Military Technology

Chapter 2841 The market belongs to

Cooperating with Haoyu Technology is not an option, but...

Everyone couldn't help but shake their heads after hearing this. Tao Zhengyang looked at his loyal subordinate and said: "Cooperation is okay, but once we cooperate with the other party, what will happen to the high-end autonomous driving technology that we have spent so much money on research and development? Do you want to give up like this?"

Of course not, Huang Zhizhong shook his head and said: "Of course we cannot give up our technology. What I mean is to learn from each other's strengths, especially in terms of hardware. We have a lot of room for cooperation with them."

"This is fine, but will the other party agree?" After hearing Huang Zhizhong's words, someone immediately raised their concerns.

Sure enough, everyone immediately showed worried expressions after hearing this. Yes, do they take this aspect for granted? Why does Haoyu Technology want to cooperate with them? Is it because they have a good relationship?

Besides, they are now in a competitive relationship. Why should they help them by selling their superior technologies and products to them?

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but look at Tao Zhengyang. They also knew that only Tao Zhengyang could give it a try, and they had no choice.

Facing everyone's gaze, Tao Zhengyang showed a helpless expression. Although he was unsure in his heart, he couldn't say no in front of his subordinates. He could only nod and said, "I'll give it a try, but whether I can succeed or not is still unknown. So everyone should still do a good job. Be prepared with both hands, what should we do if cooperation fails?"

After hearing Tao Zhengyang's words, several people present nodded. Indeed, no one has high hopes for this, so it seems that we must make other plans.

Also working late at night are several so-called new power car-making companies. They are new enterprises and are taking the road of Internet car-making. This is similar to the style and marketing methods of the Corn Group.

Of course, this is why these new car-making companies are prospering, and they firmly control the sales of low-end and mid-range new energy models at the top of the sales list.

And because it invests relatively little in independent research and development and widely uses supply chain technology, its costs are relatively low and its profits are considerable.

However, as major automobile manufacturers began to join the battle, the domestic new energy vehicle market began to roll up. And new car-making companies like them without any foundation are like rootless ducks and can only drift with the tide.

And with the continuous development of the entire new energy vehicle industry, these new power car manufacturers are becoming increasingly struggling. In particular, the amount of money spent on marketing and purchasing technology is increasing every year.

Regarding the promulgation of L4-level high-end autonomous driving technical regulations and standards, these new power automobile manufacturers have also taken action and immediately released their own L4-level high-end autonomous driving technology and related models based on supply chain technology. .

Just when they were about to start a big fight, Haoyu Technology's press conference really poured cold water on them.

What to do now has become a difficult problem facing these new car manufacturers. Should we continue to stick to the original plan, or should we go back to the original plan and choose to cooperate with Haoyu Technology? This has become the most troublesome issue for the CEOs of these manufacturers at the moment.

However, for them, the burden is actually relatively small, it is nothing more than a choice, and the loss itself is not big for them. Unlike those companies that invest real money and high R\u0026D, it is really difficult to turn back.

Similarly, some international technology suppliers and car companies, such as the famous Bosch and the new energy company TSL, have also urgently held relevant crisis response meetings at this moment.

TSL Company, as the company's chairman and CEO, Ma Yilong is sitting in the conference room at the moment, watching Haoyu Technology's press conference video over and over again.

After reading it again, Ma Yilong took off his reading glasses and asked the subordinates present: "Tell us everything, John, you go first."

"Okay, BOSS." The burly middle-aged man nodded, and then said to everyone: "Judging from the relevant videos and materials of this Haoyu Technology Conference, it is obvious that the project they released L4-level high-end autonomous driving technology is very good, at least much better than our technical solutions.

What is even more frightening is that the other party has completely mastered the more advanced fully autonomous driving technology. From this aspect, we have no power to resist.

Because so far, our high-end autonomous driving technology solutions have just matured, but in terms of performance, we cannot be better than them. "

After hearing John's words, everyone present nodded, with a look of solemnity on their faces.

As for John, he glanced at everyone, and then smiled at this time: "But don't be nervous, their lead is only in technology, in other aspects they are far inferior to us.

First of all, in terms of influence and popularity, especially in terms of world popularity and influence, they are far behind us. We are already the world's best new energy vehicle manufacturer and have received wide popularity and trust from consumers around the world. As for them, they are just an Eastern company, and with their emergence there have been various doubts and criticisms.

Second, they naturally have security and privacy issues. Because of this reason, most people in the world are full of distrust of their products and technologies. This distrust is strongest especially in Western and developed markets.

Although the other party has spent a lot of efforts over the years to change people's stereotypes about them, it has been of little use. This kind of prejudice or inherent impression is difficult to change.

Therefore, for this reason, their products and technologies may not be acceptable to the public, so I think we do not need to worry too much in this regard.

The third one is the market access policy. To this day, the other party has still not officially entered the North American market, so for us, we have a strong market to protect, which is something that the other party cannot reach out to.

Secondly, in the European market, we can still adopt relevant strategies and contact a series of European car manufacturers to cooperate to jointly deal with this crisis.

I believe that those manufacturers must be more anxious than us at the moment. As long as we extend an olive branch, they will be eager to cooperate with us.

Because the strong appearance of Haoyu Technology has harmed the interests of all parties. There is a saying in the East that the enemy of your enemy is your best friend.

The market is ours and they cannot steal it. "

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