Military Technology

Chapter 2863 The second lunar cargo transfer spacecraft

While everyone is working on the project related to the L4 high-end autonomous driving technology solution in full swing, Wu Hao has quietly gotten away from these things and shifted his attention and eyes to what will be the future for him and even Haoyu Technology as a whole. A big deal.

Haoyu Aerospace's second lunar cargo transfer system spacecraft will be launched aboard the Jianmu-9 heavy-duty launch vehicle in the near future. This time, the lunar cargo transfer system transport spacecraft will transport a large lunar soil 3D printer to the moon. Officially invested in the construction of the lunar surface scientific research station.

This large-scale lunar soil 3D printer will be disassembled into several parts and then packaged and transported to the moon. After arriving on the moon, it will be handed over to the two multi-purpose engineering robots and intelligent control robots that arrived on the moon before for disassembly and assembly, and then be responsible for the printing of large buildings of the entire lunar surface scientific research station.

In order to ensure that this printer can continue to work normally in the cruel environment of the lunar surface, this time the technical team not only specially designed this large-scale lunar soil 3D printer so that it can adapt to the cruel and extreme environment of the lunar surface. In addition, various parts are transported with this large-scale lunar soil 3D printer. These parts will be used as spare parts for the maintenance and replacement of this large-scale lunar soil 3D printer.

Even some core components, such as power fuses, printing nozzles, and some easily damaged parts, have multiple sets of backups to ensure that the printer can operate for a long time in the extreme environment of the moon.

In addition, some other equipment, materials and components were transported along with the small lunar soil 3D printer. The total amount of zero and zero amounts to more than ten tons.

Among those equipment, the most eye-catching thing is not a set of lunar mineral metal smelting equipment. To put it bluntly, it is not a large metal smelting furnace. Its principle is slightly different from that of an electric arc furnace. It also uses resistance wires for retrograde cooling. It has been adapted to the extreme environment of the moon so that it cannot adapt to the moon.

Especially the vacuum and microgravity environment under the moon, to be honest, is not conducive to metal smelting, but it will also bring about a series of new problems. Therefore, the lunar metal ore smelting equipment will be used for experiments related to degradation to verify the feasibility of future lunar metal ore mining and smelting technology.

Of course, in addition to that aspect of experimental work, the metal smelting equipment will also play some roles. It will be used to refine and pour some components for the construction of the lunar surface scientific research station. In order to strengthen the The entire metal structure prints the weakness of the house.

Those are worse than the steel bars you use to build houses. Are there those under the moon? So if you want to solve the problem, you either need to transport them from under the earth, but that would be too low-cost, or you don’t use local materials and use the ores under the moon to smelt. , to produce the required metal structural parts or construction steel.

By then, those parts will be installed to meet the construction needs of the large-scale lunar soil 3D printing surface scientific research station that is working under the moon.

Of course, that kind of 3D metal printer is very advanced and cannot print metal components with very low precision. At present, this technology is also expected to be widely used in low-precision material fields such as aerospace and aerospace.

That includes a few projects including the lunar magnetic field, cosmic rays, deep space observations, and microgravity experiments. Of course, those projects are all free, and the other party also needs to pay us a considerable fee.

Obviously there are no such conditions under the moon, so we can only retreat in two ways according to local conditions. One is more complicated. It is not your traditional sand casting process. The lunar soil is used to make sand molds under the moon, and then the metal solution is poured back. In this way, the required metal components or steel cannot be cast.

On the other hand, it is also said to be used to print some urgently needed parts. For example, if the part in the equipment that is running is damaged and there are no replaceable parts, then it is recommended to use the metal 3D printer to print out a temporary part and recycle it to relieve the urgent need.

Even so, it is less cost-effective than if we retire the project independently. Others are talking about it, but just saying that the cost of launching a probe to the moon is less than what we paid to Wu Hao, and success is still guaranteed.

If you want to produce those structural parts and steel, you first need to extract and smelt the metals from ores or ores, and then recycle the smelted metals with higher purity and repeatedly smelt and purify them. Before, it would have required special forging or pressing and elongation.

Among the equipment and items transported that time, there was not a metal printer nozzle, some consumables for metal printing, and related parts.

Of course, those are all temporary, and the long-term goal in the future is to solve the problem of printing consumables on the spot. And the premise of all that is not being able to successfully mine and extract metal from the moon.

And there is not a huge advantage in cooperating with Wu Hao. This is not because Wu Hao cannot provide a series of services, including relocation, maintenance, etc., which we cannot do on our own.

It’s just that 3D metal printing technology has relatively low requirements for raw materials, and the required materials must be metal powder. That means they also need to process the smelted metal to produce the metal powder used for printing, and then load it into a metal 3D printer for printing.

The other one is the latest technology, which uses 3D printing technology to print those metals. Like printing other objects, it is not necessary to melt the metal raw materials and then use the nozzle to print out the required metal components.

But if we cooperate with Zhuruo, not only the success rate of the project can be significantly improved, but also the transportation costs can be minimized.

It is said that there are very few material problems in your country that are stuck in the future, such as engine blades, core components of fighter jets, etc., which cannot be solved by relying on metal 3D printers.

Thanks to that project we attracted requests for collaboration from all over the world. Before going through professional evaluation and comprehensive consideration, I wish we had chosen the best of the best and then selected more than a dozen cooperation projects. Among them, there are only a small number of domestic scientific research projects, while there are more national cooperation projects.

In addition, the mission also carried a few scientific instruments for detection experiments on the far lunar surface of the entire Zhihai Sea.

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