Military Technology

Chapter 2807 A mission that will never be told

Chapter 2808 A mission that will never be told

Hearing everyone's response, Geng Lei looked at the time and said: "Rest for fifteen minutes and eat quickly. We haven't gone back yet, so every second here is very dangerous.

Once the Y Army reacts, then our way back will probably be blocked, and we will really be trapped here. "

"Don't worry, captain. We have been fighting against the Y Army for so many years. When have we ever seen them have such mobilization capabilities? Besides, with the equipment we have, what can they do to us." Viper said.

"With the weapons and equipment we carry, we can go back safely, but this is the last resort. We must not have a distance conflict with the Y Army until it is absolutely necessary. This will lead to the escalation of the entire situation." As the deputy captain, Ti Qing came out at this time. Sheng denied.

That's right, our mission is to bring back the relevant samples of the data hard drive and drone smoothly, and don't let anything else get involved. Geng Lei nodded.

While everyone was talking, they had already arrived at a sunken place and started repairing it. There are depressions everywhere and chaos abounds here. But it is a good haven. It can also be well concealed to avoid being discovered by people and detection equipment.

Everyone opened their masks, revealing their long-lost faces. Then he took out a self-heating food from his backpack. This is not the standard self-heating food distributed by the army, but the experimental instant self-heating food sent by Haoyu Industry. It tastes good and tastes good, so it is very popular among everyone.

As the self-heating food was opened, a little water was poured into it, and then the packaging bag was sealed. The entire packaging bag began to expand rapidly, and soon a trace of hot steam came out.

Soon, after seven or eight minutes, everyone began to open these sealed bags. A square biodegradable packaging box similar to a lunch box was exposed inside.

When you open the box, you will find self-heating food similar to fast food. There are rice, noodles, fried noodles, and a variety of dishes, just like a real buffet in a military restaurant.

He quickly tore apart several other side dishes, which contained some cold dishes, including cold cucumbers, sesame oil enoki mushrooms, cold shredded pig ears, etc. These side dishes were poured together, and everyone's appetites were whetted, and they immediately started to devour them.

As special forces, their meals are also time-limited, especially during this kind of mission, every minute and second is very important. Therefore, you must eat quickly, and there is no time for you to slowly taste the delicious food.

It was really a pleasure to have such a steaming meal on this cold snow-capped mountain, and everyone had a look of satisfaction on their faces.

"It will be great when these self-heating foods can be distributed uniformly. The self-heating foods distributed above are too unpalatable. Only the compressed biscuits and chocolates are okay, but the others are not good at all." Eagle complained while eating. road.

"What a beautiful idea. Although these self-heating foods sent by Haoyu Industry are delicious, they are much more expensive than the self-heating foods distributed above. It is impossible to purchase and distribute them on a large scale. However, we can try to fight for them. Our brigade will purchase a batch ourselves, they are special forces after all."

"What are you thinking about? We only have so little funds, how can we buy food for you? This is military rations. Just fill your stomach, and the rest is not important. If you want to eat well, wait until you go back to the celebration banquet. Then this self-heating food doesn't have to be delicious." Titmouse heard the words and said.

I'm just complaining and complaining. Shan Ying explained, and then sighed: "That being said, this Haoyu Industrial product is really good. I like this equipment more and more now.

The most elite seals in the world were beaten in front of us and were unable to fight back. Who would dare to believe this? "

Who will tell, us who got the advantage, or the seals who suffered a huge loss? Geng Lei asked with a smile upon hearing this.

Ha ha ha ha……

Indeed, it is really difficult to tell this matter to the outside world, whether it is them or the seals. For them, this is a secret mission in itself. Of course, it needs to be kept secret and cannot be publicized to the outside world. What's more, they are the ones who benefit, so they have to keep a low profile.

For the SEALs, this was a great shame. Although no one was killed, the mission was definitely a failure, and they were even less likely to tell it.

The only one who might promote it is the Y Army, but they just said that there is no substantial evidence. Unless they can catch Viper Team, or SEAL Team.

It's basically impossible for the Viper team. As for the SEAL team, I don't know if they have escaped. So what if I get caught. From the beginning to the end, they had no evidence to prove that it was the Z Army of Country Z that beat them until they were helpless.

ready to go!

After hearing Geng Lei's order, everyone quickly stuffed the food in their hands into their mouths, and then packed up all the garbage in the lunch boxes and took them away. These garbage will be brought back to the country for unified processing so as not to leave any traces.

In fact, except for the ammunition consumed in this mission, everything else will be brought back to the country to avoid leaving traces. Even in order to maintain confidentiality and hide their identity, the ammunition they used was unnumbered, so the source could not be verified.

Geng Lei and the others, who were marching again, encountered the biggest obstacle and the most difficult area of ​​climbing this snow-capped mountain this time, which was that they had to officially enter the glacier, climb up to the pass nearly 5,000 meters above sea level, and climb over the entire glacier from here. A snow mountain.

This section of the road is extremely dangerous. First of all, the terrain is steep and dangerous, and there are many cracks here due to glacier activity. Their equipment is relatively heavy and can easily miss the mark. Once you fall into a crack, it's almost impossible to get out.

So the following section of the road is the real test for them.

Everyone began to fasten safety ropes to prevent one person from slipping and others could catch him in time. Of course, this security method has pros and cons. It is like a grasshopper on a rope. It is possible that a small mistake by one person will ruin the life of the entire team.

Therefore, everyone must be extra cautious and watch the road under their feet. As for the leaders, Bobcat and Viper, as pioneers, walk at the front of the team. They need to open up a safe passage for the team, and then other team members will follow their footsteps.

This method is of course the safest, but it will also put two team members into a trap. To put it bluntly, they have to bear the danger for the entire team.

Although they have the most advanced equipment, these have become very fragile and extremely small in the face of nature.

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