Military Technology

Chapter 2830 The Ultimate Test

“Of course, this is also to comply with current regulatory requirements. After all, we are not only responsible for the safety of our own vehicles, but also for the safety of other vehicles on the road.

In order to be able to show everyone the performance of this technology, this time we chose a composite road. Simply put, it covers various road conditions. Only in this way can we show its performance.

Moreover, our test this time is very different from conventional self-driving technology tests. This time we will not select a route, nor will we mark the route. We will only input a coordinate into the system, and then the car will autonomously Select and plan a route, and then automatically drive to the coordinate location without human intervention during the entire process. "

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone instantly understood the difficulty of the entire test task. This method of only giving coordinates and then having the vehicle drive autonomously in the autonomous phase is too difficult. It places very high demands on the entire system. Any problems that arise will lead to the eventual failure of the entire test.

“This test route is more than a thousand kilometers long, spanning four provinces and cities, and covers mountains, plateaus, plains, cities, deserts and other areas.

The roads also cover almost all driving environments from urban roads, highways, provincial roads, urban and rural roads, rural roads, dirt roads, and even no roads.

And in the process, we will also encounter strong winds, heavy rain, ice, snow, sand and dust. These extreme weathers put forward more stringent requirements for the entire system.

And because the journey is relatively long, we will encounter various road conditions and emergencies along the way, all of which require the vehicle to handle independently without our intervention.

Of course, in order to ensure the safety of the test vehicle and safety personnel, we will send two vehicles to provide accompanying protection. Unless there is a problem with the test vehicle, the accompanying technical support team will not intervene in the entire vehicle. "

At the same time as Wu Hao was introducing, the vehicles were already starting to set off on the big screen. Everyone finally saw the entire route of this test, as well as the final CLP.

The setting of this end point is very special. It is not a city or countryside, but is in a no-man's land. In other words, no one lives here. Except for some self-driving tourists, few people visit here, let alone any roads.

In other words, this time, the final stage of testing of this vehicle or this technology was conducted in an uninhabited land without roads. The difficulty of this test can be said to have surpassed various tests by other competitors. It should be said that this is the ultimate test in the field of autonomous driving technology.

The road planned by the vehicle is also very interesting. It chose a road that everyone thinks is very reasonable. However, there are many branch routes in the navigation route, and these routes alternate with each other, making people confused.

Wu Hao's voice also sounded at this time, explaining to everyone: "As you can see, there is not only one navigation route independently planned by the vehicle, but many, and these roads intersect with each other to form a network.

The reason for this is that the test route is relatively long, so various problems may be encountered along the way. Therefore, the system will plan the next route based on real-time traffic information to ensure a smooth journey.

Simply put, this navigation route is dynamic. It will not continue along a fixed route. Instead, it will plan its own route based on real-time traffic information to ensure a smooth journey to the destination. "

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone who listened could not help but feel impressed. You know, all previous autonomous driving technologies drive along navigation routes. Once the navigation route is determined, it will be difficult to change or modify it unless human intervention is required.

The smoothness of these navigation routes are all planned using big data, and many of them are designed to shorten the so-called distance and time, so the planned roads are not easy to drive. This is also an important reason for many car owners to complain. When they follow the navigation instructions, they end up dead or driving into a small alley.

Furthermore, when encountering some traffic jams, the autonomous driving system will not adapt, but will continue to wait behind other vehicles.

But now, Wu Hao's level 5 fully autonomous driving technology can automatically and flexibly plan navigation routes. This also means that, like humans, it can change routes at any time according to actual conditions and achieve flexible driving.

"We can see that at the beginning, the vehicle was driving in the urban area of ​​Anxi. The entire driving process was very smooth and there were no accidents. Of course, this is nothing, because many L3 level autonomous driving systems can also Do it.

But what we want to show you are some pictures of avoiding pedestrians and preventing traffic jams. "

Following Wu Hao's voice, in the picture, the vehicle was traveling on a complicated and congested road. There are crowds of people and various small stalls on both sides of the road, and there are congested vehicles in the middle.

The test vehicle shuttled through these noisy crowds with ease and always maintained a safe distance from the vehicle in front. When the vehicle next to it wants to block the vehicle, it can respond in time without giving the other party an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Everyone who saw this nodded repeatedly. Just by showing this shot, he could crush 90% of veteran drivers. Not only can you avoid these crowds that appear at any time, but you can also handle traffic jams with ease. This performance is even more experienced than that of an experienced driver.

Then the vehicle began to drive onto the highway, and the entire highway was in fast forward, because the entire highway condition was relatively simple, and L3 level autonomous driving could handle it, let alone this kind of fully autonomous driving technology.

So we passed quickly until the vehicle got off the highway and started driving on the provincial highway. This provincial road is a provincial road through mountainous areas, with two lanes in both directions, with cliffs on one side and cliffs on the other, and there are many large garbage trucks driving on the road.

And because it is a mountainous area, these roads are all winding roads with very steep slopes and sharp curves. In addition, there are cliffs next to the road, which will make everyone sweat when they come.

But this test vehicle drove on the entire road with ease, as if it were an experienced local driver who had been driving this kind of road for decades.

Many vehicles that everyone thinks are very dangerous can pass very easily under the control of the system.

Then there are some sharp curves, some of which are so steep that the vehicle cannot pass through them at once, but this test vehicle passed extremely smoothly.

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