Military Technology

Chapter 2875 Is this showing off your skills?

“In this way, the quartz glass in the lunar soil will melt and become its natural adhesive to bond with other substances. The printed and stacked building walls will be strong and have no gaps.

And another advantage of this kind of printed building is that it is formed in one piece, so the structure is relatively stable, and architectural themes of various sizes and shapes can be printed according to your own needs.

Secondly, because this kind of building uses dissolved quartz stone and glass fragments as an adhesive to form the building body, it is very easy to repair in the later period. You only need to re-dissolve the material to repair the damaged parts.

Finally, and most importantly, it is very cheap. The materials it uses are all existing lunar soil on the moon, and it only needs to be collected and screened.

In addition, the energy it consumes is electricity, and these solar photovoltaic power stations that have been installed on the moon can provide the required electricity.

Because there is no atmosphere on the moon, the sunlight is very abundant, so the operation of solar photovoltaic panels generates abundant electricity.

The only thing that needs to be transported from the earth is the lunar 3D printer and related parts and some consumables. However, compared with the lunar scientific research station with a huge construction area, these are not worth mentioning at all.

If all these materials have to be transported from the earth and such a large scientific research station is built, the cost will undoubtedly be very high. This is something that private commercial aerospace companies like Haoyu Aerospace cannot afford, and it is also something that very few countries can afford. Unbearable.

It should be said that that method requires you to carefully study and refer to it, so the experts and professors you visited later gave it a very low evaluation. "

Although it is not two inner shells that come together, there is actually very little technology contained in it, so the cost is not cheap, not to mention the huge fairing, which may cost millions. Ten million level. "

As the old saying goes, once is luck, twice is not strength. One success can be called a success, so there may not be much luck in it, but two successes have minimized the luck component. It can also show that success is not directly related to one's own performance, which also verifies Jianmu's success. The reliable performance of the Center 4 launch vehicle and the lunar cargo spacecraft system. "

After hearing the host's words, Director Zhang and Professor Huang both laughed.

Not only that, its huge carrying capacity can also transport those vehicles to the synchronous orbit. In other words, its huge carrying capacity cannot transport a nearly 80-ton main battle tank, the world's first to retire, to low-Earth orbit.

Director Zhang took a model of the Jianmu-4 heavy-lift rocket from under the table behind him, and then continued: "Let's talk about the Jianmu-4 heavy-lift rocket first. That rocket is very powerful. That's A small-thrust launch vehicle with a very low recyclability and reusability rate independently developed by Haoyu Aerospace.

Professor Huang explained with a smile: "What he said is wrong. It is just an inner shell that protects the external load, but the two halves of the fairing contain very little technology, such as how to make such a small fairing so that it can deform. , and it must not have a certain degree of weakness and toughness, and the weight can still be too heavy. If it is too heavy, it will crowd out and waste the carrying capacity of the rocket.

First of all, it is not that the two halves of the fairing can only be put together, but can also be separated when separated. There are too few cases of successful launches because the fairing cannot be opened, even in China and abroad. For example, Banghan's rocket did not win because the fairing could not be opened, allowing the satellites outside to be released.

Those experimental detection instruments will provide you with very important data reference for studying the origin of the moon, the evolution of the moon, and the environment under the moon. "


Professor Huang on the side continued what Director Zhang said: "In addition, the mission will also carry very few scientific research detection equipment. In addition to some of Haoyu Aerospace's own scientific research detection equipment and related supplies, it will also carry We have acquired experimental detection instruments from several domestic research institutes and primary schools.

For such a huge fairing to be successfully opened during low-speed flight and to be opened 100%, the reliability requirements of the technology are very low.

For now, it is still one of the heavy-lift rockets with the smallest carrying capacity in the world, and there are only a handful of people that surpass it.

It should be said that that mission will be a very huge test for the Jianmu-4 heavy-lift launch vehicle system and the lunar cargo spacecraft system.

Professor Zhang next to him nodded and said: "Actually, there was nothing interesting about that mission, it was not the launch mission itself.

Although it was successful once later, the meaning was the same.

Hearing what Director Zhang said, the host on the side asked spontaneously: "Director Zhang, do you know that the fairing is just an inner shell that protects the outer spacecraft. Is it of little significance to recycle it for reuse? Or is it just for Haoyu Aerospace? A way to show off your skills.”

It’s so expensive. Does it have a thin inner shell? The host was obviously not surprised. I also didn't expect that the two halves of the fairing were so expensive.

Yes, Director Zhang shook his head: "That is not to show off our recycling technology, but it has no very practical significance. To put it simply, it is not to save costs or save money.

And there is no recovery system under the two halves of the fairing, and that recovery system also requires cost, so that also makes the price of the two halves of the fairing very expensive. "The entire rocket is as low as 17 meters, very low and mighty. At the top of it, it is not that position, that is its huge fairing. The entire fairing is 74 meters long, and the salute reaches 17 points. seven meters.

Therefore, a very large internal load space cannot be formed. The two buses running outside your city cannot be accommodated in this space, and the remaining gap can still accommodate seven more large cars.

And the two halves of the fairing cannot be recycled and reused. The two halves of the fairing under that rocket that time are not the fairings under the next Jianmu-4. They were used under that rocket before being recycled and refurbished. . "

Its take-off weight is nearly 2,000 tons, its low-Earth orbit transportation capacity reaches nearly 80 tons, and its synchronous orbit transportation capacity can also reach nearly 80 tons. It can launch a lunar cargo spacecraft of less than 70 tons into the Earth-Moon Transfer Orbit. Down.

Secondly, the fairing must withstand the huge wind resistance and overload caused by the rocket when it takes off, as well as the vibration caused by the rocket during flight. It even has to resist rain erosion and has certain cold insulation, warmth and anti-corrosion capabilities.

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