Military Technology

Chapter 3059 The behemoth unveiled for the first time

Chapter 3059: The behemoth unveiled for the first time


"What is this thicker and taller rocket here? Is it a new rocket?" Zhang Jun couldn't help but ask while looking at the two rocket models next to him that he had never seen before.

Yes, Zhou Xiangming responded while leading everyone to the rocket model, and then introduced to the two of them: "This is a 100-ton heavy-duty launch vehicle we are planning to develop, codenamed Jianmu 12. And Next to it is its advanced version, which is a strap-on structure launch vehicle similar to Jianmu-5 and Jianmu-7, codenamed Jianmu 22.

Jianmu 12 is a two-stage heavy-duty reusable launch vehicle. Its low-Earth orbit carrying capacity can reach 80 tons. This carrying capacity has basically reached the first echelon in the world and belongs to the leader.

The carrying capacity of its earth-moon transfer orbit can reach forty to fifty tons. This carrying capacity is also very impressive. It can send a lunar landing spacecraft to the moon at one time.

In addition, its Earth-Mars transfer orbit carrying capacity can also reach twenty to thirty tons. This carrying capacity is also very impressive and can be used to launch some large detectors.

A series of its powerful capabilities also make its take-off weight reach more than 3,000 tons, which can be said to be a veritable big rocket. "

"Like our Jianmu-2 and Jianmu-7 launch vehicles, it also has the function of recycling and reusing the core first-stage rocket and fairing. This will greatly reduce its launch cost and is expected to reduce the launch cost per kilogram. Down to about a thousand yuan level; thus becoming the cheapest launch vehicle in the world, which lays the foundation for the rise and development of large-scale civil aerospace projects in the future."

After the introduction, Zhou Xiangming glanced at Wu Hao and Zhang Jun, then moved to the more spectacular Jianmu 22 launch vehicle model next to him, and then continued the introduction to the two.

Moreover, such a large rocket may not necessarily meet market demand. "

What's more, developing such a giant rocket requires funds. We are a listed company and it is impossible to invest all the money in such a project. This does not meet market requirements.

In addition, its ground-fire transfer orbit carrying capacity has also increased linearly, from twenty to thirty tons to fifty to sixty tons. This means that we have the ability to launch manned spacecraft to Mars. "

Glancing at Zhou Xiangming who looked unwilling, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head and said: "Life is still very long, so take your time. Just because you don't need it now doesn't mean you won't need it in the future.

With the support of the booster, the carrying capacity of its Earth-to-Moon transfer orbit can also be increased from forty to fifty tons to about eighty tons. This is a very scary number, which means that we can transport larger spacecraft and more supplies to the moon; it lays the foundation for us to develop lunar resources and realize lunar immigration.

After hearing what Yu Chengwu said, Wu Hao nodded slightly: "Of course we don't object to your innovative research, this is our foundation, but everything must be done within our capabilities.

At present, our country already has heavy rockets, so it would be superfluous and wasteful for us to do this again. To put it bluntly, under our current circumstances, there are not so many tasks that require such rockets for service and support, and there is a lack of quantity.

Zhang Jun couldn't help but shook his head after hearing this: "It's too big. Is it necessary for civilian use?"

“This one here is our Jianmu 22 heavy-duty strap-on recyclable launch vehicle. Like our Jianmu 5 and Jianmu 9 rockets, it is developed on the basis of Jianmu 12.

As our pace towards deep space accelerates and our scientific research station project on the moon is completed, we will definitely need rockets with greater capacity to support our larger projects in the future.

Using two core first-stage rockets as boosters, its low-Earth orbit carrying capacity can reach 130 tons. When using four core first-stage boosters, its low-Earth orbit carrying capacity can reach an astonishing 160 tons.

Of course, under normal circumstances, two-core first-stage rockets are most suitable as boosters. Four-core first-stage rockets are only used as boosters for extreme transport capacity. The cost is too high and not economical enough.

After listening to Yu Chengwu's introduction, Zhang Jun couldn't help but open his mouth, and then sighed: "This is too big."

Times are developing and technology is also advancing. We cannot rest on our laurels, we still have to focus on the future. Therefore, I support the preliminary research of this project, but it is not appropriate to invest too much resources and funds at this stage.

Not to mention companies like ours, not all countries can afford such giant rockets. Therefore, such a launch vehicle is an important weapon of any country.

So, I think this project is not that useless. It can be pre-researched and accumulated technology. Once we say we are going to do it, we will do it quickly.

Such rocket data is certainly beautiful, and I am very excited to hear it. But it requires money, a lot of money to make it happen, which none of you, including us, can afford.

Hearing what Zhang Jun said, Zhou Xiangming couldn't help but said anxiously: "Of course it is necessary. Once it is successfully developed, it will become the launch vehicle with the strongest carrying capacity in the world. In the future, the launch missions of some large equipment will fall." When it comes to us, this is a separate business.”

"Not necessarily." Zhang Jun showed a suspicious smile.

"Haha, it's very big. Its overall height can reach 120 meters, which is very huge." Zhou Xiangming said with a smile.

The Jianmu 22 launch vehicle adopts a bundled structure. It can bundle two core first-stage rockets as boosters as needed, or use four core first-stage rockets as boosters.

We focus on scientific research, but we are also a commercial company and we must also focus on efficiency. Although ideals are beautiful, when divorced from reality, only beauty remains. "

Zhou Xiangming wanted to explain when he saw this, but Yu Chengwu who was standing next to him said, "This is just a pre-research plan of ours. Whether it is feasible or not needs to be demonstrated.

The transportation capacity has increased by dozens of tons, and the requirements for launch vehicle technology have increased by thousands or even tens of thousands of times. Therefore, we may not be able to develop it with our technical strength.

Our most important task now is the project construction of the lunar scientific research station. Not only the lunar scientific research station, but also the development of supporting projects such as our Lunar Express Earth-lunar transfer spacecraft, lunar landing and ascender.

Each of these requires human, material and financial resources to support. Under such circumstances, it is really difficult to carry out the development of other super projects.

We cannot bite off more than we can chew, so we must focus on getting the job at hand done first. "

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