Military Technology

Chapter 2870 Can you really make money on the moon?

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone nodded thoughtfully.

At this time, Zhang Xiaoman, who was the first to wake up from his thoughts, interrupted everyone's thoughts and said: "Look, we were just chatting and forgot to eat.

Let's eat and talk while we eat. The weather is cold today, so Weiwei and I discussed that we should have hot pot today. "

After listening to Zhang Xiaoman's words, everyone nodded. Indeed, in such weather, eating hot pot is the best choice. Moreover, their family has not had hot pot together for a long time, so this time it is just the right time to satisfy their craving.

In fact, eating hot pot does not mean how delicious the hot pot is. In many cases, eating hot pot is about eating in an atmosphere, with many people and excitement.

Immediately, with the help of everyone, hot pot and various dishes were brought to the table. In fact, a lot of them here are specially bought from outside, such as these various cuts of meat. Although families can do it, they are certainly not as professional as others.

Especially this beef, each part is very particular, and each part has a different taste. You definitely can't make it at home.

When he came to sit down at the dining table, Wu Hao also took out a bottle of Baigan and several bottles of craft beer from the wine cellar, and gave Lin Wei and the others two bottles of freshly squeezed juice.

Everyone sat around the round table, waiting for the bottom of the pot to boil.

Wu Jianhua, who was still thinking about the content of the previous chat, asked Wu Hao at this time: "You have invested so much in the lunar exploration project, can you really make money?"

Hearing this question, everyone present looked at Wu Hao. Indeed, this issue is also a topic of greatest concern to many people, and family members are no exception. They were worried that he would invest too much in this project and end up losing money.

In this regard, Wu Hao smiled and said: "Of course it can make money. This is a cutting-edge project, which can be said to be profitable, but the initial investment will be relatively large, and the revenue cycle will be relatively long.

Let’s not talk about the distant ones. I will talk about some money-making projects that can be carried out in the past ten years.

First of all, our project is already making money. For example, many scientific research institutions, universities and even technology companies are interested in the large amount of data and information we have collected during scientific research and exploration on the moon, and have come to us to buy it. At present, we only have these data. It was sold for almost 100 million US dollars. "

so much! Even Lin Wei couldn't help but be shocked by this number.

Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand and said: "This is just a rough statistic. In fact, it may be even more than this. Just from the high-definition photos and related materials we paid to download on the website, we earned almost 50,000 to 670,000 US dollars. .

In addition, there are other aspects of cooperation. For example, in this mission, we will carry some detection equipment from several scientific research institutes, and these will all be charged.

In addition, our launch vehicle system is currently profitable, and the revenue is very considerable. The annual commercial launch volume also ranks among the top among countries and aerospace companies around the world.

Of course, this is just an appetizer, and the real money is still in lunar exploration.

Once our Lunar Zhihai lunar surface scientific research station is completed, it will be open to the world and attract scientists from all over the world. The current first phase of the project can accommodate approximately 20 astronauts and scientists. In addition to our own maintenance and operation personnel, we can also sell more than a dozen places to external parties. These places alone will bring us great discomfort every year. Fee's income.

Let's put it this way, every move these people make on the moon, even every breath they take, costs money. To put it simply, this is equivalent to building a fully furnished house and renting it out. "

Will this work and will the country agree? Wu Jianhua couldn't help but worry.

Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand and said: "Normal commercial aerospace behavior, if you don't agree with it, the country very much encourages the development of our private aerospace enterprises and encourages us to go global.

And on this project, relevant departments will also cooperate with us and send astronauts to our Lunar Zhihai lunar surface scientific research station to carry out a series of scientific research and exploration activities. "

After answering Wu Jianhua’s question, Wu Hao continued: “This is only for scientific researchers and astronauts. In the future, we will also open it to the public to attract lunar travel.

At present, the prices of our commercial space tourism vary. If you go to the space station and stay for a few days, it will probably cost more than 50 million US dollars.

If you just ride on that kind of spacecraft and experience a few minutes of weightlessness near the Kármán line, it only costs a few hundred thousand dollars. This is not considered space travel.

So imagine how much it would cost to travel to the moon, which is 380,000 kilometers away. "

No matter what, it will cost hundreds of millions of dollars, right? Wu Tong thought for a while and then said.

Wu Hao smiled and said, "That's about right. It's expensive anyway."

In this way, this is an experience project for the rich, and we ordinary people have no chance to go up. Wu Jianhua couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Wu Hao heard Wu Jianhua's words and said amusedly: "Are you an ordinary person?"

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone present laughed. Wu Jianhua was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and laughed. Indeed, how can he be considered an ordinary person? With such a billionaire son, there is no problem if he wants to travel to space, or even to the moon. What's more, the future trip to the moon will be driven by my son and the others. If he is willing, he will definitely have this opportunity.

Seeing everyone laughing, Wu Hao said with a smile: "Currently, ordinary people have little chance of traveling to space, unless there is a breakthrough in aerospace technology and the price can be brought down.

Of course, for many middle-class families, it is still possible to take that kind of spacecraft to the edge of space, that is, to play around near the Karman line.

At present, we are also actively researching cost-reducing technologies. For example, we have now reduced the launch cost per kilogram of launch vehicles to about 12,000 yuan, which is the lowest launch price among current commercial launch vehicles.

But people are not goods. People not only have to go up, but they also have to come down. Moreover, people also need oxygen and their life safety needs to be ensured. These are all costs.

For now, using our Walker series spacecraft, the manned cost can be reduced to less than 10 million, or even lower. Because the return capsule of our Walker spacecraft, which is also its crew capsule, can be reused.

But this price is also very high, and it is difficult for ordinary people to accept it. Therefore, we still need to lower the price to a price that ordinary people can accept. "

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