Military Technology

Chapter 2810 Follow-up of the incident

Chapter 2811 Follow-up of the incident


"I believe that as superiors continue to increase investment in the construction of border areas, you will soon equip them."

"Hopefully." Zhang Changgong nodded and said, his eyes full of hope. But I don’t know exactly when this will be equipped, maybe a few months, maybe a few years.

The soldiers at the post were very enthusiastic. After Geng Lei and others arrived at the post, Zhang Changgong began to arrange cooking. Geng Lei and the others couldn't resist each other's enthusiasm, so they could only agree.

Everyone also finished changing their clothes in a separate room prepared by Zhang Changgong. In order to ensure the safety of the equipment, Zhang Changgong also arranged for two soldiers to stand guard.

Geng Lei and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief after changing their clothes. Although this was just a set of clothes, the steel suit was still very uncomfortable for them to be restrained in.

To give a simple example, if we are itchy somewhere on our body, we can touch and scratch it with our hands. But after putting on this mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor, I couldn't scratch it anymore.

In addition, there is also this problem of urination and defecation, which is very difficult to solve.

So after taking off the mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor, the first thing everyone had to go to was to go to the toilet. After a comfortable release for a while, everyone's faces showed a relaxed look.

This time, they were completely relaxed, and their expressions were not as tense as before.

The food at the outpost is still very rich, including not only special food for banquets, but also other dishes. The cooks are from the Sichuan and Chongqing areas and have good skills. They have also received special cooking training and are good at many dishes.

Especially the boiled meat slices, which whetted everyone's appetite. Although Haoyu Industrial's self-heating food is good, no matter how good it is, it is still self-heating food. How can it compare to this kind of freshly made food?

Geng Lei and the others were not polite and immediately started eating. But not long after eating, the helicopter to pick them up had arrived. Geng Lei and the others saw this, quickly finished what they had in their mouths, and then started to pack up and put on their clothes.

In less than five minutes, everyone had put on mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor and appeared in the outpost compound. Zhang Changgong was already waiting here with his soldiers. Upon seeing this, Geng Lei and the others immediately stepped forward to shake hands and thank them.

Two helicopters have stopped at the simple heliport outside the post, which is actually part of the construction of the post. When the road to the outpost is interrupted, the air corridor opened by the helicopter can be used to establish communication.

In addition, once the outpost encounters a situation, subsequent support forces can also receive immediate support through helicopters.

Furthermore, if there is an emergency at the outpost, such as an injured soldier, a helicopter can arrive to pick up the injured patient as soon as possible so that they can receive timely treatment.

At this moment, the two helicopters were already waiting for them there.

Geng Lei and the others did not waste any time, and immediately bent down and ran towards the plane.

"Brothers, welcome home."

Ha ha ha ha……

After a burst of laughter, two helicopters took off and flew into the distance one after the other. The soldiers at the outpost on the ground stood for a long time, waving goodbye to them, their eyes full of hope and desire.

On the other side, the SEAL team, which had been besieged for several hours, could finally go home. After consultation with the Y Army, the Y Army had agreed to let them leave, but there were conditions.

That is, everyone must leave unarmed, which means that all weapons and equipment they carry must stay.

In order to avoid the leakage of intelligence, Claire and the others quickly smashed the communication equipment and burned important documents. Then, under the surveillance of Y Army, they boarded the Osprey aircraft that came to pick them up.

As for the specific content of the agreement, the outside world is not clear. They only know that the U.S. Army paid a higher price this time.

There was only a handful of outside news about this incident. At first, only a small media in country Y disclosed the incident.

This media reported that a foreign military drone crashed in the northern part of country Y, and two mysterious special forces were fighting here. The scene was extremely tragic, with a large number of shell casings and debris from the explosion piled up.

Then the Y Army arrived and wiped out the two mysterious special forces, and then what happened.

However, not many people believe such reports. This small media itself has no authority, and its article features a full-length account of how the Y Army used its methods to eliminate these two mysterious special forces. This is very unrealistic.

If it was really the Y Army that destroyed it, I'm afraid that the early media in Country Y would have covered it with overwhelming coverage. Why should it be reported by a small media like this?

Therefore, the outside world has always adopted a skeptical attitude towards this report, but as time goes by, more information is leaked. In particular, the exposure of multiple sets of photos at the scene also confirmed that this place indeed experienced fierce fighting.

However, there are still disputes about the two sides in this battle. Some say it is between Army Y and Army B, some say it is between Army Y and Army Z, and some say it is with armed personnel. Anyway, it is complicated.

As for the Y Army, it may be the reason why it reached an agreement with the U Army. It has always denied this matter and has not made a public statement.

Within the Y Army, there was a heated discussion about this matter. First, they obtained a video of the scene from Claire. As can be seen from this video, the SEAL team encountered a mysterious special forces force.

This special force is covered in a layer of black metal armor. It is invulnerable, moves quickly, and carries heavy firepower.

What is known so far includes high-rate Gatling guns, anti-aircraft missiles, automatic grenade launchers, etc., with very powerful firepower.

Moreover, this team's maneuverability is very powerful and it travels very fast.

Afterwards, Y Army conducted a large-scale search, but still could not find any trace of the other party. It wasn't until a mountaineering team found some special footprints on the snow-capped mountains that it was confirmed that this special force retreated across the entire snow-capped mountains.

And based on the route, it was confirmed where this force was from. However, in the absence of actual evidence, the Y Army can only make claims, and of course it is impossible for us to admit it.

For the SEAL Team and the U.S. Army, this encounter was even more exciting. It should be said that this was the first time they encountered special forces wearing mechanical exoskeleton protective armor.

Based on the descriptions of the team members and the captured on-site image data, combined with relevant intelligence, U.S. military technical experts have analyzed that what Claire and the others encountered should be a mechanical exoskeleton for special operations developed by Haoyu Industry. Armor.

This exoskeleton armor is very mysterious, and the information they have so far is very limited. Judging from the battle process, it has strong combat effectiveness, which inevitably gave the U army a huge sense of crisis.

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