Military Technology

Chapter 2892 Conspiracy and surrender

After hearing the leader's words, everyone present laughed.

Everyone naturally knew what the leader meant and what he was going to say next, but they all waited cooperatively for what the leader would say next.

Sure enough, I only heard the leader say to the few accompanying leaders: "As a leading enterprise in the domestic private commercial aerospace field, we can't live without our own office building. This is too shabby. Saying it will make people doubt our Anxi company." business environment and business strategies, so Anxi Province must speed up the resolution of this matter on the basis of merit.

I think we can be more generous and just give them a piece of land and let them build on their own. "

No problem, we will discuss and make arrangements when we get back. In addition, this aspect also welcomes some requests and suggestions from Mr. Wu and Haoyu Aerospace Company. We will strive to provide services until they are satisfied. The accompanying leader Anxi immediately responded loudly without any hesitation.

They know very well that this is because the leaders are trying to retain high-quality companies like Haoyu Aerospace for them and prevent this company from being poached by others.

Nowadays, in order to retain these enterprises, local governments adopt various methods. Among them, the most direct, even crude, but very easy and effective method is to directly give the other party a piece of land. As long as these companies obtain the land construction After you own your own office building, you have assets, and you will definitely not move the place easily.

Once the location is moved, it means moving to this heavy asset, so these companies will stay and take root.

So this is a conspiracy, of course the company knows it, but getting a piece of land for free or at a low price is also very beneficial to them, so they will agree. The so-called Jiang Taigong fishes, and those who wish to take the bait are clearly bait. If you want to eat it, you have to pay the price.

In other words, this method is also a guarantee or even a certificate of nomination for the company to the local government. If you don't agree, it means that you may have to leave, and the local government will lose trust in you, and naturally there will be no support and care. The consequences are obvious.

Wu Hao naturally knew this, so he agreed.

In fact, in the past few years, Haoyu Aerospace has paid attention to many places, such as those megacities, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, etc., of course, including Anxi.

However, Wu Hao always refused on the grounds that Haoyu Aerospace had office space and would not consider it for the time being. There are many reasons. Of course, there is a sense of selling at a price, and it all depends on who is more sincere.

But this time it was the leader who spoke, and Anxi's leader agreed, so naturally Wu Hao had to give him face. However, whether it can be successfully implemented in the end depends on subsequent specific consultations and negotiations.

After all, how could such a large enterprise take root in a muddle-headed manner?

Although Wu Hao and the others have always had a good relationship with the local government in Anxi, they still have to fight for what they should fight for. The so-called crying children have milk. If you don't cry or make trouble, it will appear that you have no sense of existence.

While everyone was talking, the latest report came from the hall broadcast.

Attention all units, the lander is preparing for powered descent!

After hearing this, everyone present stopped talking and looked at the big screen. In the middle of the big screen is still a 3D model of the moon, which shows that the lander is getting closer and closer to the final landing site, almost overlapping.

On the left, there are various data information, recording the status of the lander at this time. On the right is the real-time image captured and transmitted back by the lander's external camera.

In the picture, the entire lander is flying slightly over the lunar surface at a very fast speed, with large and small craters and craters passing rapidly below.

Beyond the arc-shaped horizon in the distance is the dark space. There are no stars in the sky, only a bright blue moon that flashes by. No, that is not the moon, but the earth.

Standing on the moon and looking at the earth is actually the same as standing on the earth and looking at the moon, even the size is the same.

In fact, the images captured and transmitted by external surveillance cameras are black and white images, because the black and white images have bandwidth and more image information is saved.

Therefore, most of the photos of the universe and various stars taken by spacecraft now are actually in black and white, and only a small part are in color.

The reason why we all see it in color is because it has been processed through post-production color correction. For scientific researchers, black-and-white images that preserve original information are obviously more valuable for research than color images that have been color-adjusted, although they are not as beautiful.

The color images currently on the big screen are processed and rendered in real time through AI algorithms, so you can see such a magnificent scene.

In fact, these beautiful videos and photos are processed and rendered by AI algorithms. The original images are very poor. For example, many of them include noise, overexposure, etc., and are very unclear.

These images can be restored in real time through AI algorithms, giving all viewers a better viewing experience.

Attention all units, prepare for real-time lander power descent... five, four, three, two, one, engine start.

It can be seen very clearly through the external camera on the lander that some magazines are sprayed out of the engine. Because it is in a vacuum state, you cannot see the fire light, but you can see the fine powder sprayed out.

As the engine started, the lander began to slowly decelerate, and with the influence of the moon's gravity, the attitude of the lander changed from a horizontal state to a vertical state. Fall down.

Of course, it is not a completely vertical fall, but there will be an arc or slope, just like a projectile, falling downwards, and as the speed decreases, the slope will become steeper and steeper, and eventually it will fall vertically. Face landing.

Because they are 380,000 kilometers apart, it is definitely unrealistic to be controlled by the earth, and the time delay is too high, so the entire landing process is carried out independently by the lander.

The lander must automatically control the work of the attitude engine, cruise engine, and main engine, and adjust the overall attitude, angle, and descent speed of the lander during the descent process.

Therefore, this process is the most difficult period for all scientific researchers, because they can do nothing but stare at the real-time data and images on the big screens. This should be considered the most helpless time for them. All hope lies in the lander and the intelligent control system mounted on the lander.

The time on the big screen increases every second, the landing countdown decreases every second, and the height from the ground is also constantly decreasing.

Through the demonstration screen, everyone can clearly see how long the lander is from the ground at this moment. Yanran, this has reached the final stage of the descent and landing process, and it is also the most critical stage. Success or failure depends on this.

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