Military Technology

Chapter 2872 The ideal facing the universe

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The hot pot meal ended with everyone's laughter.

Everyone continued to chat about this topic for a long time, mainly about their infinite reverie about the future and the universe.

For example, Wu Tong asked a question that everyone is asking, that is, are there really aliens in the universe?

There is actually a lot of controversy over this issue. But from the perspective of the academic community, there must be aliens. Otherwise, there would be only one Earth in the vast universe, and only us humans would come there. Wouldn’t that be a waste of space?

Wu Hao also agrees with this point of view. In his view, the universe is vast and there are countless stars like the sun. Then among so many stars, there may be another sun and another planet that breeds life.

It's just that these aliens may not look like Earthlings, and they may not be what we imagine. They may exist in another life form.

The aliens we imagine are based on our own imagination as humans. The actual aliens should have a lot to do with the environment in which they live. Maybe they have more than two eyes and more than four limbs, or they are not mammals, but a kind of insect, or It's another form of creature.

The topic switched to Mars again, and someone immediately asked, is there really no life on Mars?

Wu Hao did not give an accurate answer to this. Although various signs on Mars indicate that Mars is not suitable for life to survive, scientists still base their judgment on several major elements of our human production, such as air, atmosphere, water, and movement. Plant ecosystems and more.

But what if there are ecosystems and life forms on Mars that are adapted to the Martian environment? This is unknown.

Because our current understanding of Mars is still very limited, the most important piece of information we can learn so far is that there is seasonal liquid water on Mars.

With water, it means there is the possibility of life. Perhaps in a certain valley or underground cave on Mars, there are still many remaining species of flora and fauna on Mars. Just like many things on our planet, they actually have their own independent cave ecosystems, which contain many unique creatures, such as transparent fish, eyeless fish and shrimps, crabs, etc.

Perhaps there is such a place on Mars, which is one of the reasons why Mars is so fascinating.

When asked whether Wu Hao and the others would also explore Mars in the future, Wu Hao also gave an affirmative answer.

Mars is very similar to the Earth and can be said to be the sister planet of the Earth. Understanding and exploring Mars will help us understand the origin of our Earth. Of course, these are not important. What is important is the resources on Mars and whether Mars can be immigrated.

Mars has always been our primary immigration target. Why are people so keen on immigrating to Mars? This is mainly because the space on earth is limited and cannot accommodate too many people. When humans look for new places to live or colonize, their primary goal is Mars.

Of course, there is also the moon, but the environment on the moon is too bad and not suitable for carrying too many people.

In the future, Wu Hao and the others will not only explore Mars, but also explore other planets in the solar system, such as Venus, the satellites of Saturn and Jupiter, the asteroid belt, and farther away Pluto, etc.

It’s just that this process will be long, but they will keep doing it. Perhaps he would not be able to fully realize these ambitious goals during his lifetime, but he believed that his successors would follow in his footsteps and continue to explore according to his legacy.

After chatting with his family about this for a long time, Wu Hao also opened his heart to his family and talked a lot about his ideals. This was also the first time that he thoroughly introduced his ambitions to his family.

After understanding Wu Hao's ideals, family members expressed their understanding and support one by one. In their opinion, what Wu Hao is pursuing is more valuable than anything in this world.

Because he is looking for a direction and opening up a new path for mankind, it is destined that in a few years, his name will be remembered and revered by future generations like those countless sages.

It wasn't until it was very late that everyone ended the chat without feeling satisfied.

After taking a bath, Wu Hao walked out of the bathroom and found Lin Wei, wearing silk pajamas, leaning on the bedside and brushing the tablet. Seeing him coming out, Lin Wei smiled slightly and said, "Our family hasn't been so lively for a long time. Yes, everyone is very happy today."

Wu Hao nodded with a smile, then got on the bed and sat next to Lin Wei, smelling the fragrance emanating from the other person's body, and said with a smile: "I am also very happy to be able to tell you all my ideals. What is even more happy is that, You can all be understanding and supportive.”

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei couldn't help but rolled her eyes and said, "What can we do if we don't support you? If we say we don't support you, will you stop and change?"

Wu Hao burst out laughing when he heard this, and then shook his head: "No, I will continue to try to convince you, knowing that you understand and support me."

Hum, I knew you would say that, so we decisively supported it. Lin Wei rolled her eyes at him and said angrily.

Wu Hao smiled upon seeing this, and then took the other person into his arms to comfort him.

As for Lin Wei, she was like a kitten at the moment, nestling in his arms and saying quietly: "I have no other requirements for you. As long as you are healthy and don't work too hard, remember that you have this home and we are here." It's nice to be around you.

I know that your ideals are great, and we can't help you in this regard. The only thing that can help you is to be your good wife and help you avoid worries.

So feel free to go for it, I’m at home. Even if there is one thing you get into that is useless, I will support you. "

What to say. Wu Hao smiled when he heard this, and then patted the other person's soft part with his hand. Lin Wei's face turned red, and then she pinched Wu Hao gently, and then said: "In a few days, Uncle Wu and Aunt Zhang are going to the South China Sea to watch the rocket launch and spend the winter. I want my parents to go with them. ,What do you think."

Yes, absolutely yes. Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "It's been a long time, and they haven't had a good trip, let alone actually seen a rocket launch. This is a rare opportunity, so let them go together."

Speaking of this, Wu Hao couldn't help but said with a hint of worry: "However, it seems that the two elders may not necessarily go. On the one hand, it may be because the company is busy, and on the other hand, Lin Lei is at home, so they may not be willing to go. .”

It's okay, I'll go and tell them, this time it's just time for them to go out and relax and have fun. Lin Wei said firmly: "They have been really hard these past few years, and it's time to take a rest.

As for Lin Lei, there is no need to worry. There is a nanny at home, and Lin Lei is no different from a normal person now, so they don't need to worry. Besides, Anxi still has us. "

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