Military Technology

Chapter 3015 Intelligent Robot Mouse


“In addition to aviation drones, in accordance with Mr. Wu’s instructions and deployment, our institute is also actively expanding our research scope.

At present, we have expanded from the field of aviation drones to other fields of unmanned equipment. For example, ground unmanned combat assault vehicles, water unmanned combat assault boats, underwater unmanned combat submarines and other fields.

In addition to military weapons and equipment, we are also actively expanding the development of civilian unmanned technology. For example, our intelligent driving technology is derived from our drone technology. The L4 autonomous driving technology we have developed has been recognized and welcomed by the entire industry and the entire market, and has achieved very fruitful results.

The intelligent unmanned logistics system developed based on our intelligent drones has also performed well. It has been promoted and used in more than a dozen cities, creating an output value of hundreds of billions, and has achieved very good results. "

"Today, the first product we introduce to you and Mr. Zhang is also our latest scientific research result, the intelligent robot mouse."

Following Zhou Yonghui's guidance, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun focused their attention on a very small gray mouse placed on the platform. The entire mouse is only about seven or eight centimeters excluding the tail, and with the long tail it is only about sixteen or seventeen centimeters.

The overall coat color is gray, there is not much hair on the long tail, and the overall shape is very lifelike. If Zhou Yonghui hadn't said it was an intelligent robot mouse, both Wu Hao and Zhang Jun would have doubted whether the other party had put a real mouse on it to fool them.

Looking at the questioning expressions of the two, Zhou Yonghui smiled and picked up a transparent tablet. Then, while controlling the transparent tablet, he introduced to the two of them: "This is based on the technology of our intelligent robot dog. A small intelligent unmanned robot developed. Because it is relatively small and similar in size to a mouse, we named it Robot Mouse. The layer of fur on its body is to camouflage what it is covered with. , it is less likely to be discovered when performing tasks.

Everyone please take a look! "

Under the control of Zhou Yonghui, this intelligent robot mouse began to run on the platform. Its body was very flexible, and its running appearance was very similar to that of a real mouse. People who did not know better could not tell the real thing from the fake one.

After a demonstration, Zhou Yonghui controlled the intelligent robot mouse to the front of the platform. Then he picked it up with one hand and introduced it to Wu Hao and Zhang Jun: "Like the intelligent robot dog, we have equipped this intelligent robot mouse with a very powerful environmental perception system. For example, its eyes are equipped with high-definition compound eye lenses, which can observe High-definition color, white light, infrared thermal imaging, low-light environment images.

Its ears are a set of very sensitive sound collection arrays that can hear very subtle sounds. Similarly, we also installed a miniature gas analyzer on its nose, which can analyze very weak gas components in the air.

The limbs of this intelligent robot mouse are very flexible and powerful. It can run quickly on complex terrains like walking on flat ground, reaching a speed of more than 60 kilometers per hour.

And its tail is very slender, which is actually an antenna, so it can transmit over a long distance, maintain very close real-time communication with the rear, and transmit information captured by the intelligent robot rat body.

Because of its small size, flexible movement, and easy concealment, it can go deep into very complex environments to perform some special reconnaissance missions.

Similarly, they can also be used as platforms to carry various equipment to perform some special tasks. For example, modify it so that it can sneak into some enemy data centers and steal enemy data information.

For another example, we can equip it with ammunition so that it can approach the target quietly and concealed, and then detonate the ammunition to destroy the target. "

At this point, Zhou Yonghui turned the intelligent robot mouse over, then raised its front paws and introduced it to Wu Hao and Zhang Jun: "Look, you two, its front paws are very sharp, so it can be used for digging and drilling." Some very hard rock including concrete floors.

Thanks to this, it can move underground, use some narrow gaps to travel together, or use some mouse holes to travel together, and can be embedded into the target building silently.

When necessary, it can also burrow its way underground like a mouse.

We know that the soil and these buildings will seriously hinder the transmission of signals, making it difficult for our rear personnel to control. Therefore, we designed a special intelligent system for this intelligent robot mouse. It can act autonomously after receiving orders, which means that it can complete tasks independently after giving orders.

At the same time, we designed a special communication antenna for the mouse's tail so that it can still maintain a very good communication connection even if it is underground.

Even, when necessary, this intelligent robot mouse can spit out thin threads of material similar to spider silk from its tail like a spider. It is actually an antenna with a length of more than two hundred meters. Through this thin thread, We can control the intelligent robot mouse that goes deep underground to perform some special tasks.

Of course, we can also extend the length of this filament according to the needs of the task, and the length can be up to several thousand meters. Therefore, it can be used as an ideal underground detector to detect some underground environments and conditions.

It is also due to such excellent capabilities that it can be applied not only in the military field, but also in the civilian field. Such as earthquake rescue, mining rescue, cave exploration and rescue, drilling detection and other fields.

We can take advantage of its small size and let it go deep into some gaps to search for survivors. You can also let it go deep into the mine along some pipes or holes to find the miners trapped underground. It can also be placed in some caves to search and rescue explorers trapped in the caves, etc.

In addition, it can also be used for the exploration and repair of some pipelines. Compared with endoscopes, it can detect farther, is flexible and easy to use. It can even be equipped with some accessories that can be used to perform some maintenance tasks.

For another example, it can also be used for some geological drilling rescue missions. In some geological drilling, the drill bit may fall off.

Generally, when encountering such a situation, drillers will try to rescue and see if they can find the drill bit and lift it up. However, because the drilled hole is very small, it is difficult for equipment to enter, and the depth is often hundreds or thousands of meters, making it difficult to carry out rescue.

So I had no choice but to give up the rescue. Because the drill bit is inside the drilled hole, the drilled hole cannot be used, and we have to find another place to drill it again.

If we have such an intelligent robot mouse, we can completely use it to carry out some rescue work, find the drill bit hundreds of meters or thousands of meters underground, and then tie it to a special device and lift it out.

In this way, both the drill bit and the drilled hole are saved, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone. "

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