Military Technology

Chapter 2883 The brightest

The reason why I didn't go to the Xinyuehu Space Command and Control Center, which is just a stone's throw away, was partly because I was afraid of trouble. Why would I need to make a special trip to see things that I could see in the office.

The second one is because their departure will inevitably have an impact on everyone. Especially since this mission has attracted more attention, everyone is under too much pressure. Wu Hao and the others would undoubtedly increase the pressure on everyone, so they might as well not go.

In the end, Wu Hao and the others were actually reluctant to go. Although this mission has attracted more attention from the outside world, for them, it is an ordinary space launch mission and there is no need to pay too much attention. Therefore, they were too lazy to go and just looked around in the office.

Looking at the rising rocket on the screen, everyone sitting in the office had smiles on their faces.


Bang bang bang...

As Zhang Jun cheered, everyone present cheered and applauded.

When Wu Hao saw this, he also smiled and applauded along with everyone. A good start is half the success. The rocket ignited and launched very smoothly. Of course, everyone should be happy.

In the video, everyone is working in an orderly manner in the Nanhai Launch Command and Control Hall and the Xinyuehu Space Command and Control Hall, and various data information is broadcast from time to time in the hall's broadcast.

Whether it is the staff of the launch site system or the staff of Haoyu Aerospace, everyone has experienced many such launch missions, so they deal with it very calmly, calmly and professionally.

Through the stationmaster's high-definition surveillance camera outside the rocket body, Wu Hao and the others could clearly see on the big screen that the rocket was rapidly approaching the ground.

As the rocket flew higher and higher, it finally became a bright spot in everyone's field of vision, shining like a star in the night sky.

Through the telemetry screen of Zhanjian-1, everyone can clearly see the entire flight of the rocket on the screen.

Especially in the night sky, the wake ejected by the rocket is like a trickle, very silky. This shows that the rocket engine is working properly and the engine is running very smoothly with no spot problems.

In fact, a long time ago, people began to observe whether the rocket was working properly. In addition to the sensors on the rocket itself, there was also ground telemetry observation.

In addition to observing the flight attitude of the rocket through telemetry observation, the most critical thing is to observe the combustion and injection conditions of the engine at the rear of the rocket. The operating status of the engine is directly related to the operating status of the rocket.

If there is a problem with the rocket engine, there will also be problems with the shape of the ejected tail flame, such as not being smooth enough, intermittent, or changing color, etc.

For example, for some major space launch missions, more ground telemetry stations will be set up and more telemetry ships will be dispatched to conduct relay observations on the trajectory of the rocket launch, so as to track and observe the flight status of the rocket throughout the process.

As the technical figures on the big screen continue to grow and change, rocket launch has finally reached its first critical node.

I saw the rocket tail flame on the infrared remote sensing screen flickering a few times, and the rocket suddenly changed from a single two points to four bright points. The brightest spot is still rising, while the remaining three bright spots are relatively weak and are slowly falling.

Booster separation, primary and secondary separation!

Bang bang bang bang...

The staff in the two halls and I also applauded, and Wu Hao and others who were watching in the office also applauded.

"The ground recovery team reports that the core first-stage rocket and the No. 1 and No. 2 booster grid wings are open, the landing status is normal, and the landing is in accordance with the scheduled procedure."

As the announcement sounded, the big screen also switched to include images of the core first-stage rocket, No. 1 and No. 2 boosters, and the landing site. This time, the core first-stage rocket and two boosters will land on the main landing field together, achieving the magnificent sight of three arrows landing simultaneously.

In order to record this spectacular scene, the entire ground recovery team, including the publicity department, added numerous camera positions on the ground to record the entire landing process.

In addition, the entire landing process will also be broadcast live in real time, allowing all people watching the launch mission to witness this spectacular moment.

In the picture on the other side, the second-stage rocket is pushing the Lunar Cargo 2 spacecraft to continue to soar upward. However, because the height is too high, I can see a bright spot in the remote sensing picture at this moment, and the picture is very blurry.

As the rocket flew higher, the bright spot flickered. It can be seen on the external surveillance camera of the lunar cargo spacecraft that the two halves of the fairing protecting it opened and fell off.

In the picture, you can already see the night hemisphere below, the arc-shaped sky in the distance, and the green aurora over the North Pole.

"Throw the fairing!"

Position 1 reported that the two halves of the front-end fairing of the second-stage rocket were successfully thrown!


There was another round of warm applause in the command and control hall.

The so-called layman sees the excitement, while the expert sees the door. Throwing the fairing may seem simple, but in fact, the action of throwing the fairing occupies a very important part in the entire rocket launch.

Among the many cases of rocket launch failures so far, many of them were caused by the failure of the fairing to be separated and thrown out on time.

The two halves of the fairing on Jianmu-9 are very large in size, so it is very difficult to separate them. This requires that the entire separation mechanism is reliable enough.

Despite this, the entire rocket launch team was still very worried at this time point. It was not until the fairing separated that they breathed a sigh of relief.

The picture on the fairing also came back again. After the two halves of the fairing were thrown out, the paraglider inside the fairing was quickly thrown out, and began to drive the fairing to adjust its attitude and glide in the air.

The ground recovery team reported that the two halves of the fairing fell normally. "The air recovery team has arrived in the predetermined airspace and is on standby, ready for recovery!"

The scene changed, and three yellow-painted helicopters were flying towards the predetermined sea area. This is the fairing recovery team, they are responsible for the aerial recovery of the two halves of the fairing.

Different from other methods of recycling fairings, Haoyu Aerospace’s fairing recycling technology is more direct and even rough. Use the helicopter to hang the hook, and then hook the paraglider on the fairing, and then achieve aerial recovery and aerial hoisting and transfer.

This recovery method is more maneuverable and flexible, and has a higher recovery success rate. Of course, the risk brought by the advance is naturally higher than using ordinary ships and using cars to open a large net to wait for the fairing to land.

Although the risk is a little higher, it is not that high, and the cost of recycling is lower, which is more important for fairing recycling.

If the success or failure of recycling is too high, then there is no need to spend this effort and take this risk to recycle.

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