the Y Army, which allowed these Y Army to rush over quickly.

At the same time that Claire and the others discovered Y Army, Y Army also discovered them and immediately began to chase them.

Claire and others, who knew that falling into the hands of the Y Army would be very troublesome, quickly began to flee. While fleeing, they called their command center for support.

On the other side, the Viper team, which had completed its mission, quickly escaped under the leadership of Geng Lei and embarked on the road home.

However, at this time, the command center sent them bad news. Satellites show that the Y army near the border has abnormal activities and has blocked the border.

Therefore, their journey home became extremely difficult. The first big problem they faced was how to get through the tunnel they passed through.

Obviously, it is now impossible for them to pass through this tunnel smoothly. After receiving the notice, the Y Army will definitely block the tunnel and strengthen its vigilance.

There was no way they could get through here unless they forced their way through.

With their strong combat power, if they want to pass through this tunnel safely and break through the Y Army's blockade, there will definitely be no problem. But doing so will undoubtedly lead to an upgrade of the entire practice, which they don't want to see.

After all, it was unreasonable for them to come out and operate in Country Y's territory, so the idea was immediately rejected.

So if we don't go through this tunnel now, there are only three ways. Either go directly over this snowy mountain, or go east for sixty or seventy kilometers, or go north and go home through country B.

First of all, everyone rejected the route to the north to go home. Although this route could bypass the Y Army's blockade, it would involve many problems when it involved Country B, so they directly rejected this plan.

Then there are only two options, one is to cross the snow-capped mountains, and the other is to take the eastward route. This is also the route that is more controversial among the team members.

The route back directly over this snow-capped mountain, although this route seems relatively short, is extremely dangerous. They do not have detailed terrain data of this snow-capped mountain, or even road information of this snow-capped mountain. In other words, they have to pass through an unfamiliar mountain range that they have no idea about.

Although they have mechanical exoskeletons to assist with protective armor protection, it is still unknown whether they can successfully climb over.

As for the eastward detour, although it is less difficult to pass, it is conceivable that the Y Army will inevitably set up a blockade on this road and block the relevant roads.

The Y army is not all idlers, there are also smart people. They knew very well that once the tunnel was blocked, the Viper Team would inevitably detour east or west, so it was impossible for them not to make preparations on these routes.

Sure enough, soon, the command center sent them the latest situation information. A large number of Y troops had appeared on the eastward road, and it was impossible to pass smoothly.

The command center has sent a suggestion. If that doesn't work, take a detour to the west. They will negotiate with Army B to make it easier for them.

But they know very well that this is the last option, and they will not choose this option unless they have to.

In the end, everyone decided after discussion to go back directly over this snow-capped mountain with an altitude of more than 6,000 meters.

Although this snow-capped mountain is more dangerous, there are no pursuers or interceptors, so it is safer than the other two routes.

The only thing they have to consider is how to climb this snowy mountain with an altitude of more than 6,000 meters. Of course, they don't need to climb to the top, they just need to cross over.

But even so, the difficulty is still huge. It is so huge that the Y Army will not set up checkpoints to intercept it here, because they confidently believe that no one except mountaineers can climb this snowy mountain without the protection of professional mountaineering equipment.

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