Military Technology

Chapter 2913 Everyone rescued

The discovery of this person also encouraged the search and rescue team members, including everyone in the rear command center, and everyone was ready to make persistent efforts to find the last three people.

However, the further you go, the harder the road becomes and the more side roads there are. If they had not learned the relevant maps in advance, they might have been lost in these forked roads.

The underground fortifications have been abandoned for decades. Many facilities have been abandoned, so it is very dangerous. The five people who passed the iron bridge before fell when the iron bridge broke.

Fortunately it wasn't deep. If the pit had been too deep, these five people might really have died.

Finally, after searching for more than an hour, another search team entered the underground fortifications and found the three people in a patio.

These three people were in poor physical and mental condition because they were trapped in the cave for a long time, but their lives were not in danger. After a careful inspection, the search and rescue team members took them out of the underground fortification and handed them over to the medical staff who had been waiting at the entrance of the cave.

At this point, the search and rescue operation lasted more than 20 hours, and finally all nine people were successfully rescued. Although many people were injured, and some were seriously injured, none of them were life-threatening, which made the rescue work a successful conclusion.

Seeing the ambulances carrying the trapped people to the hospital, everyone at the scene laughed happily. Although the whole search and rescue process was very hard, the result was good. All nine people were rescued, so everyone felt sincerely. Everyone cheered, and all the previous worries, anxieties and pressures disappeared at this moment.

In the emergency response center of Haoyu Technology Headquarters, after listening to Zhang Xiaolei's relevant report, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun also showed cheerful smiles.

Wu Hao couldn't help but yawned, and then said to Zhang Xiaolei in the video: "Thank you for your hard work. The nine people in this incident were able to be rescued so quickly. This is inseparable from the efforts of everyone, especially the local rescuers." The participation of military and military rescue forces and the huge contribution they made.

In this way, on behalf of Zhang Jun and I, you would like to express our gratitude to everyone and express our condolences. Not to mention anything else, let’s organize a good meal for everyone and treat everyone well.

Find a better hotel and set the standards higher. "

"Understood, I will let others arrange it." Zhang Xiaolei nodded and responded.

Well, Wu Hao nodded and continued: "As for the nine people who have been rescued, arrange for them to be admitted to the hospital for treatment first. If the local medical conditions are not good, then transfer them to a large hospital, or directly organize them to come back to our Anxi. In short, they must Need good treatment.

You go to the hospital in person to express condolences on our behalf and let them recover in peace.

As for other investigation work, don't rush to start it, wait until their mental state is better. "

OK, don't worry, I will handle it properly. Zhang Xiaolei naturally knew what Wu Hao was worried about, and immediately nodded in response.

Although there are many mysteries in the whole incident, such as why these nine people chose to come to this underground fortification and why their communication equipment failed. These questions still require further investigation and answers. But the most important thing at the moment is to heal the injured first and avoid any accidents, and then talk about other things.

After Wu Hao finished speaking, Zhang Jun followed up and said: "There is no guarantee that this incident will be reported by the media. You must deal with these media reporters properly and handle this matter as low-key as possible. Do you understand?"


Um. Seeing Zhang Xiaolei's quick response, Zhang Jun nodded slightly and then asked: "Don't come back for the time being. Do the follow-up work well and make arrangements there before coming back."

After hearing Zhang Jun's arrangement, Wu Hao also nodded slightly. Indeed, such an accident does need to be handled properly. Since Zhang Xiaolei has gone, let's arrange the work there before coming back.

Understood, I'll stay here to arrange all the follow-up work. Zhang Xiaolei nodded and responded.

After a few more explanations, Wu Hao and the others ended the call.

The two relaxed people sat on the chairs and enjoyed the relaxing time after the incident.

Zhang Jun's stomach growled, and when he looked at the time, it was already four or five o'clock in the afternoon.

"Let's go out and eat something. I've only eaten one meal since last night and I'm already hungry." Zhang Jun stood up and greeted Wu Hao.

Wu Hao nodded, and then walked out of the emergency response center with Zhang Jun.

"It's already late, we might as well go home." Wu Hao looked at the sky and frowned.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun shook his head: "Let's eat something to fill our stomach first, and then eat when we get home. I happen to have something I want to talk to you about?"

"What's going on?" Wu Hao couldn't help but ask after hearing this.

Talk as you walk. The two of them did not get on the unmanned shuttle bus, but walked slowly inside the park. As for the entourage, when they saw the two talking, they followed them at a distance for fear of disturbing them.

"The leaders of our alma mater contacted me a few days ago." Zhang Jun bent down and picked up a sycamore leaf from the ground, and then said to Wu Hao.

"Huh?" Wu Hao heard some differences and asked involuntarily: "Why did they think of contacting you? Is there something wrong?"

"What do you mean you want to contact me? The leaders of your alma mater have always been paying attention to us." Zhang Jun said angrily.

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao laughed.

Indeed, they are currently the most influential alumni of their alma mater, and as a result, their alma mater has become famous and has become one of the best scientific research universities in the country.

I won’t talk about other changes, but the college entrance examination admission scores have been rising sharply in recent years. Compared with when Wu Hao and the others just graduated, the current admission score has increased by more than fifty points. It is comparable to many of the top universities in the country.

After scolding Wu Hao, Zhang Jun sighed and said, "If anything happens, please come to us for help."

"Alchemy?" Wu Hao was stunned for a moment and then said: "We have donated hundreds of millions in total over the years. Why is it not enough? Their appetite is big enough."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Jun shook his head and said: "A few billion is just a drop in the bucket for the development of a university, but they are not here for money this time."

"Not for money?" Wu Hao asked doubtfully, "What's that for?"

Zhang Jun explained with a wry smile: "That's right, my alma mater plans to establish an aerospace college to train technical talents in aerospace. I hope we can provide relevant help."

Academy of Aeronautics and Astronautics, they really dare to think about it. Isn't this taking away the jobs of Aeronautics and Astronautics University? Whose idea was it? Wu Hao couldn't help but laugh angrily. An electronic science and technology university actually wants to build an aerospace college. Isn't this a little too dishonest?

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