Military Technology

Chapter 361 AR Augmented Reality Technology

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In fact, it is reasonable to say that AR technology is more difficult than VR technology, but we often encounter it in our lives.

The so-called AR (reality, augmented reality), it is a new technology that "seamlessly" integrates real world information and virtual world information.

It is to take physical information that is difficult to experience in the real world within a certain time and space range, such as visual information, sound, taste, touch, etc., through related technologies, simulate and then superimpose, and apply virtual information to the real world. Perceived by human senses, so as to achieve a sensory experience beyond reality.

To put it simply, it is to superimpose the real environment and virtual objects on the same picture or space in real time.

This may be a bit abstract, so let's give a few simple examples. For example, the accessories in the beauty camera that many people like to use, recognize the face of a person through the camera, and then apply cartoon blush on your face correspondingly, or bring you a scarf, hat, glasses and other things, Real-time display in the camera screen, this is a simple AR technology.

Another example is what can often be seen now, pointing the camera at a building, or a specific pattern, and then flashing a deduction video on the screen, which is also a kind of AR technology.

Or, many aircraft and fighter jets will have a green or purple screen in front of the cockpit. This screen is called HUD (head-up display).

To put it simply, the CRT (picture tube) is formed into a virtual image at infinity through the lens, and the combined glass (semi-transparent and semi-reflective glass) deflects this virtual image and superimposes the real scene ahead, so that the pilot can see the scene ahead without delay See the flight and tactical character information displayed on the CRT below.

Therefore, this technology can also be regarded as a kind of AR technology, including the helmet display (helmet-assisted aiming system) in the helmet worn by fighter pilots, which is actually a kind of AR technology.

In terms of real consumer-grade civilian AR glasses, the development of the entire market is still relatively slow. In addition to the G song glasses launched by the earliest G song, several companies have also launched several so-called AR glasses, but the gimmick is far greater than the actual meaning.

Although many companies claim to have developed new VR glasses products, there is still no product that can be put into the market and used by the public in a true sense.

Many of them are playing with concepts, or using this gimmick to play capital numbers games. So like VR, there was a very serious industry bubble. It seems that if you touch the word AR, you can fly, and many things are labeled with this label.

Later, as the market and capital gradually calmed down, the industry also slowly quieted down. Until recently, with the development of technology, it slowly began to have a new improvement.

Although the technology in this field has made great progress in recent years, it is still difficult to solve several problems in AR technology and put it on the market for large-scale commercial use.

First of all, the first problem is display technology, which is the most important thing in the whole AR technology, and it can be said that it is the basis of the whole technology.

In order to realize wearable AR glasses in the true sense, it is necessary to solve this display technology problem. Unlike VR, which is immersive and isolated from outside information, AR has a very close connection with the outside world.

To put it simply, its screen must be transparent so that people can see the outside world clearly and at the same time see the virtual screen information displayed on the screen.

To achieve this effect, there are three methods in total, but only two are commonly used at present.

First of all, the first one is similar to the way of mobile phone camera. The screen is still the ordinary screen we use, but it is connected to the camera, and the camera takes pictures of the outside world in real time, so that people can indirectly see the outside world.

Then add some virtual screen information on the screen,

This also achieves the effect of superimposing the real environment and the virtual picture.

The second way is also the way everyone imagines in an ideal state. That is to use transparent display screen technology, so that people can not only directly see the real environment outside, but also see the virtual picture in the transparent display screen. Thereby superimposed together, realize virtual reality effect.

To put it simply, some virtual pictures can be displayed in a piece of transparent glass, and the two pictures are fused through tracking system and mobile computing technology, so as to achieve the effect of augmented reality.

As for the third one, it is only in a state of theoretical conjecture at present. To put it simply, through brain-computer technology, the virtual image is directly applied to the human optic nerve or eyes through electrical signals, so that what you see will naturally have an augmented reality effect.

However, this technology is only at the theoretical stage, and it is difficult to realize it at present. And there is a very real and troublesome problem with this technology.

Once this technology is realized, people may not be able to tell what is real and what is illusory, which will cause a series of serious problems.

Although there is still a long way to go to realize this technology, some experts and some people have proposed to ban the development of this technology. So about this technology, there are far more people arguing than developing it.

The third technology is not mentioned here, just the first two. These two methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, but no matter which one is currently implemented, it is very difficult.

The first method seems simple, but actually relies on super high image processing performance. Moreover, the images captured by the lens are always different from what our human eyes see, so the wearer may feel discomfort or even dizziness.

In addition, there is a delay between the output image and the real environment. Although this delay can be minimized, it still cannot solve the problem that the real environment and the display image cannot be optimally matched, especially in a high-speed mobile environment.

The biggest problem with the second method is that in terms of transparent display screen technology, it is first required that the screen must be transparent enough, that is to say, it cannot affect people's normal vision.

Secondly, in terms of virtual screen display, not only the picture quality of the screen is required to be clear and delicate, but also the resolution is high. Because it is a transparent display, it should display normally in high-brightness and low-brightness environments.

The so-called high-brightness environment means that in a strong light environment, the wearer can still see the display on the transparent screen clearly. This sounds easy, but it is actually very difficult. You must know that some current screens often cannot see the picture clearly in a bright environment.

The so-called low brightness means that the display content of the transparent screen can be seen even in the absence of light. Because it is transparent, there is no way to fill in the light. It all depends on the self-illumination of the pixels in the transparent screen, which is a bit like an LCD display without a backlight.

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