Military Technology

Chapter 730 Towards a New World

Because this was the complete success of their first commercial launch vehicle launch, the celebration banquet was held very intensely. The scientific researchers involved in the rocket project, the customer representatives of the satellite, and leaders from all aspects gathered together to celebrate the complete success of the launch mission. Although Wu Hao doesn't like banquet occasions, he attaches great importance to the celebration banquet, which is also the company's tradition. When that project succeeds, there will be a celebration banquet, and it will be very intense. The reason for this is also a concept of success that he instilled in his employees.

As long as you succeed, you will be honored and rewarded.

Next, let us welcome Wu Hao, chairman and CEO of Haoyu Technology Co., Ltd., to speak on stage with warm applause.

clap clap clap...

Amid the applause, Wu Hao walked up with a smile, then took the microphone and smiled at everyone.

When I came up just now, the secretary slipped me a speech. But I didn't answer it, because I actually don't like that kind of too formal speech.

This is not a formal occasion, what are you doing with those high-sounding words, it affects the atmosphere too much.


Everyone in the audience laughed after hearing this. In the region, everyone is not very interested in that kind of formal speech, especially the young people, who are very tired of it. I'm afraid Wu Hao said a few words on stage, and some people in the audience yawned boredly, or lowered their heads to play with their phones.

So, let's keep it simple, I'll just say a few words, so as not to waste everyone's time.

First of all, I am very happy that our Jianmu-1 commercial launch vehicle was successfully launched, and all three satellites were able to be sent into the predetermined orbit.

This success is indeed not easy. It is the hard work of our countless scientific researchers day and night that has enabled our launch vehicle technology to make rapid progress and achieve such impressive results in such a short period of time.

Once again, on behalf of the company's board of directors, I would like to extend my congratulations and sincere greetings to all the members involved in the development of the launch vehicle, as well as the launch and support tasks.

Congratulations to everyone, congratulations to everyone for their success and brave first step on the road to space exploration.

Greetings to everyone, and greetings to all the workers who worked hard in the rocket development and launch process, especially the behind-the-scenes workers. It is your hard work and hard work that have brought about this success. Without you, there would be no rocket, let alone this success.

Thank you, thank you all!

finished speaking,

Wu Hao bowed seriously to everyone in the audience!

clap clap clap...

After the applause fell, Wu Hao changed his tone and continued: "Actually, we have had too many imaginations about the universe and space, and we also have endless imaginations.

So, I have always had a dream, that is to explore space, to explore this world that is still very strange to us.

Although human spaceflight has been developed for more than half a century, our understanding of the deep space overhead is only scratching the surface.

This deep space is too big, the big one is scary, and the big one is daunting.

But it didn't stop our human determination to explore the unknown, let alone our progress.

Therefore, after the company has established a certain foundation, I immediately started the aerospace project, and I was very lucky to recruit a group of high-quality technical talents like you. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao looked around the crowd, and then continued: "As our country's opening up of the aerospace field continues to increase, commercial aerospace has become a hot high-tech field, attracting a large number of talents. and capital inflows.

However, compared with foreign countries, our domestic commercial aerospace, especially private commercial aerospace projects, started relatively late.

Although the development is relatively rapid, compared with the advanced level of foreign countries, we are still far behind.

So there is a gap. We cannot avoid this problem, but must face it squarely. Only in this way can we move forward step by step and eventually catch up with it and surpass it.

I firmly believe that we can do what foreign countries can do, and we can do better than them! "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao's tone slowed down: "Although we have attracted a large number of talents and capital inflows in a short period of time, there are mixed fish and dragons.

In terms of talents, there are very few high-quality talents, and most of them are non-professional talents who don't understand anything and look for promising prospects or high jobs.

In terms of capital, very few people are really willing to invest for a long time, and most of them come in out of profit and want to make a quick buck.

Therefore, although many aerospace technology companies have sprung up all of a sudden, only a handful of them can survive a year, and even fewer can make a difference in the aerospace field.

So when I entered the aerospace field, many people questioned it, including our two chief commanders. They all think that I, like them, also come here to make money. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone looked at Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming who were sitting at the first table. As for the two of them, they also showed awkward smiles when they saw this. This is an old story, I didn't expect it to be brought up by Wu Hao today.

"I told them, I'm serious, I want to make a difference in this field, I want to explore the space above our heads.

To this end, I made a very detailed development plan, and despite the dissuasion of others, I invested a lot of money and resources.

At that time, many people thought I was crazy and invested money directly into this bottomless pit with no hope in sight.

However, I firmly believe that I am doing the right thing. Because the process of history has reached this juncture, when human beings realize that the resources on the earth are no longer sufficient, they will inevitably turn their attention to unknown areas, and our only choice at present is space.

This is like the age of great navigation, we set our sights on the endless ocean.

History proves that whoever controls the ocean controls the world, and all the developed countries in the world started their careers by controlling the sea power in history.

This is true for Helan, Spanish sprouts, grape sprouts, Yingguo, and the United States.

In the past, we regret to miss it. So now, we have to catch up.

Just like the previous sentence, whoever controls the space now controls the whole world. In the vast space, there are endless resources.

Compared with this vast sea of ​​stars, our earth and our world are really too small, what is so small is just a drop in the bucket, a drop in the ocean.

So, let us work together to explore this unknown world together. A few years later, our descendants will praise our bravery at this time and sing our legendary stories in history class. "


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